Textile product specification – manufacturing

To be completed by operators applying to certify an individual product they process or manufacture

Section 1

Company name and address / Your licence / reference number / Form no. (optional)
Product name
(this will appear on your schedule) / Brand name / Check box if you would like the brand name to appear on your schedule
Please indicate if the product is bulk or retail / Check box if this an amended version of a previously submitted specification
Please tick if you would like this product listed on thesource marketplace (see for further details)

If another licensee is processing or preparing this named product on your behalf, please complete the subcontractor/contractor boxes below with their details. If your subcontractor is not licensed with us and intends to apply labelling with the Soil Association symbol to the product, please contact our certification team about a ‘contracted symbol user agreement’.

Subcontractor used or contractors used / Number of outworkers (each outworker involved with this product must have read and understood our ‘outworker checklist’)
Colour combinations
Please detail all the colour combinations in which you wish to produce the garment/product specified (see examples given). Where you are responsible for dying, you should list in section 3 all the dye recipe ingredients for all dyes. You need only list components common to more than one dye recipe once.
example / blue and white
example / red and green
Office use / MIPS approved / CO initials: / Date /
Hang-tag and garment labels approved
/ CO initials: / Date

Section 2

Before completing section 2, please note that where a fabric or fibre component already has organic certification, for the purposes of this specification it does not need to be broken down into its individual sub-components. Percentages should be calculated with fabric condition in 'as is' basis.

Product name (this will appear on your schedule)
Fabric or fibre components
all including any natural or synthetic materials/yarns/fibres (other than accessories) / % / Weight
kg / Status
organic, non-organic or in-conversion / Supplierof fabric or fibre components / Certification body / Standard grown to
(if organic or conversion)

Section 3

Process inputs
all non-dye recipe inputs used in manufacture /
kg / Purposee.g. spinning oil, sizing aid, anti-foaming agent, etc. / Supplier / Previously verified as GOTS compliant? / GOTS compliance verified by
Dye recipe components
e.g. dyes, mordents, assistants & agents / Weight
kg /
e.g. filling agent, solvent, thickener etc. / Supplier / Previously verified as GOTS compliant? / GOTS compliance verified by
Accessories used
(please note that no percentage limit placed on accessories) / Purpose / Supplier / Materials and parameter testing
(if applicable)
Please indicate where you have obtained tests resultswith a failure to meet any criteria in GOTS forSoil Associationlicensees section 2.4.16
Please give a brief description of the production process
To the best of my/our knowledge, all the information supplied in this product specification and supporting documentation is accurate. We have made no further additions to any of the ingredients or processing aids or additives and they are as originally supplied.
If you are completing this form electronically, tick here to confirm you are in agreement with the declaration above
Signature / Name / Date

Soil Association Certification Limited, SouthPlaza, Marlborough Street, BristolBS1 3NX

T 0117 914 2406 F 0117 314 5046 E W

Ref. no: P363FmVersion No: 07Issue date: August 2012