Proposals are due to the Center by close of business day

PARTICIPANTS: Lamar University
Texas A&M University
University of Houston
University of Texas at Austin / Director: Dr. T. C. Ho
Phone: 409/880-2182
Fax: 409/880-2397

I.Proposal Cover Sheet and Abstract

The cover sheet is enclosed. Please fill out all requested information including the address of researcher even if the proposal is submitted through a university's Office of Sponsored Research. Without a complete address, telephone, E-mail, and fax information, the researcher may not receive timely notification of proposal acceptance or rejection.

The abstract should concisely cover the major elements of the proposal. The importance of the abstract cannot be overstated. It is the first section of the proposal read by the reviewer and sets the tone. Your abstract should:

  • define the problem
  • describe the proposed research program
  • describe the methodology used to achieve the research objectives
  • describe the expected results
  • estimate the total cost of the project
  • specify the total length of time required to complete the project

II.Problem Statement

This is the most important section of your proposal. It should:

  • convince your reviewer that the work is a vital solution to a well-defined problem
  • be supported by hard evidence drawn from experiences, from statistics, and/or from knowledgeable people or organizations
  • document the problem(s) to be solved and state the work you are proposing to do if you are funded
  • provide an explanation of the background (show you understand the problem; the circumstances that lead to the discovery, the relationship of events that will affect the problem and its solution)

III. Program Objectives

The Program Objectives section of your proposal should:

  • state the benefits or results of funding your project in measurable terms
  • include the type of work to be done, when it will be done, and who will be responsible
  • describe the criteria that determine when the research objectives have been met


In this section, spell out exactly how you plan to achieve your objectives. Methods could relate to your objectives and should be understandable and logical. Describe your methods in terms that are understandable to other technically trained people.

The following subheadings are also recommended:

  • Procedure/Equipment
  • Capabilities
  • Personnel Requirements
  • Timetable
  • Literature search

Including this section may enhance your funding chances by demonstrating that your research idea is new and innovative.

V.Quality Assurance/Quality Control Plan

This section should address plans for submitting a detailed QA/QC plan shortly after award of the project. Safety issues should also be addressed.

VI.Proposed Budget

The proposed budget for your project should immediately follow the cover sheet. A budget example is provided on the following page.

Proposed Budget (Example 1st year)

Requested from THWRC
A. Salaries
I. Principal Investigator
(two academic months)
(one summer month) / $5,250
II. Graduate Assistant
(12 months) / $12,000
III. Undergraduate Assistants
(300 hours) / $1,500
Total Salary / $18750
B. Travel / $1,000
C. Equipment (Field Sampling Gear) / $1,000
D. Supplies / $2,000
E. Other Expenses


1.THWRC will fund either academic year support or summer support, not both. Exceptions will require prior approval by the Center Director.

2.The suggested budget is $50,000 for two years.

3.Indirect costs are not allowed to be charged against state awards.

NOTE: THWRC will fund either academic year support or summer support, not both. Exceptions will require prior approval by the Center Director.


The following rules are applicable to funded projects:

  • Funding of salary for faculty members will be one to one and one half (1-1½) months plus benefits per project except under special circumstances approved by the Director.
  • Support for graduate students and post doctoral studentswill be at 50% Full-Time Employee (FTE) at the wage or salary rate for similarly qualified students at the student's university.
  • Undergraduates may be hired up to half-time at the normal rates for the campus on which the work is done. Undergraduates are normally expected to be hired to help the graduate student(s) on the project.
  • Unless the need for additional graduate students is documented, the normal ratio will be one graduate or undergraduate student per faculty member per project and one post doctoral student per project.
  • THWRC expects the university to provide major items of equipment. Equipment cost of each project should be limited to specialized items needed to accomplish the project. Variations from this situation should be documented in the proposal.
  • Travel for research projects should include part of the cost of attending a national meeting and the cost for the PI to participate in the annual Advisory Committee Meeting.
  • Supplies cover consumable materials needed for the project. Other items should be documented in the proposal.

Proposal Formatting Information

1.Proposed length

15 pages, double spaced. The cover sheet and the budget sheet are included in the 15 page limit. Abstract (1 page max) and curricula vitae (2 pages max) are not included in the overall length. Total pages allowed = 18.

2.Sizes of type to be used

12-point scalable or 10 characters per inch

3.Number of copies required

An original plus 6 paper copies (copy double sided, if possible)

a pdf of proposal (via e-mail)

Abstract as a Word document

4.Proposal Delivery Information

Physical Address: 211 Redbird

Beaumont, TX 77710

Mailing Address:PO Box 10613

Beaumont, TX 77710-0613

5.Who to Call for Further Information about the Call-for-Proposals

Proposal content, call Dr. T. C. Ho (409) 880-2182

Information about submitting proposal, call Rachel Edwards (409) 880-8768

Information about the budget for your proposal, call Mary Givan (409) 880-8736

6.Who to Call for Information about the Research Program at Your University

Lamar University - Dr. Helen Lou (409) 880-8207

Texas A&M University - Dr. Bill Batchelor (409) 845-1304

University of Houston - Dr. Bill Rixey (713) 743-4279

University of Texas at Austin - Dr. Mary Jo Kirisits (512) 232-7120

Proposal Rating Criteria

A.Technical Merit and Originality (60 points)

Is the proposal prepared with supportive information, self-explanatory, and clearly understandable? Is the proposed effort technically defensible and practical? Can the project objectives be achieved in the stated time period with the allotted personnel and budget? Does the proposal reflect originality or other special qualities that make it more attractive or potentially useful than the current state of the art?

B.Qualifications (30 points)

Do the key project personnel have experience in the proposed area of research? Have key personnel committed an appropriate amount of time to the project?

C.QA/QC and Safety plan (5 points)

Are these two items included in the proposal?

D.Budget (5 points maximum):
Is the budget within the Center's funding level? Are direct project costs listed in the budget reasonable? Is the level of effort allocated to each task reasonable?

(Please copy this form and provide the following information for any additional researchers)
Principal Researcher: / Co-Researcher:
Department/University: / Department/University:
Mailing Address: / Mailing Address:
City State Zip / City State Zip
Telephone Fax / Telephone Fax
E-mail Address / E-mail Address
Co-Researcher: / Co-Researcher:
Department/University: / Department/University:
Mailing Address: / Mailing Address:
City State Zip / City State Zip
Telephone Fax / Telephone Fax
E-mail Address / E-mail Address
Office of Sponsored Research Information: / Budget Manager:
Contact Name and Signature: / Contact Name and Signature:
Dept./Mailing Address: / Dept./Mailing Address:
City State Zip / City State Zip
Telephone Fax / Telephone Fax
E-mail Address / E-mail Address
Principal Researcher Signature
Additional Signature(s) as needed:

Please provide a project abstract that is suitable for publication. Your abstract should be approximately 600 words in length. It should be clear and concise and include the following information:

  1. A description of the problem you are attempting to solve.
  2. The research objectives to be achieved.
  3. The methodology or the type of activities which will be conducted to accomplish the objectives of the research.