ActionAlert from Montana Trout Unlimited
Thank Montana FWP for getting serious about illegal introductions!
Comments needed by March 21
WHAT:Montana Fish, Wildlife and Parks recently released a draft rule on how they plan to deal with new illegal fish introductions in Montana. The State has documented over 500 illegal introductions in over 300 water bodies in Montana. The problem isn’t going away; it is just getting worse. More than 25% of illegal introductions occurred over the last 10 years. It’s time for Montana FWP to adopt a strong and protective rule.
FWP’S Rule: The proposed rule does a lot to protect fisheries in Montana. FWP deserves a lot of credit and our thanks for the language currently in the draft rule. Under current policies, the department is not required to act nor does it have to act in a coordinated way. This draft rule will create a consistent approach for dealing with illegal introductions in all of Montana’s waters. The proposal also forces action and makes tackling the issue a Department priority. A primary – and key—goal of the draft rule is to suppress or eradicate populations of illegally introduced species. Addressing aquatic invaders early, when numbers are low, gives us our best chance at eradication.
REMAINING ISSUES: Montana FWP has done a commendable job, but there are someimportant pieces that still need to be included:
- There should be no ambiguity. Whenever aspecies is found to be illegally introduced in a body of water in the state, Montana FWP will take action;
- Though monitoring is acritical component of an initial response to an illegal introduction, it should not be considered a “management” action;
- Don’t limit options; allow for new approaches and creative solutions in suppressing illegally introduced species; and
- All catalogs and databases involving illegal introductions should be easily accessible by the public.
WHAT YOU CAN DO: Contact FWP and tell them:
- Thank you for getting serious on bucket biology and illegal introductions.
- Creating a consistent approach to dealing with illegally introduced species will do a lot to save FWP time, money, labor and hatchery resources.
- The plan needs clarification that all unauthorized species occurring in Montana waters will be addressed.
- Monitoring is important for an initial investigation and to guide an ongoing response, but it should NOTbe considered a management action.
- To help the plan succeed, all information specific to illegally introduced species shouldbe made easily accessible to the public.
Send written comments by 5 p.m. this FridayThursday, March 21to:
Draft Illegal Introduction Rule Comments
P.O. Box 200701
Helena, MT 59620
Or send them by email to:
Or send them on-line at this site:
For more information contact Mark Aagenes, Montana Trout Unlimited, at or 406-543-0054.