Request for Proposal
Requisition Number:403-2008-0658
Case Management System
Texas Veterans Commission
Release Date:June 3, 2008
Texas Veterans Commission
P.O. Box12277
Austin, Texas 78711-2277
Request for Proposal
RFP NUMBER: 403-2008-0658
RFP for:Case Management System for the State of Texas
5:00 PM, July 1, 2008
TexasVeterans CommissionEXPRESS MAIL TO:
P.O. Box12277TexasVeterans Commission
Austin, Texas78711-2277Stephen F. Austin Bldg., Suite 620
1700 N Congress
Attn: Purchasing DepartmentAustin, Texas78701
Note to Bidder: Proposal must be time stamped at the Texas Veterans Commission before or on the hour and date specified to be considered. Sealed Proposals will be received at this office until the date and time established for receipt. Late Proposals will be returned to the bidder unopened.
Requisition #: 403-2008-0658
Texas Veterans Commission
Purchasing Department
P.O. Box12277
Austin, Texas78711-2277
Attention: Case Management System
Phone: (512) 463-7681
Case Management System Request for Proposal
Table of Contents
2.1Project Management......
2.2RFP Structure......
2.3 Description of Process......
2.4 Contract Duration......
2.5Schedule/Delivery of Proposals
2.5.1Proposed Schedule of Events......
2.5.2Response Submission Requirements......
2.6Interchangeable Terms......
2.7Selection Process......
2.7.1Evaluation Committee......
2.7.2Evaluation Criteria......
2.7.3Response Clarifications......
2.7.4Oral Presentations......
2.7.5Committee Recommendations......
2.7.6Award of Contracts......
2.8One or More Contracts......
2.9No Cost to TVC
2.10Public Information Act......
2.11Contracting Entity......
2.12Term of Response......
2.13Unauthorized Withdrawal of Proposal
2.14Rejection of Proposals
3.1.1Must Note Exceptions......
3.1.2No Marketing Materials Desired......
3.1.3Marked Pages and Exhibits......
3.2Response Format......
3.2.1Transmittal Letter......
3.2.2Anti-Lobbying Affidavit......
3.2.3Executive Summary......
3.2.4Services Proposed......
3.2.5Proposer Information......
3.2.6Financial Stability......
3.2.8Technical Capabilities......
3.2.9Organizational and Staffing Plan......
3.2.10Project Plan......
3.2.11 Exceptions to RFP Specifications and Proposal Assumptions......
4.2Alternate Proposals
4.3Time of Performance......
4.6Intellectual Property Rights......
4.7Governing Law......
4.8Technology Access Clause......
4.09Agreement Amendments......
4.10Independent Contractor Status......
4.11Title, Risk of Loss and Freight......
4.12 Anti-Lobbying Affidavit......
4.13Proposing Entities......
4.14Sales and Use Tax......
4.15Observance of TVC Rules and Regulations......
4.19Non-Waiver of Defaults......
4.20Dispute Resolution......
4.21Debt Liability......
4.22Historically Underutilized Business (HUB)......
5.1RFP as Part of Contract......
5.3Performance Bond or Other Security Mechanism......
5.4News Releases and Advertisements......
5.5Tax Certification......
5.6Payment of Child Support......
5.7HUB Continuing Performance & Reporting......
6.1Overview of Project Objectives......
6.1.1Role Definition......
6.1.2Criteria for Success......
6.2Project Initiation......
6.3Project Timeline and Schedule......
6.6Operational Requirements......
6.6.1Customer Service......
6.6.2Operational Requirements......
APPENDIX A: VA Form/Data Collection Grid
Table of Contents1RFP#: 403-2008-0658
Case Management System Request for Proposal
The Texas Veterans Commission (TVC) is the Texas state agency charged with assisting military service veterans is their pursuit of Veterans Administration (VA) benefits, employment and continuing education.
The purpose of this Request for Proposal (RFP) is to address TVC's need to implement a statewide automated system to process VA claims forms for veterans, to track the statues of those claims, to track contacts with veterans and to collect work data needed for TVC work measures and employee performance.
The expected result of this RFP is the development of a contractual arrangement with a prime contractor to implement a centralized database management system for claims processing. The database management system will be accessed via a uniform web based graphical front end and record all events necessary to administer TVC claim processing.
TVC will serve as the RFP Project Manager and will contract for the services awarded.
TVC intends to award this contract to a single primary contractor. The primary contractor will be responsible for all requirements and deliverables of this RFP. Vendors that are not able to complete the RFP response or delivery schedule described in this RFP should not respond to the RFP.
Though the initial impetus for this RFP is to develop an integrated case management system for claims processing, it is TVC’s intent to build a framework for any subsequent activities that TVC may be required to administer. TVC desires the capability to expand this system to other programs administered by TVC
This RFP requires the establishment and successful completion of 3 specific sets of deliverables for the Case Management System:
- Statewide access to the case management system for all TVC claims employees and county service officers located throughout Texas.
- An implementation schedule and implementation cost for implementing the case management system.
- Delivery of all software tools required for TVC to maintain and enhance the system.
2.1Project Management
TVC is responsible for completing this RFP process. The TVC Information Resources Manager, is the Project Manager for the RFP Process. All inquiries on this RFP should be directed to the Point of Contact identified in Section 2.5.4.
Upon review and evaluation of the RFP responses, the TVC Project Manager will determine the need to contract for the awarded services.
2.2RFP Structure
The RFP sections are setup to facilitate vendor responses. In reviewing and responding to the RFP, Vendors should understand the sections as follows:
- Section One provides an overview of the work required in order for Proposers to gain the initial scope of the Case Management System Project.
- Section Two describes the procurement process during the response and award period.
- Section Three describes the format for the Proposal responses. This ensures that all responses are evaluated in an equitable manner.
- Sections Four and Five provide initial Terms and Conditions. Vendors must respond with their acceptance of the terms provided or note exceptions in their response (Section 3.2.12).
- Section Six describes the Scope of Work for the Project. Proposers must respond to each specification and explain how the specification will be met.
2.3 Description of Process
TVC is conducting this procurement under subchapter B, chapter 2157, Texas Government Code.
An initial review of Proposals will be conducted to determine responsiveness to this RFP. Responsive Proposals will be evaluated and a determination will be made by TVC whether to pursue negotiations with a Proposer.
TVC may continue separate negotiations with each Proposer until such time as TVC determines that the Proposer has had adequate opportunity to present its best proposal, including the thorough discussion of all alternative methodologies for addressing the needs of TVC and the State of Texas. TVC reserves the right to enter into a contact or contracts with other Proposers at any time during the process, so all Proposers are encouraged to produce their best proposal to TVC as soon as possible.
TVC reserves the right to continue negotiations until such point as the best value is obtained for TVC and the State of Texas and a contract(s) is executed, or the solicitation is cancelled by TVC in whole or part.
2.4 Contract Duration
TVC reserves the right to negotiate the term of each contract, but the initial award will be a minimum base term that ends on August 31, 2009.
2.5Schedule/Delivery of Proposals
2.5.1Proposed Schedule of Events
Release RFP to Prospective Bidders06/03/2008
Vendor Question/Clarifications Deadline06/13/2008
Responses to Vendor Questions06/24/2008
RFP Response Submission Deadline07/01/2008
Initial Evaluation Phase5 business days
Presentations (Invitation Only)2 business days
Negotiation10 business days
Contract(s) Awarded08/05/2008
TVC reserves the right to adjust the schedule by Addendum as necessary.
2.5.2Response Submission Requirements
One original, signed by an appropriate official, and three (3) sealed printed copies and 1 CD-ROM or DVD-ROM copy, as set forth in Section 3 of this RFP, must be received by TVC on or before 5:00 p.m., the RFP Response Submission Deadline date, at the following address:
Requisition No.: 403-2008-0658
Texas Veterans Commission
ATTN: Philip McGuill
Stephen F. Austin Bldg.
1700 N Congress
Austin, Texas78701
All Proposals shall be in a sealed package plainly marked “Case Management System Project Proposal.” Proposals may be hand carried or delivered by overnight service or U.S. Mail. All deliveries will be formally received and logged. Proposals received by TVC after the time and date specified will not be considered.
Vendors are advised that responses must be provided in electronic and hard copy. Electronic copies must be formatted using MS Word™ and/or MS Excel™ versions of MS Office 2003™ software.
Questions concerning this Request for Proposal shall be submitted on or before the Vendor Question/Clarifications Deadline, in writing to TVC’s Point of Contact:
Philip McGuill
Texas Veterans Commission
P.O. Box12277
Austin, Texas78711-2277
Phone: 512-473-7345
Questions may also be submitted by email as listed below:
Questions will not be answered if received after 5:00 p.m. on the Vendor Question/Clarifications Deadline.
If a Proposer discovers any ambiguity, conflict, discrepancy, exclusionary specifications, omission, or other error in this RFP, the Proposer shall immediately provide written notification to the TVC’s Point of Contact prior to the deadline. If a Proposer fails to notify the TVC Point of Contact of any error, ambiguity, conflict, discrepancy, exclusionary specification, or omission, the Proposer shall submit an Proposal at its own risk and under such conditions. If the Proposer is awarded a contract, then such Proposer will not be entitled to additional compensation, relief, or time by reason of the error or its later correction.
2.6Interchangeable Terms
Whenever the following terms are used in these General Terms and Conditions or in other documents the intent and meaning shall be interpreted as follows:
- TVC shall mean the Texas Veterans Commission
- Proposer shall mean the individual, partnership, corporation, or other entity responding to this RFP.
- Contractor or Primary Contractor shall mean the individual, partnership, corporation, or other entity awarded an Agreement to Perform labor, goods, services, or information provided under this RFP in accordance with the terms, conditions, and requirements herein.
- Agreement shall mean the contractual purchase order/document issued by the TVC in response to the Proposal as may be amended by a best and final Proposal.
- In this RFP, the occasional use of the terms “bid” and “bidder” and “Proposal” and “Proposer” are not intended to be construed in their technical procurement meanings, but rather as synonyms for “Proposers”. TVC reserves the right to use all terms interchangeably and in a non-technical sense. No participant in this procurement shall have grounds for protest based on the non-technical use of these terms.
- The terms “Bidder,” “Respondent,” “Proposer“, “Vendor” and “Proposer” are used interchangeably in this RFP.
2.7Selection Process
The response evaluation process will be conducted as described in the following sub-sections.
2.7.1Evaluation Committee
Prior to the response opening, the TVC will appoint a committee to review all responses. The higher scoring responses may be invited to participate in negotiations and possibly vendor presentations.
2.7.2Evaluation Criteria
The following criteria will be used for grading the RFP responses:
Project cost500 points
Quality of technical proposal500 points
Ability of TVC to execute Proposal500 points
Qualifications, prior experience, and
performance on similar projects250 points
Project approach300 points
Financial stability of Proposer250 points
The committee will review Proposals to determine responsiveness to this RFP. The committee will then evaluate responsive Proposals and determine if negotiations with aProposer are in the best interest of TVC. Proposers selected for negotiations will be contacted at that time by TVC and will be provided with such modifications and/or supplements to any General Terms and Conditions as the committee believes are necessary to fully assess the Proposal, and/or to solicit modification of the initial Proposal to obtain the best value for TVC.
TVC may continue separate negotiations with each Proposer until such time as TVC determines that the Proposer has had adequate opportunity to present its best Proposal, including the thorough discussion of all alternative methodologies for addressing the needs of TVC. TVC reserves the right to enter into a contact or contracts at any time during the process, so all Proposers are encouraged to produce their best Proposal as soon as possible. Separate meetings with more than one Proposer may be conducted during the same time frame; however, in no event will any negotiation session be held with more than one Proposer present in the same room. The negotiation team may conduct simultaneous, concurrent, or linear negotiations.
TVC reserves the right to negotiate until such point as the best value is obtained for TVC and a contract(s) is awarded and executed, or the solicitation is cancelled by TVC in whole or part.
2.7.3Response Clarifications
The committee may ask any or all Respondents to elaborate on or clarify specific points or portions of their response. Clarifications may take the form of written responses to questions or meetings to discuss the RFP and/or the Vendor’s response.
2.7.4Oral Presentations
Once the clarification process is complete, each of the Respondents may be asked to give an oral presentation of its response to the committee.
2.7.5Committee Recommendations
Following the completion of negotiations with all competing Proposers and the evaluation of all Proposals, the committee will then produce a written recommendation to the Project Manager. The Project Manager will review the recommendation and make a final recommendation on contract award(s) to the Executive Director of the Texas Veterans Commission (TVC).
2.7.6Award of Contracts
Contracts will be awarded as determined by the Executive Director of TVC.
2.8One or More Contracts
TVC reserves the right to award one or more contracts from this RFP process. TVC reserves the right to award only part of the equipment, software and services proposed by any Respondent based on volume, time or other measurement and/or to reject any or all Proposal responses.
TVC shall have no obligation to award a contract for work, goods and/or services as a result of this solicitation.
2.9No Cost to TVC
TVC shall not be responsible or liable for any cost incurred by any Respondent in the preparation and submission of their RFP response, or for other costs incurred by participating in this procurement process.
2.10Public Information Act
TVC is a government agency subject to the Texas Public Information Act. Responses submitted to the TVC in response to the RFP are subject to release as public information after contract award. If the Respondent believes that the response, or parts of it, may be confidential the respondent must specify that either all or part is excepted and which exception(s) the respondent believes applies, with specific and detailed reasons. Vague and general claims to confidentiality are not acceptable. This is necessary so that TVC will have sufficient information to provide the Attorney General (AG) of Texas if an AG opinion is requested. All responses or parts of the responses that are not marked as being confidential will automatically be considered public information after a contract has been awarded. The successful response may be considered public information even though parts are marked “confidential.” TVC shall comply with all opinions of the Attorney General’s office and the Public Information Act.
TVC assumes no responsibility for asserting legal arguments on behalf of the Respondents. Respondents are advised to consult with their legal counsel concerning disclosure issues resulting from this response process and to take precautions to safeguard trade secrets and other proprietary information.
2.11Contracting Entity
The Vendor contract(s) for the Case Management System Project will be with the TVC, an agency of the State of Texas.
2.12Term of Response
Proposer responses must state that their entire Proposal shall be binding upon the Proposer in all respects for a period of 120 days.
2.13Unauthorized Withdrawal of Proposal
Proposers may not withdraw their Proposals after the closing time for submission of Proposals without the prior written consent of the TVC.
2.14Rejection of Proposals
Proposals that are incomplete or are unclear as to compliance with the requirements established in this RFP may be rejected. In addition, the TVC reserves the right to accept or reject in whole or in part any responses submitted, and to waive minor technicalities when in the best interest of TVC. Responses may be disqualified for any of, but not limited to, the following reasons:
- references report unsatisfactory experience with Proposer;
- collusion among Respondents;
- failure to comply with, or inclusion of terms and conditions in conflict with, the terms of this RFP or purchasing rules and procedures or the laws and statutes of the State of Texas; or
- failure to meet minimum response requirements established in the RFP.
Each Proposal shall be prepared simply and economically, providing a straightforward and concise description of Respondent’s ability to meet the requirements of this RFP. Emphasis should be on completeness, clarity of content and responsiveness to the Proposal requirements.
Section 6 of this RFP is to be reproduced with the Proposer’s individual response immediately following the original section or subsection, as necessary. Proposers shall stateintention to comply, or provide a detailed explanation of why Proposer is unable to comply. References to exhibits may be utilized. To facilitate Proposer responses, this RFP is available online in MS Office Word 2003™ at the Electronic State Business Daily (ESBD).
3.1.1Must Note Exceptions
Vendors must disclose any exceptions to the terms and conditions of the RFP in their response. Failure to raise exceptions to the provisions of the RFP shall be deemed acceptance of the RFP provisions in the event of selection of the Vendor to provide goods and services. Exceptions to the specifications in the RFP and the assumptions used to complete the Proposal should be included as described in Section 3.2.11.
3.1.2No Marketing Materials Desired
Unnecessarily elaborate brochures or other presentations beyond those requested and sufficient to present a complete response to the RFPare not desired.
3.1.3Marked Pages and Exhibits
All pages in the Proposer’s response must be consecutively numbered. Any information provided in the Exhibits shall be clearly divided by sectional dividers to facilitate reference to that material. The pages of the Exhibits need not be consecutively numbered unless separate numbering of an exhibit would facilitate use of material and/or ease of understanding.