Texas StateTechnicalCollegeWaco

Course Syllabus

Course Rubric & Number:NUCP 2311

Lecture/Lab Hours:2/3

CIP Code:41.0205

Course Title: Radioactive Waste Disposal and Management

Course Description: A study of radioactive waste management from generation through disposal. Topics include regulatory and advisory agencies; appropriate radioactive waste regulations including Department of Transportation (DOT) laws; classification of radioactive wastes; and NORM (naturally occurring) and mixed wastes.

Prerequisites:NUCP 1319, NUCP 2301, IRAD 1301

Instructor: Kenneth Krieger

Office Phone Number:254-867-2954

Email Address:

Office Fax Number:254-867-2973

Building & Office Room Number:Technical Studies Building Rm 152

Department Chair: / Date:
Approved by CIP Committee: / Date:

End-of-Course Learning Outcomes:

  1. Identify sources/generators of radioactive wastes
  2. Discuss the legislative actions taken tom regulate radioactive waste
  3. Classify radioactive waste according to source, form, and concentration.
  4. Describe appropriate waste management and volume reduction techniques for different types of waste.
  5. List classifications of radioactive waste.
  6. List radioactive waste sampling and monitoring techniques.
  7. Demonstrate knowledge of state and federal radioactive materials receipt and disposal regulations.
  8. Describe the Transportation classes of radioactive materials
  9. Summarize leak testing techniques.


Tools & Materials Students Purchase

Quantity / Item Description
1 / Basic Radiation Protection Technology 5th Ed Daniel Gollnick
1 / Radioactive Waste Management, 2nd Ed . Saling and Fentiman
1 / Scientific Calculator
1 / 3-ring Binder

TSTC Grading Policy:

(Grades for all Major courses must be C or better)

Grade / Percent / Description / Grade Points
A / 90-100 / Excellent/Superior Performance Level / 4
B / 80-89 / Above Required Performance Level / 3
C / 70-79 / Minimum Required Performance Level / 2
D / 60-69 / Below Required Performance Level / 1
F / Below 60 / Failure to meet Performance Requirements / 0
IP / -- / In Progress
W / -- / Withdrawal / 0
CR / -- / Credit / 0
AUD / -- / Audit of Course / 0
SeeCollege Catalog for complete descriptions.

Instructor’s Participation Policy:

A student unexcused absent for more than 25% of the lecture or lab periods, regardless of the grades earned on assignments, will have to repeat the course. For a course that meets twice a week, this is a total of eight absences. Tardy students or students who leave before the end of the class period will be counted as absent for the whole period. If a student knows in advance that he or she must leave early or be late, notify the instructor in advance to obtain class materials that might be missed. It will still count as an absence. Serious, documented illness on the part of a student or an immediate family member might warrant issuing the student an IP grade.

Students with Disabilities:

If you have a documented disability that will impact your work in this class, please contact the Office of Deaf and Disabled Student Services (D/DSS) so that appropriate arrangements for your accommodations can be made. In accordance with the federal law, a student requesting accommodations must provide documentation of his/her disability to D/DSS. For information, visit D/DSS in the FentressCenter or call (254) 867-3600.

Once you and a D/DSS representative have signed a Letter of Special Accommodations, take the accommodations letter to each class for which an accommodation has been determined. Meet individually with each class instructor to discuss accommodations letter. Have the instructor sign and keep a copy of the letter. Take the original letter, signed by the instructor, back to D/DSS so they are aware that the instructor has been officially informed of the need for accommodations.

Course Assessments & Grading Scheme:

Assessments / % of Final Grade
Test -1 Regulations and generators / 100 / 40
Test-2 Classification and sampling / 100
Test- 3 Disposal regulations and transportation / 100
Lab-1 / 100 / 30
Lab -2 / 100
Lab-3 / 100
Lab-4 / 100
Lab-5 / 100
HW- 1 / 100 / 30
HW- 2 / 100
HW- 3 / 100
HW- 4 / 100
HW- 5 / 100
HW- 6 / 100
Final Course Grade / 100%

A = 90-100B=80-89C=70-79D=60-69

Description of Graded Elements of the Course:


  • Test-1 will cover the regulatory agencies that cover waste, the compact system, and sources of radioactive wastes
  • Test-2 will cover the classification of waste, long term waste options, waste management, and sampling
  • Test -3 will cover the waste regulations and transportation of radioactive materials.
  • Test will consist of multiple choice, fill in the blank and short answer questions. Students will turn in test in same class period in which it is handed out.
  • Grades will be given in according to how many of the question are correct


  • Lab-1 waste minimization exercise
  • Lab-2 waste classification exercise
  • Lab-3 Landfill design
  • Lab-4 transportation paperwork exercise
  • Lab-5leak testing exercise


  • Assignment-1will cover waste com pact participants
  • Assignment-2 will be a paper on a historical waste site
  • Assignment -3 LLRW disposal facility construction
  • Assignment-4 High level waste disposal alternatives
  • Assignment -5 will In class discussion on High level waste
  • Assignment-6Summary of guest Speaker lecture

Course Policies:

Late Work:

Work can be turned in late but at a penalty of 20 points per week of being late in addition to the points taken off for incorrectness of the assignment. Any assignment turned in later than 4 weeks late will be counted as a 0.

Make-up work:

Work can be made up if students presents a good reason (Funeral, school function, etc) why they cannot be in class or why they missed a class, otherwise they will be allowed to complete assignment and it will follow the late work policy. Must notify instructor before absence is taken in order for this policy to be followed.

Course Schedule:

End-Of-Course Learning Outcomes / Activities/Assignments / Due Dates
Week #1: History of waste disposal and regulatory Agencies
Cover the history of waste and waste disposal and cover the agencies that regulate radioactive waste
Quiz 1: / none
Lab 1: / Article on waste
Week # 2: Legislative Acts and the compact system
Will cover the governmental acts that allow and control the waste in the US, will cover the compact system and how it affects waste disposal
2 / Read: / Gollnick 592-594 RWM p 214-220 / For Class
Quiz 1: / none
Assignm / Waste compacts/ Waste Act / Week 3
Week # 3: Review past and present waste disposal sites in the US and Texas
Cover the radioactive waste sites that have been used over the years and review the history of waste disposal in Tx
2 / Read: / For Next Class
Quiz 1: / none
Assignm / Review a waste site write a paper / Week 6
Week # 4: Waste generatorsand Decommissioning
Cover the origins of radioactive waste
1 / Read: / Gollnick p 544-551RWM 365-371 / For Class
Quiz 1: / none
Lab 1:
Week # 5: Test -1
Test over compact system regulatory bodies, and waste generators
[Enter Enabling Objectives] / Read:
Quiz 1: / Test -1
assignm / Short presentation on waste sites
Week # 6: Waste Management and long term waste options
Cover the topic of waste minimization and long term waste disposal options
4 / Read: / Gollnick p554-570 / For Class
Quiz 1: / none
Lab 2: / Waste minimization exercise
Week # 7: Classification of waste
Will cover the classification of waste , LLW and high level waste
5 / Read: / Gollnick p575-588 RWMp 258-265 / For Class
Quiz 1: / none
Assignm / LLW design / Week 9
Week # 8: Classification of waste
Will cover TRU and mixed waste as well as mill tailings
5 / Read: / RWM p 193-200
Quiz 1:
Assignm / Yucca Mtn Vs Reprocess / Week 10
Lab 3: / Waste classification exercise
Week # 9: Waste sampling and verification of waste
Will cover the methods of waste profiling and waste verification
6 / Read:
Quiz 1:
Assignm / Disposal Alternates paper / Week 11
Week #10 : Test -2
Test over waste management and waste classification
Quiz 1: / none
Assignm / In class discussion on YM vs RP
Week # 11: Guest Speaker on waste disposal
Special topic in waste disposal Speaker TBA
Quiz 1: / none
Lab 4: / Design a land fill / Next class
Week # 12: Transportation of radioactive material
Types of source and containers
8 / Read: / Gollnich p572-579 RWM p317-330 / For Class
Lab 1:
Week # 13: Transportation
Package classification and testing requirements
8 / Read:
Assignm / none
Lab 5: / transport exercise
Week # 14: Receipt and disposal regulations and leak testing
Cover the regulations the govern the receipt of radioactive material
and leak testing of sealed sources
7, 9 / Read:
Quiz 1: / none
Lab 6: / Leak testing lab
Week # 15: Test-3
Test on transportation and leak testing
Quiz 1: / Test -3
Lab 1: / none

NUCP 2311 Radioactive Waste ManagementPage 111/7/2018