Texas Music Educators Association

Region III Vocal Division




Sachse High School (Garland ISD)

Josh McGuire and Candy McComb, hosts

3901 Miles Rd, Sachse, TX 75048


3:45-4:00 PM All students must line-up in the cafeteria at this time.

4:00 PM All students please register and receive your audition badge

4:30 PM Student meeting and run through of cuts in the Auditorium. There will

be no singing after you sing through the audition cuts with the group.

4:45 PM Auditions begin

MUSIC FOR THIS AUDTION (in the following order):

Justorum animae by Stanford

Chariots by van Dijk

Suffer No Grief by Betinis



·  You will enter through the front doors of the school and proceed to the cafeteria at 3:45-4:00 pm to register. Once you have your badge, you may enter the auditorium to wait.

·  At about 4:00 you will register and receive your badge and room number. This badge is to be worn at all times on your chest.

·  The holding area is the auditorium. You must stay there until a monitor calls your audition number. You will be escorted to your audition room. The halls will be as empty as possible in order to keep the noise to a minimum.

·  You will be allowed to sing through the audition cuts as a group prior to the beginning of the auditions. Following the run through, you will not be allowed to sing until you audition in your contest room. The use of any personal electronic device by students in the holding and audition room is prohibited (i.e., cell phones, mp3’s, PDA’s, etc.) and may jeopardize your audition. You are strongly encouraged not to bring devices to the audition site.

·  Because there is no sight reading, you may return to the auditorium after your audition or leave the audition site. These are your only options.

·  Only original copies of music are allowed.

·  Soprano I, Soprano II, and Alto 1 will sing on Tuesday, October 7th.

·  Soprano I and Soprano II will be divided into three rooms, the top 15 from each room advancing on to Saturday’s audition at Poteet High School.

·  Alto 1 will be divided into two rooms, the top 23 from each room advancing on to Saturday’s audition at Poteet High School.

·  Contest results will be posted on the main entrance doors at the completion of the entire contest.