TFFA Local 479 – GTFF Board Liaison Job Description
A Board Liaison maintains the formal contact or connection between the GTFF Board of Directors (The Board) and TFFA Local 479 (The Union) .The Board Liaison isrecommended by The Union and appointed by a vote of the Board. The Board will review liaison assignments once a year. The primary role of the Board Liaison is to facilitate communication between the Board and The Union.
The basic responsibility of a liaison is to coordinate the needs of all involved parties so that those parties can meet their goals. They see what resources are available and let each party know what the other parties want. They may take part in planning events hosted by the parties or which allow the parties to meet. If a liaison does his job properly, then all parties will have what they require and will be on the same logistical page.
The responsibilities of a Board Liaison are:
- To attend both Board meetings and The Union’s meetings on a regular basis.
- To carry information, questions, and feedback between the two bodies at the request of those groups.
- To consider and inquire whether discussions that occur during meetings should be raisedwith the other group, even when the Board or committee has not suggested a formal communication take place.
- When sharing information, to be clear whether they are making a formal, requested
communication from the other group or simply offering their personal observations and
experience of the meetings they have attended.
- The Board and theBoard Liaison will implement a standard procedure to determine during their meetings whether there is anything they would like the Board Liaison to communicate to The Union on their behalf, and how they would like that communication to take place.
- If the communication or request for input is not time-sensitive, then the Board Liaison will raise the issue at the next regularly-scheduled meeting of the Board.
- If the communication or request for input is time-sensitive or requires special
handling for any reason, the group requesting the communication will agree with the Board Liaison on an alternate timetable and communication method, including the date by which the group is requesting a response from the other body.
- If either the Board or The Union cannot provide a response to the Board Liaison within the proposed timetable, that group is responsible for communicating, via the Board Liaison, when a response can be provided.
- The communication assigned to the Board Liaison, the timeline, and the method of
communication will be recorded in the minutes of the Board or committee meeting.
- A Board Liaison may at any time request designated time on the Board’s or committee’s agenda in order to achieve adequate consideration of an issue or question.
This policy should not be construed as preventing any committee member from approaching Board members or attending board meetings under their own auspices.