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Longslade Community College

5 / 4 / 3 / 2 / 1 /

Textiles Technology Key Stage 3 - 4

1 / Market research. / Market Research, Product Analysis and Design
2 / Product Analysis.
3 / Design Work
4 / CAD/ CAM Samples/ T-shirt
GCSE Textiles Technology

T shirt Project

Design a t-shirt using CAD/ CAM.
During this project you will be extending your knowledge of market research and product analysis, different fabrics, CAD/ CAM, presentation and designing skills.
5 / Presentation
6 / Effort
Student Comment:
Staff Comment: / This project is the beginning of your design work at Longslade in the subject area that you have chosen. It is designed to develop some of the skills that you will need for your GCSE in Textiles; it will also give you the opportunity to show your teachers at Longslade some of your best work.
Good Luck

Task One - Market Research – T-shirts with prints/ decoration

Collect as much information as possible about t-shirts with printed, embroidered or decorated images and logos. You could look in magazines, catalogues, in shops and on the internet. On A3 paper present the following information:
1.  Produce a mindmap showing all the groups of people who wear t-shirts and why they choose to wear them. (teenagers-for fashion, football players-show they are part of a team, keep cool, waiting staff in restaurants-as a uniform so customers can tell who works there).
2.  Create a mood board which shows: a range of printed, embroidered or decorated t-shirts, colour schemes and the type of people who would wear each t-shirt.
3.  Explain what you have found out and evaluate each t-shirt with 1 positive comment (like), 1 negative comment (dislike) and one way it could be improved.

Task Two – Product Analysis (Summer holiday work)

1.  Chose one t-shirt with a decoration or pattern on it, describe and analyse the product in detail:
1.  Appearance – What does it look like? What colours have been used? Include design features such as collars, pockets and fastenings. Include a photo or drawing of the product.
2.  Intended User-who is the product suitable for?
3.  Style – is it functional, fashionable or both?
4.  Logo/ Image –Is it effective? How do you think it was created? Is it suitable for that t-shirt or the person likely to wear it (the intended user)?
5.  Fastenings – any buttons, zips, toggles, Velcro etc. Are they effective?
6.  Fabric content – Look on the label, why do you think they chose this fabric?
7.  Washing instructions.
8.  Price
9.  Your opinion of the product – Do you like or dislike the product? Explain why.
10.  How would you improve the product?
11.  Is it suitable for the job it is designed for? / Task Three – Designing (Induction day work)
1.  Design an attractive t-shirt suitable for teenagers
a.  It must have a printed image and an embroidered logo included in the design.
b.  Consider colour, style and where the logo and image will be placed.
c.  Create at least 6 possible designs.
d.  Annotate (label) your work.
Explain which your favourite design is and why it is suitable for teenagers.
Do not copy any commercial designs such as Disney.
Task Four (Year 10 at Longslade) – CAD/ CAM.
1.  Use the Computer aided embroidery machine to embroider a logo onto a sample or t-shirt.
2.  Use ICT and the heat press to transfer a printed image onto a fabric sample or t-shirt.
All your work must be handed into your teacher in the first Textiles lesson you have in Year 10 at Longslade.
You should use plain paper for your work preferably A3 size, landscape way round and in a format that keeps it all together safely.
Remember – Presentation is Important

Textiles Mark Scheme

Task / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5
Market Research / For research the pupils use:
·  Catalogues/ magazines or packaging provided by the teacher / For research the pupils use: one of the following:
·  Their own packaging
·  Their own catalogue/ magazine
·  One website / For research the pupils use: two of the following:
·  Their own packaging
·  Their own catalogue/ magazine
·  One website / For research the pupils use: two of the following:
·  Several examples of packaging
·  At least two catalogues/ magazines
·  At least two websites / For research the pupils use all of the following:
·  A wide range of packaging
·  At least two catalogues/ magazines
·  At least two websites
2  Product Analysis / The pupils present an A3 sheet that includes:
·  Magazine pictures
·  No notes
·  Poor presentation / The pupils present an A3 sheet that includes all of the following:
·  Magazine pictures
internet print-outs
·  Some packaging
·  No notes
·  Satisfactory presentation / The pupils present an A3 sheet that includes all of the following:
·  Magazine pictures
internet print-outs
·  Ranges of similar packaging
·  Simple labels
·  Satisfactory presentation / The pupils present an A3 sheet that includes all of the following:
·  Magazine pictures
internet print-outs
·  Range of different types of packaging
·  Notes on the product
·  Good presentation – might include pupils’ own photographs / The pupils present an A3 sheet that includes all of the following:
·  Magazine pictures
internet print-outs
·  Wide range of different packaging
·  Notes on the product and the company
·  Presented to a high standard
T-shirt design. / The pupils present an A3 sheet that includes:
·  Two designs attempted
·  No annotation
·  Poor presentation / The pupils present an A3 sheet that includes:
·  Four designs attempted
·  Some annotation
·  Satisfactory presentation / The pupils present an A3 sheet that includes:
·  All designs attempted
·  Some annotation on each design
·  Satisfactory presented / The pupils present an A3 sheet that includes:
·  All designs attempted and most fully annotated
·  Good presentation / The pupils present an A3 sheet that includes:
·  Six designs clearly laid out
·  All fully annotated
·  Presentation to a high standard
CAD/ CAM / Completed product