January 2016doc.: IEEE 802.11-16/0186r0
IEEE P802.11
Wireless LANs
Date: 2016-01-24
Name / Affiliation / Address / Phone / email
Hitoshi Morioka / SRC Software / Fukuoka, JAPAN /
TGai January 2016Atlanta Meeting Minutes
Chair:Hiroshi Mano (Koden Techno Info)
Vice Chair:Marc Emmelmann (self)
Secretary:Hitoshi Morioka (SRC Software)
Editor:Lee Armstrong (US DoT)
Editor:Ping Fang (Huawei)
Monday AM2 Session:
- Chair called the meeting to order at 10:36.
- Agenda 11-15/1536r1.
- No changes.
- Chair reminder on meeting and patent policy.
- No claims.
- Minutes Approval
- Motion to approve Dallas session minutes
- Motion:
Approve TGai Meeting Minutes for the IEEE 802.11 Dallas meeting:
- 15-1482/r1
- - Moved: Hitoshi Morioka
- Seconded: George Calcev
- Unanimously approved.
- Motion to approve teleconference minutes
- Motion:
Approve TGai teleconference meeting minutes of Dallas to Atlanta meeting.
- 15-1483/r5
- - Moved: Hitoshi Morioka
- Seconded: Peter Yee
- Unanimously approved.
- Editor ReportLee Armstrong
- D6.3 is on members’ area.
- This includes add modifications from the teleconferences.
- Word version of D6.3 will be on the members’ area.
- Use only specific clause in the resolution document.
- Comment Resolutions
- Motion #311
- Move to
approve the comment resolutions as contained in the “201601Atlanta01fromlasttelco” tab of 11-15-1196-22. - Moved: Jouni Malinen
- Seconded: Xiaofei Wang
- Result: 10/0/0
- Motion passes.
- Resolutions for Assigned CIDs11-16/0012r3Hitoshi Morioka
- Proposed Resolution for Authentication Frame Format11-16/0021Hitoshi Morioka
- Baseline must be TGai D6.3.
- Rewrite and upload later.
- Straw poll
- Do you prefer TGai to resolve the Authentication frame issues as presented in 11-16-0021r2 including parts proposed to be resolved by REVmc ?
- Result (Y/N/A): 9/0/3
- Proposed Resolutions for Clause 9.27.1111-16/0013r0Hitoshi Morioka
- The group agreed without modification.
- CID10467
- Reject.
- Discuss with Santosh’s submission.
- Pending.
- CID10662
- Revised.
- Ready for motion.
- CID10138
- Revised.
- Ready for motion.
- CID10502
- Accept.
- Ready for motion.
- CID10660
- Revised.
- Ready for motion.
- CID10661
- Accept.
- Ready for motion.
- CID10141
- Revised.
- Ready for motion.
- CID10139
- Revised.
- Ready for motion.
- CID10140
- Revised.
- Ready for motion.
- CID10270
- Reject.
- Ready for motion.
- CID10280
- Revised.
- Ready for motion.
- CID10542
- Accept.
- Ready for motion.
- CID10281
- Accept.
- Ready for motion.
- CID10725
- Reject.
- Ready for motion.
- CID10044
- Reject.
- Ready for motion.
- CID10545
- Reject.
- Ready for motion.
- CID10669
- Reject.
- Ready for motion.
- CID10548
- Revised.
- Ready for motion.
- CID10549
- Reject.
- Ready for motion.
- CID10550
- Revised.
- Ready for motion.
- CID10673
- Reject.
- Ready for motion.
- CID10678
- Accept.
- Ready for motion.
- CID10677
- Accept.
- Ready for motion.
- CID10675
- Accept.
- Ready for motion.
- CID10676
- Revised.
- Ready for motion.
- Recessed at 12:32.
Monday PM1 Session:
- Chair called the meeting to order at 13:33.
- Comment Resolutions
- Comment Database on the screen
- CID10702
- Reject.
- Ready for motion.
- CID10202
- Reject.
- Ready for motion.
- CID10703
- Reject.
- Ready for motion.
- Resolutions for Clause 6 Comments11-16/0032r0Adhishek Patil (Qualcomm)
- The following CIDs have been discussed.
- 10366, 10367, 10368, 10369, 10370, 10371, 10376, 10384, 10387, 10388
- Live edit on the screen.
- Modified r1 will be uploaded.
- Ready for motion.
- CID10750
- Reject.
- Need some more wording.
- Assigned to Dan Harkins.
- Comment Resolutions by George Calcev (Huawei)
- CID10484
- Revised.
- No objections.
- Ready for motion.
- CID10472
- Reject.
- No objections.
- Ready for motion.
- CID10238
- Accept.
- No objections.
- Ready for motion.
- CID10121
- Accept.
- No objections.
- Ready for motion.
- CID10120
- Accept.
- No objections.
- Ready for motion.
- CID10114
- Accept.
- No objections.
- Ready for motion.
- CID10008
- Accept.
- No objections.
- Ready for motion.
- CID10007
- Accept.
- No objections.
- Ready for motion.
- CID10006
- Accept.
- Rejection is right.
- Pending.
- CID10004
- Same as CID10006.
- Pending.
- Comment DB on the screen
- CID10072
- Assigned to Hitoshi Morioka
- The group agreed to use “Content of FILS Authentication frame”.
- CID10071
- Assigned to Hitoshi Morioka
- CID10323
- Assigned to Hitoshi Morioka
- CID10330
- Assigned to Hitoshi Morioka
- CID10341
- Accept.
- Use “a DHCP message”
- Ready for motion.
- CID10348
- Accept.
- Use “a DHCP message”
- Ready for motion.
- CID10349
- Accept.
- No objections.
- Ready for motion.
- CID10356
- Accept.
- Use “a DHCP message”
- Ready for motion.
- CID10228
- Revised.
- Move the subclause to became
- The style / level of 6.3.X has been left as TGai is following the baseline standard.
- Ready for motion.
- CID10317
- Revised.
- The confusing language has been deleted.
- Ready for motion.
- CID10073
- Accept.
- Ready for motion.
- CID10074
- Accept.
- No objections.
- Ready for motion.
- CID10075
- Accept.
- Ready for motion.
- CID10076
- Accept.
- Ready for motion.
- CID10077
- Accept.
- Ready for motion.
- CID10078
- Accept.
- Ready for motion.
- CID10079
- Accept.
- Ready for motion.
- CID10080
- Accept.
- Ready for motion.
- CID10087
- Pending submission will address.
- Assigned to Hitoshi Morioka.
- Motion #312
- Move to
- approve the comment resolutions as contained in
the “2016-01-18-AM2” tab of 11-15-1196-23. - Moved: Jouni Malinen
- Seconded: George Calcev
- Result: 9/0/0
- Motion passes.
- Recessed at 15:22.
Monday PM2 Session:
- Chair called the meeting to order at 16:06.
- Comment Resolutions
- CID10006
- Resolution is provided by George Calcev
- Reject.
- No objections.
- Ready for motion.
- CID10004
- Resolution is provided by George Calcev
- Reject.
- No objections.
- Ready for motion.
- CID10750
- Resolution is provided by Dan Harkins (Aruba Networks)
- Reject.
- No objections.
- Ready for motion.
- Comment DB on the screen.
- CID10664
- Revised.
- “and respectively” has been deleted.
- Ready for motion.
- CID10420
- Revised.
- Ready for motion.
- CID10261
- Revised.
- Add “(see 11.11)” at the end of the sentence.
- Ready for motion.
- CID10116
- Accept.
- No objections.
- Ready for motion.
- CID10118
- The group is in favor in accepting the proposed changes.
- Assigned to Hitoshi Morioka.
- CID10117
- Revised.
- PMKID List element has been deleted as part of other resolution.
- Assigned to Hitoshi Morioka.
- CID10136
- Accept.
- Ready for motion.
- CID10498
- Reject.
- Similar style is used in the baseline.
- Ready for motion.
- CID10499
- Revised.
- No objections.
- Ready for motion.
- CID10501
- Accept.
- No objections.
- Ready for motion.
- CID10516
- Revised.
- The paragraph has been deleted.
- Ready for motion.
- CID10168
- Assigned to Rob Sun.
- CID10521
- Accept.
- No objection.
- Ready for motion.
- CID10169
- Accept.
- No objections.
- Ready for motion.
- CID10001
- Accept.
- No objections.
- Ready for motion.
- Motion #313
- Move to
- approve the comment resolutions as contained in
the “2016-01-18-PM1” tab of 11-15-1196-24. - Moved: George Calcev
- Seconded: Peter Yee
- Result: 7/0/0
- Motion passes.
- Recessed at 17:05.
Tuesday AM2Session:
- Chair called the meeting to order at 10:31.
- Agenda 11-15/1536r1
- Qualcomm requested presentation
- Editors’ meeting reportLee Armstrong
- REVmc D5.0 is available.
- Our recirculation can be based on D4.0 or D5.0 in our choice.
- Comment Resolutions
- Motion #314
- Move to
- approve the comment resolutions as contained in
the “2016-01-18-PM2” tab of 11-15-1196-25. - Moved: George Calcev
- Seconded: Stephen McCann
- Result: 11/0/2
- Motion passes.
- Motion #315
- Move to
- Adapt the the following resolution for CID 10168:
Reject --- The highlighted texts are to specify the State 5 filtering rules which only allows class1 and class 2 frames until reaching State 4. - Moved: Rob Sun
- Seconded: Stephen McCann
- Result: 5/0/6
- Motion passes.
- Note: resolution taken from 11-15-1391r4. Resolution was discussed in a previous telco but not included in the corresponding motion tab. References to CIDs have been deleted per SB-rules.
- TGai comments assigned to me11-16/0120r0Jouni Malinen (Qualcomm)
- CID10758
- Reject.
- Revisit in next recirc.
- Ready for motion.
- CID10104
- Revised.
- CID10108
- Revised.
- CID10217
- Revised.
- Remove the descriptions about Roaming Consortium.
- The revised version r1 will be uploaded.
- Comment DB on the screen
- CID10009
- Reject.
- Ready for motion.
- CID10170
- Accept.
- Ready for motion.
- CID10057
- Accept.
- Ready for motion.
- CID10277
- Revised.
- Ready for motion.
- CID10174
- Accept.
- Ready for motion.
- CID10043
- Straw poll
- a) Revised. Apply 11-15/1425r0.
- b) Reject.
- Result (a/b): 3/5
- Motion #316
- Move to set the resolution for CID 10043 to
Reject -- the TG discussed the pros and cons of DILS and decided to make no changes. - Moved: George Calcev
- Seconded: Stephen McCann
- Result: 6/2/5
- Motion passes.
- CID10175
- Accept.
- Ready for motion.
- CID10178
- Accept.
- Ready for motion.
- Recessed at 12:28.
Tuesday PM2 Session:
- Chair called the meeting to order at 16:05.
- Comment Resolutions
- Motion #317
- Move to
- approve the comment resolutions as contained in
the “2016-01-19-AM2” tab of 11-15-1196-26. - Moved: George Calcev
- Seconded: Xiaofei Wang
- Result: 5/0/0
- Motion passes.
- Comment DB on the screen
- CID10700
- Revised.
- Ready for motion.
- CID10048
- Revised.
- Refer 11-15/0657r0.
- Ready for motion.
- CID10754
- Reject.
- Ready for motion.
- CID10588
- Revised.
- Replace “PEXK” with “PKEX”.
- Ready for motion.
- CID10585
- Reject.
- Ready for motion.
- CID10595
- Revised.
- Replace “all state” with “all state information”.
- Ready for motion.
- CID10755
- Reject.
- The comment does not provide a proposed change that is sufficient.
- Assigned to Paul Lambert.
- CID10183
- Assigned to Hitoshi Morioka
- CID10185
- Accept.
- Ready for motion.
- CID10184
- Revised.
- Ready for motion.
- CID10726
- Reject.
- Ready for motion.
- CID10216
- Jouni and Dan are asked to propose text.
- Assigned to Jouni Malinen.
- CID10186
- Accept.
- Ready for motion.
- CID10187
- Accept.
- Ready for motion.
- CID10188
- Revised.
- Ready for motion.
- CID10189
- Assigned to Hitoshi Morioka
- CID10190
- Revised.
- Ready for motion.
- CID10192
- Accept.
- Ready for motion.
- CID10193
- Assigned to Hitoshi Morioka
- Recessed at 17:55.
Tuesday EVE Session:
- Chair called the meeting to order at 19:30.
- Agenda
- Add the following presentations.
- 11-16/0120r1Jouni Malinen
- 11-16/0012r5, 11-16/0021r4Hitoshi Morioka
- 11-16/0146r5Adhishek Patil
- Comment Resolutions
- Motion #318
- Move to
- approve the comment resolutions as contained in
the “2016-01-19-PM2” tab of 11-15-1196-27. - Moved: Jouni Malinen
- Seconded: Peter Yee
- Result: 6/0/0
- Motion passes.
- TGai comments assigned to me11-16/0120r1Jouni Malinen
- CID10108
- Revised.
- Ready for motion.
- Resolutions for Assigned CIDs11-16/0012r5Hitoshi Morioka
- CID10087/10183
- Zero realms should be allowed. Because the AP that supports FILS shared key authentication just forward ERP messages to AS.
- Flag for FILS shared key authentication without PFS is required, e.g. supporting FILS public key authentication and FILS shared key authentication with PFS.
- resolutions-for-pending-qc-comments11-16/0146r5Adhishek Patil
- CID10002
- Apply 11-16/0139r2.
- Agreed.
- Ready for motion.
- CID10024
- Accept.
- Ready for motion.
- CID10058
- Accept.
- Ready for motion.
- CID10122
- Accept.
- Ready for motion.
- CID10569
- Apply 11-16/140r1.
- Ready for motion.
- CID10635
- Revised.
- Ready for motion.
- CID10636
- Reject.
- Ready for motion.
- CID10637
- Reject.
- Ready for motion.
- CID10747
- 11-16/145r1
- Ready for motion.
- Resolutions for Assigned CIDs11-16/0012r6Hitoshi Morioka
- Proposed Resolution for Authentication Frame Format11-16/0021r5Hitoshi Morioka
- Add “FILS Public Key Authentication Supported” bit to the FILS Information field in the FILS Indication element.
- Discussed CIDs:
- 10032, 10031, 10409, 10410, 10411, 10412, 10081, 10016, 10083, 10415, 10017, 10416, 10085, 10418, 10419, 10467, 10072, 10071, 10323, 10330, 10087, 10118, 10117, 10183, 10189, 10193
- Live edit on the screen.
- Revised version 11-16/0012r7 and 11-16/21r6 will be uploaded.
- Ready for motion.
- Recessed at 21:36.
Wednesday AM1 Session:
- Chair called the meeting to order at 8:06.
- Agenda 11-15/1536r1
- Comment Resolutions
- Motion #319
- Move to
- approve the comment resolutions as contained in
the “2016-01-19-EVE” tab of 11-15-1196-28. - Moved: Jouni Malinen
- Seconded: Lee Armstrong
- Result: 6/0/1
- Motion passes.
- Comment DB on the screen.
- CID10049
- It is editorial.
- Assigned to Lee Armstrong.
- CID10194
- Accept.
- Ready for motion.
- CID10606
- Revised.
- P147L54, P148L48: Replace “shall proceed” with “proceeds”.
- Ready for motion.
- CID10672
- Submission required.
- CID10195
- Revised.
- Ready for motion.
- CID10671
- Accept.
- Ready for motion.
- CID10198
- Accept.
- Ready for motion.
- CID10197
- Accept.
- Ready for motion.
- CID10199
- Accept.
- Ready for motion.
- CID10714
- The group likely to accept.
- Need reaffirmation by Dan.
- CID10715
- Likely to be wrong reference line number.
- Should be P150L50.
- Need more discussion.
- CID10208
- Revised.
- Ready for motion.
- CID10209
- Accept.
- Ready for motion.
- CID10211
- Accept.
- Ready for motion.
- CID10212
- Reject.
- Ready for motion.
- CID10743
- Revised.
- Ready for motion.
- CID10285
- Reject.
- Ready for motion.
- CID10723
- Assigned to Marc Emmelmann.
- CID10065
- Accept.
- Ready for motion.
- CID10064
- Accept.
- Ready for motion.
- CID10097
- Accept.
- Ready for motion.
- Done all unassigned comments.
- 25 assigned comments remaining.
- Assigned to Paul Lambert.
- No responses.
- CID10755
- Reject.
- Ready for motion.
- Assigned to Mark Rison
- No responses.
- CID10722
- Reject.
- Ready for motion.
- CID10657
- Reject
- Ready for motion.
- CID10710
- Reject.
- Ready for motion.
- Recessed at 9:53.
Wednesday PM2 Session:
- Chair called the meeting to order at 16:05.
- Agenda 11-15/1536r2
- Comment Resolutions
- Motion #320
- Move to
- approve the comment resolutions as contained in
the “2016-01-20-AM1” tab of 11-15-1196-29. - Moved: Lee Armstrong
- Seconded: Peter Yee
- Result: 4/0/2
- Motion passes.
- clause-11-with-cid-10049-changes-docx11-16/0164r0Lee Armstrong
- CID10049
- Revised.
- Ready for motion.
- resolutions-kneckt11-16/0152r0Jarkko Kneckt (Apple)
- CID10667
- Revised.
- Ready for motion.
- CID10647
- Revised.
- Ready for motion.
- CID10646
- Revised.
- Ready for motion.
- CID10645
- Revised.
- Ready for motion.
- CID10644
- Revised.
- Ready for motion.
- CID10638
- Revised.
- Ready for motion.
- CID10508
- Accept.
- Ready for motion.
- CID10506
- Accept.
- Ready for motion.
- CID10274
- Reject.
- Ready for motion.
- CID10273
- Reject.
- Ready for motion.
- CID10271
- Revised.
- Ready for motion.
- CID10161
- Revised.
- Ready for motion.
- TGai comments assigned to me11-16/0120r2Jouni Malinen
- CID10216
- Revised.
- Ready for motion.
- Comment DB on the screen.
- CID10723
- Revised.
- Ready for motion.
- CID10715
- Revised.
- Ready for motion.
- CID10714
- Revised.
- Ready for motion.
- 2 comments remaining.
- Motion #321
- Move to
Set the resolution for CID 10008 to “Revised: text in question has been removed” - Moved: Lee Armstrong
- Seconded: Jouni Malinen
- Result: 9/0/0
- Motion passes.
- Recessed at 17:22.
Thursday AM1 Session:
- Chair called the meeting to order at 8:06
- Comment Resolutions
- Resolution for CID 1053411-16/0165r0Xiaofei Wang (InterDigital)
- CID10534
- Revised.
- Live edit on the screen.
- Revised version r1 is uploaded.
- Motion #322
- Move to
Set the resolution for CID 10534 to “Revised: generally agree with the proposed resolution. Instructions for the editor: incorporate the changes as shown in 11-16/165r1 (see - Moved: Xiaofei Wang
- Seconded: Hitoshi Morioka
- Result: 6/0/1
- Motion passes.
- Motion #323
- Move to
approve the comment resolutions as contained in
the “2016-01-20-PM2” tab of 11-15-1196-30. - Moved: Jouni Malinen
- Seconded: Jarkko Kneckt
- Result: 7/0/3
- Motion passes.
- What does it mean to be “well-encoded”?11-16/0171r0Dan Harkins
- CID10672
- Revised.
- No objections.
- Ready for motion.
- Motion #324
- Move to
Set the resolution for CID 10672 to “Revised: The word "well-encoded" has been deleted. Additional text clarifying what "well-encoded" keys are and to assure that keys are well-encoded is added. Instruction to Editor: adopt text changes as shown in 11-16/171r0 (see - Moved: Jouni Malinen
- Seconded: Peter Yee
- Result: 9/0/2
- Motion passes.
- Comment Resolutions have been completed.
- Motion to Recirc SB
- Having approved comment resolutions for all of the comments received from initial Sponosor Ballot on P802.11ai D6.0 as contained in document 11-15/1196r31.
- Instruct the editor to prepare Draft D7.0 incorporating these resolutions and,
- Approve a 15 day Sponsor Recirculation Ballot asking the question “Should P802.11ai D7.0 be forwarded to RevCom?” - Moved: Lee Armstrong
- Seconded: Jouni Malinen
- Result: 8/0/2
- Motion passes.
- Plan for March
- To make D6.4.
- Expected to take 4 weeks.
- 1 week for internal review.
- Recirc will be closed during Macau meeting.
- Baseline will be changed to REVmc D5.0.
- The group will not meet in March in Macau.
- Plan for March & May
- March
- TGai CRC will not conduct any business during the March plenary.
- Goals for May
- Approve minutes of past meeting and teleconference
- Comment resolution of Recirc sponsor LB
- Approve Timeline
- Approve Teleconference schedule
- Approve Plan for July
- Teleconferences
- Motion:
- Approve the following schedule of weekly teleconferences between Feb 9 to May 31.
- Tuesdays 10:00 ET
- Duration 1.5 Hour
- Using WEB-EX that will be provided by Task Group Chair - Moved: Lee Armstrong
- Seconded: Jouni Malinen
- Unanimously approved.
- Timeline
- No changes.
- PAR Approved, Modified, or Extended 2010-12-08
- WG Letter Ballots Initial / RecircMar14/Sep14/Jan15/
Mar15/Jul15/Aug15 - MEC DoneNov14
- Form Sponsor Ballot Pool / Reform Mar15
- IEEE-SA Sponsor Ballots Initial / Recirc Sep 15/Mar 16/Jul 16/Sep 16
- Final 802.11 WG Approval Aug 15
- final or Conditional 802 EC Approval July 15
- RevCom & Standards Board Final or
Continuous Process Approval Sep 16 - ANSI ApprovedN/A
- Adjourned at 9:23
Minutespage 1Hitoshi Morioka, SRC Software