January 2016doc.: IEEE 802.11-16/0186r0

IEEE P802.11
Wireless LANs

January 2016 Atlanta Session Minutes
Date: 2016-01-24
Name / Affiliation / Address / Phone / email
Hitoshi Morioka / SRC Software / Fukuoka, JAPAN /

TGai January 2016Atlanta Meeting Minutes

Chair:Hiroshi Mano (Koden Techno Info)

Vice Chair:Marc Emmelmann (self)

Secretary:Hitoshi Morioka (SRC Software)

Editor:Lee Armstrong (US DoT)

Editor:Ping Fang (Huawei)

Monday AM2 Session:

  1. Chair called the meeting to order at 10:36.
  2. Agenda 11-15/1536r1.
  3. No changes.
  4. Chair reminder on meeting and patent policy.
  5. No claims.
  6. Minutes Approval
  7. Motion to approve Dallas session minutes
  8. Motion:
    Approve TGai Meeting Minutes for the IEEE 802.11 Dallas meeting:
    - 15-1482/r1
  9. Moved: Hitoshi Morioka
  10. Seconded: George Calcev
  11. Unanimously approved.
  12. Motion to approve teleconference minutes
  13. Motion:
    Approve TGai teleconference meeting minutes of Dallas to Atlanta meeting.
    - 15-1483/r5
  14. Moved: Hitoshi Morioka
  15. Seconded: Peter Yee
  16. Unanimously approved.
  17. Editor ReportLee Armstrong
  18. D6.3 is on members’ area.
  19. This includes add modifications from the teleconferences.
  20. Word version of D6.3 will be on the members’ area.
  21. Use only specific clause in the resolution document.
  22. Comment Resolutions
  23. Motion #311
  24. Move to
    approve the comment resolutions as contained in the “201601Atlanta01fromlasttelco” tab of 11-15-1196-22.
  25. Moved: Jouni Malinen
  26. Seconded: Xiaofei Wang
  27. Result: 10/0/0
  28. Motion passes.
  29. Resolutions for Assigned CIDs11-16/0012r3Hitoshi Morioka
  30. Proposed Resolution for Authentication Frame Format11-16/0021Hitoshi Morioka
  31. Baseline must be TGai D6.3.
  32. Rewrite and upload later.
  33. Straw poll
  34. Do you prefer TGai to resolve the Authentication frame issues as presented in 11-16-0021r2 including parts proposed to be resolved by REVmc ?
  35. Result (Y/N/A): 9/0/3
  36. Proposed Resolutions for Clause 9.27.1111-16/0013r0Hitoshi Morioka
  37. The group agreed without modification.
  38. CID10467
  39. Reject.
  40. Discuss with Santosh’s submission.
  41. Pending.
  42. CID10662
  43. Revised.
  44. Ready for motion.
  45. CID10138
  46. Revised.
  47. Ready for motion.
  48. CID10502
  49. Accept.
  50. Ready for motion.
  51. CID10660
  52. Revised.
  53. Ready for motion.
  54. CID10661
  55. Accept.
  56. Ready for motion.
  57. CID10141
  58. Revised.
  59. Ready for motion.
  60. CID10139
  61. Revised.
  62. Ready for motion.
  63. CID10140
  64. Revised.
  65. Ready for motion.
  66. CID10270
  67. Reject.
  68. Ready for motion.
  69. CID10280
  70. Revised.
  71. Ready for motion.
  72. CID10542
  73. Accept.
  74. Ready for motion.
  75. CID10281
  76. Accept.
  77. Ready for motion.
  78. CID10725
  79. Reject.
  80. Ready for motion.
  81. CID10044
  82. Reject.
  83. Ready for motion.
  84. CID10545
  85. Reject.
  86. Ready for motion.
  87. CID10669
  88. Reject.
  89. Ready for motion.
  90. CID10548
  91. Revised.
  92. Ready for motion.
  93. CID10549
  94. Reject.
  95. Ready for motion.
  96. CID10550
  97. Revised.
  98. Ready for motion.
  99. CID10673
  100. Reject.
  101. Ready for motion.
  102. CID10678
  103. Accept.
  104. Ready for motion.
  105. CID10677
  106. Accept.
  107. Ready for motion.
  108. CID10675
  109. Accept.
  110. Ready for motion.
  111. CID10676
  112. Revised.
  113. Ready for motion.
  114. Recessed at 12:32.

Monday PM1 Session:

  1. Chair called the meeting to order at 13:33.
  2. Comment Resolutions
  3. Comment Database on the screen
  4. CID10702
  5. Reject.
  6. Ready for motion.
  7. CID10202
  8. Reject.
  9. Ready for motion.
  10. CID10703
  11. Reject.
  12. Ready for motion.
  13. Resolutions for Clause 6 Comments11-16/0032r0Adhishek Patil (Qualcomm)
  14. The following CIDs have been discussed.
  15. 10366, 10367, 10368, 10369, 10370, 10371, 10376, 10384, 10387, 10388
  16. Live edit on the screen.
  17. Modified r1 will be uploaded.
  18. Ready for motion.
  19. CID10750
  20. Reject.
  21. Need some more wording.
  22. Assigned to Dan Harkins.
  23. Comment Resolutions by George Calcev (Huawei)
  24. CID10484
  25. Revised.
  26. No objections.
  27. Ready for motion.
  28. CID10472
  29. Reject.
  30. No objections.
  31. Ready for motion.
  32. CID10238
  33. Accept.
  34. No objections.
  35. Ready for motion.
  36. CID10121
  37. Accept.
  38. No objections.
  39. Ready for motion.
  40. CID10120
  41. Accept.
  42. No objections.
  43. Ready for motion.
  44. CID10114
  45. Accept.
  46. No objections.
  47. Ready for motion.
  48. CID10008
  49. Accept.
  50. No objections.
  51. Ready for motion.
  52. CID10007
  53. Accept.
  54. No objections.
  55. Ready for motion.
  56. CID10006
  57. Accept.
  58. Rejection is right.
  59. Pending.
  60. CID10004
  61. Same as CID10006.
  62. Pending.
  63. Comment DB on the screen
  64. CID10072
  65. Assigned to Hitoshi Morioka
  66. The group agreed to use “Content of FILS Authentication frame”.
  67. CID10071
  68. Assigned to Hitoshi Morioka
  69. CID10323
  70. Assigned to Hitoshi Morioka
  71. CID10330
  72. Assigned to Hitoshi Morioka
  73. CID10341
  74. Accept.
  75. Use “a DHCP message”
  76. Ready for motion.
  77. CID10348
  78. Accept.
  79. Use “a DHCP message”
  80. Ready for motion.
  81. CID10349
  82. Accept.
  83. No objections.
  84. Ready for motion.
  85. CID10356
  86. Accept.
  87. Use “a DHCP message”
  88. Ready for motion.
  89. CID10228
  90. Revised.
  91. Move the subclause to became
  92. The style / level of 6.3.X has been left as TGai is following the baseline standard.
  93. Ready for motion.
  94. CID10317
  95. Revised.
  96. The confusing language has been deleted.
  97. Ready for motion.
  98. CID10073
  99. Accept.
  100. Ready for motion.
  101. CID10074
  102. Accept.
  103. No objections.
  104. Ready for motion.
  105. CID10075
  106. Accept.
  107. Ready for motion.
  108. CID10076
  109. Accept.
  110. Ready for motion.
  111. CID10077
  112. Accept.
  113. Ready for motion.
  114. CID10078
  115. Accept.
  116. Ready for motion.
  117. CID10079
  118. Accept.
  119. Ready for motion.
  120. CID10080
  121. Accept.
  122. Ready for motion.
  123. CID10087
  124. Pending submission will address.
  125. Assigned to Hitoshi Morioka.
  126. Motion #312
  127. Move to
    - approve the comment resolutions as contained in
    the “2016-01-18-AM2” tab of 11-15-1196-23.
  128. Moved: Jouni Malinen
  129. Seconded: George Calcev
  130. Result: 9/0/0
  131. Motion passes.
  132. Recessed at 15:22.

Monday PM2 Session:

  1. Chair called the meeting to order at 16:06.
  2. Comment Resolutions
  3. CID10006
  4. Resolution is provided by George Calcev
  5. Reject.
  6. No objections.
  7. Ready for motion.
  8. CID10004
  9. Resolution is provided by George Calcev
  10. Reject.
  11. No objections.
  12. Ready for motion.
  13. CID10750
  14. Resolution is provided by Dan Harkins (Aruba Networks)
  15. Reject.
  16. No objections.
  17. Ready for motion.
  18. Comment DB on the screen.
  19. CID10664
  20. Revised.
  21. “and respectively” has been deleted.
  22. Ready for motion.
  23. CID10420
  24. Revised.
  25. Ready for motion.
  26. CID10261
  27. Revised.
  28. Add “(see 11.11)” at the end of the sentence.
  29. Ready for motion.
  30. CID10116
  31. Accept.
  32. No objections.
  33. Ready for motion.
  34. CID10118
  35. The group is in favor in accepting the proposed changes.
  36. Assigned to Hitoshi Morioka.
  37. CID10117
  38. Revised.
  39. PMKID List element has been deleted as part of other resolution.
  40. Assigned to Hitoshi Morioka.
  41. CID10136
  42. Accept.
  43. Ready for motion.
  44. CID10498
  45. Reject.
  46. Similar style is used in the baseline.
  47. Ready for motion.
  48. CID10499
  49. Revised.
  50. No objections.
  51. Ready for motion.
  52. CID10501
  53. Accept.
  54. No objections.
  55. Ready for motion.
  56. CID10516
  57. Revised.
  58. The paragraph has been deleted.
  59. Ready for motion.
  60. CID10168
  61. Assigned to Rob Sun.
  62. CID10521
  63. Accept.
  64. No objection.
  65. Ready for motion.
  66. CID10169
  67. Accept.
  68. No objections.
  69. Ready for motion.
  70. CID10001
  71. Accept.
  72. No objections.
  73. Ready for motion.
  74. Motion #313
  75. Move to
    - approve the comment resolutions as contained in
    the “2016-01-18-PM1” tab of 11-15-1196-24.
  76. Moved: George Calcev
  77. Seconded: Peter Yee
  78. Result: 7/0/0
  79. Motion passes.
  80. Recessed at 17:05.

Tuesday AM2Session:

  1. Chair called the meeting to order at 10:31.
  2. Agenda 11-15/1536r1
  3. Qualcomm requested presentation
  4. Editors’ meeting reportLee Armstrong
  5. REVmc D5.0 is available.
  6. Our recirculation can be based on D4.0 or D5.0 in our choice.
  7. Comment Resolutions
  8. Motion #314
  9. Move to
    - approve the comment resolutions as contained in
    the “2016-01-18-PM2” tab of 11-15-1196-25.
  10. Moved: George Calcev
  11. Seconded: Stephen McCann
  12. Result: 11/0/2
  13. Motion passes.
  14. Motion #315
  15. Move to
    - Adapt the the following resolution for CID 10168:
    Reject --- The highlighted texts are to specify the State 5 filtering rules which only allows class1 and class 2 frames until reaching State 4.
  16. Moved: Rob Sun
  17. Seconded: Stephen McCann
  18. Result: 5/0/6
  19. Motion passes.
  20. Note: resolution taken from 11-15-1391r4. Resolution was discussed in a previous telco but not included in the corresponding motion tab. References to CIDs have been deleted per SB-rules.
  21. TGai comments assigned to me11-16/0120r0Jouni Malinen (Qualcomm)
  22. CID10758
  23. Reject.
  24. Revisit in next recirc.
  25. Ready for motion.
  26. CID10104
  27. Revised.
  28. CID10108
  29. Revised.
  30. CID10217
  31. Revised.
  32. Remove the descriptions about Roaming Consortium.
  33. The revised version r1 will be uploaded.
  34. Comment DB on the screen
  35. CID10009
  36. Reject.
  37. Ready for motion.
  38. CID10170
  39. Accept.
  40. Ready for motion.
  41. CID10057
  42. Accept.
  43. Ready for motion.
  44. CID10277
  45. Revised.
  46. Ready for motion.
  47. CID10174
  48. Accept.
  49. Ready for motion.
  50. CID10043
  51. Straw poll
  52. a) Revised. Apply 11-15/1425r0.
  53. b) Reject.
  54. Result (a/b): 3/5
  55. Motion #316
  56. Move to set the resolution for CID 10043 to
    Reject -- the TG discussed the pros and cons of DILS and decided to make no changes.
  57. Moved: George Calcev
  58. Seconded: Stephen McCann
  59. Result: 6/2/5
  60. Motion passes.
  61. CID10175
  62. Accept.
  63. Ready for motion.
  64. CID10178
  65. Accept.
  66. Ready for motion.
  67. Recessed at 12:28.

Tuesday PM2 Session:

  1. Chair called the meeting to order at 16:05.
  2. Comment Resolutions
  3. Motion #317
  4. Move to
    - approve the comment resolutions as contained in
    the “2016-01-19-AM2” tab of 11-15-1196-26.
  5. Moved: George Calcev
  6. Seconded: Xiaofei Wang
  7. Result: 5/0/0
  8. Motion passes.
  9. Comment DB on the screen
  10. CID10700
  11. Revised.
  12. Ready for motion.
  13. CID10048
  14. Revised.
  15. Refer 11-15/0657r0.
  16. Ready for motion.
  17. CID10754
  18. Reject.
  19. Ready for motion.
  20. CID10588
  21. Revised.
  22. Replace “PEXK” with “PKEX”.
  23. Ready for motion.
  24. CID10585
  25. Reject.
  26. Ready for motion.
  27. CID10595
  28. Revised.
  29. Replace “all state” with “all state information”.
  30. Ready for motion.
  31. CID10755
  32. Reject.
  33. The comment does not provide a proposed change that is sufficient.
  34. Assigned to Paul Lambert.
  35. CID10183
  36. Assigned to Hitoshi Morioka
  37. CID10185
  38. Accept.
  39. Ready for motion.
  40. CID10184
  41. Revised.
  42. Ready for motion.
  43. CID10726
  44. Reject.
  45. Ready for motion.
  46. CID10216
  47. Jouni and Dan are asked to propose text.
  48. Assigned to Jouni Malinen.
  49. CID10186
  50. Accept.
  51. Ready for motion.
  52. CID10187
  53. Accept.
  54. Ready for motion.
  55. CID10188
  56. Revised.
  57. Ready for motion.
  58. CID10189
  59. Assigned to Hitoshi Morioka
  60. CID10190
  61. Revised.
  62. Ready for motion.
  63. CID10192
  64. Accept.
  65. Ready for motion.
  66. CID10193
  67. Assigned to Hitoshi Morioka
  68. Recessed at 17:55.

Tuesday EVE Session:

  1. Chair called the meeting to order at 19:30.
  2. Agenda
  3. Add the following presentations.
  4. 11-16/0120r1Jouni Malinen
  5. 11-16/0012r5, 11-16/0021r4Hitoshi Morioka
  6. 11-16/0146r5Adhishek Patil
  7. Comment Resolutions
  8. Motion #318
  9. Move to
    - approve the comment resolutions as contained in
    the “2016-01-19-PM2” tab of 11-15-1196-27.
  10. Moved: Jouni Malinen
  11. Seconded: Peter Yee
  12. Result: 6/0/0
  13. Motion passes.
  14. TGai comments assigned to me11-16/0120r1Jouni Malinen
  15. CID10108
  16. Revised.
  17. Ready for motion.
  18. Resolutions for Assigned CIDs11-16/0012r5Hitoshi Morioka
  19. CID10087/10183
  20. Zero realms should be allowed. Because the AP that supports FILS shared key authentication just forward ERP messages to AS.
  21. Flag for FILS shared key authentication without PFS is required, e.g. supporting FILS public key authentication and FILS shared key authentication with PFS.
  22. resolutions-for-pending-qc-comments11-16/0146r5Adhishek Patil
  23. CID10002
  24. Apply 11-16/0139r2.
  25. Agreed.
  26. Ready for motion.
  27. CID10024
  28. Accept.
  29. Ready for motion.
  30. CID10058
  31. Accept.
  32. Ready for motion.
  33. CID10122
  34. Accept.
  35. Ready for motion.
  36. CID10569
  37. Apply 11-16/140r1.
  38. Ready for motion.
  39. CID10635
  40. Revised.
  41. Ready for motion.
  42. CID10636
  43. Reject.
  44. Ready for motion.
  45. CID10637
  46. Reject.
  47. Ready for motion.
  48. CID10747
  49. 11-16/145r1
  50. Ready for motion.
  51. Resolutions for Assigned CIDs11-16/0012r6Hitoshi Morioka
  52. Proposed Resolution for Authentication Frame Format11-16/0021r5Hitoshi Morioka
  53. Add “FILS Public Key Authentication Supported” bit to the FILS Information field in the FILS Indication element.
  54. Discussed CIDs:
  55. 10032, 10031, 10409, 10410, 10411, 10412, 10081, 10016, 10083, 10415, 10017, 10416, 10085, 10418, 10419, 10467, 10072, 10071, 10323, 10330, 10087, 10118, 10117, 10183, 10189, 10193
  56. Live edit on the screen.
  57. Revised version 11-16/0012r7 and 11-16/21r6 will be uploaded.
  58. Ready for motion.
  59. Recessed at 21:36.

Wednesday AM1 Session:

  1. Chair called the meeting to order at 8:06.
  2. Agenda 11-15/1536r1
  3. Comment Resolutions
  4. Motion #319
  5. Move to
    - approve the comment resolutions as contained in
    the “2016-01-19-EVE” tab of 11-15-1196-28.
  6. Moved: Jouni Malinen
  7. Seconded: Lee Armstrong
  8. Result: 6/0/1
  9. Motion passes.
  10. Comment DB on the screen.
  11. CID10049
  12. It is editorial.
  13. Assigned to Lee Armstrong.
  14. CID10194
  15. Accept.
  16. Ready for motion.
  17. CID10606
  18. Revised.
  19. P147L54, P148L48: Replace “shall proceed” with “proceeds”.
  20. Ready for motion.
  21. CID10672
  22. Submission required.
  23. CID10195
  24. Revised.
  25. Ready for motion.
  26. CID10671
  27. Accept.
  28. Ready for motion.
  29. CID10198
  30. Accept.
  31. Ready for motion.
  32. CID10197
  33. Accept.
  34. Ready for motion.
  35. CID10199
  36. Accept.
  37. Ready for motion.
  38. CID10714
  39. The group likely to accept.
  40. Need reaffirmation by Dan.
  41. CID10715
  42. Likely to be wrong reference line number.
  43. Should be P150L50.
  44. Need more discussion.
  45. CID10208
  46. Revised.
  47. Ready for motion.
  48. CID10209
  49. Accept.
  50. Ready for motion.
  51. CID10211
  52. Accept.
  53. Ready for motion.
  54. CID10212
  55. Reject.
  56. Ready for motion.
  57. CID10743
  58. Revised.
  59. Ready for motion.
  60. CID10285
  61. Reject.
  62. Ready for motion.
  63. CID10723
  64. Assigned to Marc Emmelmann.
  65. CID10065
  66. Accept.
  67. Ready for motion.
  68. CID10064
  69. Accept.
  70. Ready for motion.
  71. CID10097
  72. Accept.
  73. Ready for motion.
  74. Done all unassigned comments.
  75. 25 assigned comments remaining.
  76. Assigned to Paul Lambert.
  77. No responses.
  78. CID10755
  79. Reject.
  80. Ready for motion.
  81. Assigned to Mark Rison
  82. No responses.
  83. CID10722
  84. Reject.
  85. Ready for motion.
  86. CID10657
  87. Reject
  88. Ready for motion.
  89. CID10710
  90. Reject.
  91. Ready for motion.
  92. Recessed at 9:53.

Wednesday PM2 Session:

  1. Chair called the meeting to order at 16:05.
  2. Agenda 11-15/1536r2
  3. Comment Resolutions
  4. Motion #320
  5. Move to
    - approve the comment resolutions as contained in
    the “2016-01-20-AM1” tab of 11-15-1196-29.
  6. Moved: Lee Armstrong
  7. Seconded: Peter Yee
  8. Result: 4/0/2
  9. Motion passes.
  10. clause-11-with-cid-10049-changes-docx11-16/0164r0Lee Armstrong
  11. CID10049
  12. Revised.
  13. Ready for motion.
  14. resolutions-kneckt11-16/0152r0Jarkko Kneckt (Apple)
  15. CID10667
  16. Revised.
  17. Ready for motion.
  18. CID10647
  19. Revised.
  20. Ready for motion.
  21. CID10646
  22. Revised.
  23. Ready for motion.
  24. CID10645
  25. Revised.
  26. Ready for motion.
  27. CID10644
  28. Revised.
  29. Ready for motion.
  30. CID10638
  31. Revised.
  32. Ready for motion.
  33. CID10508
  34. Accept.
  35. Ready for motion.
  36. CID10506
  37. Accept.
  38. Ready for motion.
  39. CID10274
  40. Reject.
  41. Ready for motion.
  42. CID10273
  43. Reject.
  44. Ready for motion.
  45. CID10271
  46. Revised.
  47. Ready for motion.
  48. CID10161
  49. Revised.
  50. Ready for motion.
  51. TGai comments assigned to me11-16/0120r2Jouni Malinen
  52. CID10216
  53. Revised.
  54. Ready for motion.
  55. Comment DB on the screen.
  56. CID10723
  57. Revised.
  58. Ready for motion.
  59. CID10715
  60. Revised.
  61. Ready for motion.
  62. CID10714
  63. Revised.
  64. Ready for motion.
  65. 2 comments remaining.
  66. Motion #321
  67. Move to
    Set the resolution for CID 10008 to “Revised: text in question has been removed”
  68. Moved: Lee Armstrong
  69. Seconded: Jouni Malinen
  70. Result: 9/0/0
  71. Motion passes.
  72. Recessed at 17:22.

Thursday AM1 Session:

  1. Chair called the meeting to order at 8:06
  2. Comment Resolutions
  3. Resolution for CID 1053411-16/0165r0Xiaofei Wang (InterDigital)
  4. CID10534
  5. Revised.
  6. Live edit on the screen.
  7. Revised version r1 is uploaded.
  8. Motion #322
  9. Move to
    Set the resolution for CID 10534 to “Revised: generally agree with the proposed resolution. Instructions for the editor: incorporate the changes as shown in 11-16/165r1 (see
  10. Moved: Xiaofei Wang
  11. Seconded: Hitoshi Morioka
  12. Result: 6/0/1
  13. Motion passes.
  14. Motion #323
  15. Move to
    approve the comment resolutions as contained in
    the “2016-01-20-PM2” tab of 11-15-1196-30.
  16. Moved: Jouni Malinen
  17. Seconded: Jarkko Kneckt
  18. Result: 7/0/3
  19. Motion passes.
  20. What does it mean to be “well-encoded”?11-16/0171r0Dan Harkins
  21. CID10672
  22. Revised.
  23. No objections.
  24. Ready for motion.
  25. Motion #324
  26. Move to
    Set the resolution for CID 10672 to “Revised: The word "well-encoded" has been deleted. Additional text clarifying what "well-encoded" keys are and to assure that keys are well-encoded is added. Instruction to Editor: adopt text changes as shown in 11-16/171r0 (see
  27. Moved: Jouni Malinen
  28. Seconded: Peter Yee
  29. Result: 9/0/2
  30. Motion passes.
  31. Comment Resolutions have been completed.
  32. Motion to Recirc SB
  33. Having approved comment resolutions for all of the comments received from initial Sponosor Ballot on P802.11ai D6.0 as contained in document 11-15/1196r31.
    - Instruct the editor to prepare Draft D7.0 incorporating these resolutions and,
    - Approve a 15 day Sponsor Recirculation Ballot asking the question “Should P802.11ai D7.0 be forwarded to RevCom?”
  34. Moved: Lee Armstrong
  35. Seconded: Jouni Malinen
  36. Result: 8/0/2
  37. Motion passes.
  38. Plan for March
  39. To make D6.4.
  40. Expected to take 4 weeks.
  41. 1 week for internal review.
  42. Recirc will be closed during Macau meeting.
  43. Baseline will be changed to REVmc D5.0.
  44. The group will not meet in March in Macau.
  45. Plan for March & May
  46. March
  47. TGai CRC will not conduct any business during the March plenary.
  48. Goals for May
  49. Approve minutes of past meeting and teleconference
  50. Comment resolution of Recirc sponsor LB
  51. Approve Timeline
  52. Approve Teleconference schedule
  53. Approve Plan for July
  54. Teleconferences
  55. Motion:
    - Approve the following schedule of weekly teleconferences between Feb 9 to May 31.
    - Tuesdays 10:00 ET
    - Duration 1.5 Hour
    - Using WEB-EX that will be provided by Task Group Chair
  56. Moved: Lee Armstrong
  57. Seconded: Jouni Malinen
  58. Unanimously approved.
  59. Timeline
  60. No changes.
  61. PAR Approved, Modified, or Extended 2010-12-08
  62. WG Letter Ballots Initial / RecircMar14/Sep14/Jan15/
  63. MEC DoneNov14
  64. Form Sponsor Ballot Pool / Reform Mar15
  65. IEEE-SA Sponsor Ballots Initial / Recirc Sep 15/Mar 16/Jul 16/Sep 16
  66. Final 802.11 WG Approval Aug 15
  67. final or Conditional 802 EC Approval July 15
  68. RevCom & Standards Board Final or
    Continuous Process Approval Sep 16
  69. ANSI ApprovedN/A
  70. Adjourned at 9:23

Minutespage 1Hitoshi Morioka, SRC Software