Press Release


Thermamax brings a novel V-Band Clamp Insulation to the market

More safety and efficiency in engine compartments and exhaust lines

Mannheim. Thermamax has developed a new type of insulation system for connection points in engine compartments and exhaust lines. Many components are normally interconnected to make up a complete system – generallyusing metallic V-Band Clamps of some description. Even anotherwiseperfectly insulated system can have gaps at theseinterfaces,allowing unwanted and uncontrolled heat loss intothe engine compartment. Apart from the temperature loss,thereis also a risk that heat-sensitive components in thesurrounding space may be damaged by the radiated heat. Thanks to the newly developed Tmax-V-Band Clamp Insulation, Thermamax solves theseproblems in a safe and highly efficient manner: the complete system can be insulated, without compromise, resulting in increased safety and overall efficiency.

Simple and quick insulation

The Tmax-V-Band Clamp Insulation consists of an outer shell instainless steel, insulated internally with a shaped insulatingliner. Depending on customer requirements, the insulation is available with different Tmax-Insulation-Inlays and two different types of fixing systems. In addition to a conventional screwed connection, Thermamax can also provide a new fixing system: Tmax-TwistTec.

Tmax-TwistTec operates like a “sardine can” and uses a specially provided ring that is positioned onto the Tmax-V-Band Clamp Insulation and winds out to ensure effective insulationat the connection point.Tmax-TwistTec needs no additional fixing elements, ensuring simple, quick installation. Non-insulated connections can be easily retrofitted.

More efficient exhaust aftertreatment

Exhaust aftertreatment is improved using Tmax-V-Band Clamp Insulation due to the reduced heat loss providing better operating parameters for the exhaust system.

More safety for „man and machine“

A robust, stainless steel construction protects the insulation from water spray, radiated heat, and stone impact, and ensures total protection from any leaks in the exhaust system. Components in the space are safe due to the minimization of radiated heat. Tmax-V-Band Clamps can also be specified with Tmax-DryTec, the water-resistant insulation material, ensuring noingress of water spray into the insulation system.

Attractive and individual design

The bold design in stainless steel complements other Tmax products and provides an impressive overall appearance.

About Thermamax Hochtemperaturdämmungen GmbH

Thermamax is recognized worldwide as the specialist in thedesign and manufacture of thermal and acoustic insulationsystems for engine compartments and exhaust lines for dieseland gasoline engines, fuel cells, and electric drive systems.Thermamax serves customers around the world and operatestwo manufacturing facilities (Mannheim, Germany andAurora, IL, USA), several sales & marketing offices inthe US and Italy as well as a corporation in Taicang, China. The company was founded 40 years ago and supplies complete systems from concept, detailed design and prototypes for low volume requirements through to series production. The High-Temperature Insulation systems are installed in On- and Off-Highway vehicles as well as applications in Power Generation, Marine, and On- and Offshore Platform market sectors.

The Thermamax Group has around 300 employees and had a turnover in 2015 of approx. €50 Mio.

Further details at:


Source: Thermamax Hochtemperaturdämmungen GmbH

Illustration caption:Tmax-V-Band Clamp Insulation with Tmax-TwistTec. The right „twist“ for the perfect insulation.

Illustration caption: Tmax-V-Band Clamp Insulation with screwed connection.

Illustration caption: Tmax-TwistTec operates like a “sardine can” and uses a specially provided ring that is positioned onto the Tmax-V-Band Clamp Insulation and winds out to ensure effective insulationat the connection point.

Illustration caption: Tmax-V-Band Clamp Insulation with Tmax-TwistTec.

Illustration caption: Heat radiation at connection points in the exhaust system withand without the Tmax-V-Band Clamp Insulation.


Ida Mariotti

Marketing Manager

Thermamax Hochtemperaturdämmungen GmbH

Ölhafenstrasse 28

68169 Mannheim

Tel.: 0621 3225-102

Fax: 0621 3225- 48
