Levitation Clock Test Procedure Manual P13321-DOC-TESTW

Rochester Institute of Technology /
Test Procedure Manual /
P13321 – Levitation Clock /
Kevin Fronczak, Trong Duong, Holden Sandlar /
3/12/2013 /

Table of Contents

General Test Plan

User Interface Board

Required Parts


Main Control Board

Driver Signaling and RGB LED Test

Required Parts:


RTC Test

Required Parts:


Full System Test

Required Parts:


General Test Plan

The levitation clock system is tested in four parts. This is to ensure that the functionality of each subsystem is tested before the system is fully integrated. The subsystems are tested in the following order:

  1. User Interface Board
  2. Main board driver signaling test and RGB LED test
  3. Main board real-time clock (RTC) test
  4. Full system test

The following sections detail the procedures required to perform the listed tests.

User Interface Board

Required Parts

Name / Part Number / Quantity
Fully Assembled User Interface Board / P13321-PCB-UPCBA / 1
Female-Male Wires / 12
Male-Male Wires / 12
Arduino UNO Dev. Board / 1
Breadboard / 1
Power Supply / 1
Arduino programming cable / 1
Computer to program Arduino / 1
DIP Socket chip removal tool / 1


  1. Gather necessary parts and prepare a static-safe work environment.
  2. Plug the Arduino UNO development board into computer using the programming cable and launch the Arduino IDE.
  3. Load the “Test_UI_Board.ino” sketch
  4. Sketch found at :
  5. Configure the correct serial port and board type in the Arduino IDE (these options are found under Tools > Serial Port and Tools > Board, respectively).
  6. Upload the sketch to the board (Shortcut: Ctrl+U)
  7. Disconnect the Arduino UNO from the programming cable
  8. Wire the Arduino UNO to the breadboard as shown in Figure 1. A table of pin connections can also be found in Table 1.

Figure 1: User Interface test schematic

Arduino IO Pin / Data Cable Pin / Signal Name
6 / 1 / DATA1
3 / 2 / DATA2
12 / 3 / CLK
13 / 4 / RST
4 / 5 / DATA3
5 / 6 / DATA4
2 / 7 / SW1
8 / 8 / SW2
7 / 9 / SW3
GND / 10 / GND

Table 1: Pin connections for user interface test setup

  1. Turn 5V power supply on
  2. Confirm that the 7-segment displays are flashing all segments on for half a second then all segments off for half a second.
  3. Press SW2 and confirm that the displays count down from 9 to 0
  4. Press SW3 and confirm that the displays count up from 0 to 9
  5. Press SW1 and confirm that the 7-segment displays return to their initial, blinking state
  6. Turn power off and report results of test

Main Control Board

Driver Signaling and RGB LED Test

Required Parts:

Name / Part Number / Quantity
Fully assembled main control board / P13321-PCB-MPCBA / 1
Power supply / 1
Digital multimeter / 1
Arduino UNO Dev. Kit / 1
Computer to program arduino / 1
DIP Socket Chip Removal Tool / 1


  1. Connect Arduino UNO Dev. Kit to computer
  2. Upload the “Signal_and_LED_test.ino” sketch to the Arduino UNO
  3. Sketch found at:
  4. Remove the Arduino UNO from the development board and connect firmly into socket on the main control board
  5. Wire power and ground to connector J2 of the main control board
  6. Apply power and check for red, green, and blue colors displaying on the LED over a period of five seconds.
  7. Use the digital multimeter to measure TP1, TP2, TP3, TP4 during the five seconds and ensure that the voltage toggles between 0 V and 5 V on each test point.
  8. Turn power off and report results of the test

RTC Test

Required Parts:

Same as for the Driver Signaling and LED Test


  1. Carefully remove ATMEGA from socket on Main control board and place into Arduino UNO Dev. Kit
  2. Connect Arduino UNO Dev. Kit to computer
  3. Upload the Test_RTC.ino Sketch to the chip
  4. Sketch found at:
  5. Carefully remove the ATMEGA from the Arduino UNO Dev. Kit and place into main control board
  6. Attach power lines to the main control board
  7. Apply power and look for the following sequence to occur:
  8. The LED will turn from Green to Blue to Red to indicate the LED is operational
  9. Next, the LED will turn Green and after 1 second will either start flashing green or turn solid red
  10. Observe the color of the LED and ensure that it is flashing green
  11. If it is flashing Red, ensure the RTC chip is properly oriented and fully seated in its socket
  12. Turn power off and report results of the test

Full System Test

Required Parts:

Name / Part Number / Quantity
Assembled main control board / P13321-PCB-MPCBA / 1
Assembled user interface board / P13321-PCB-UPCBA / 1
User interface data cable / P13321-DRW-UIDCV / 1
User interface power cable / P13321-DRW-UIPCV / 1
AC Adaptor / 1
Solenoids / P13321-DRW-SLNDV / 4
Arduino UNO Dev. Kit / 1
Computer to program arduino / 1
Digital Multimeter
DIP Socket Chip Removal Tool / 1


  1. Connect the user interface data cable from J1 to J3
  2. Connect the user interface power cable from J5 to J4
  3. If the ATMEGA is inserted in the main control board, remove it using the removal tool and insert it into the Arduino UNO dev. kit.
  4. Upload the test sketch “SystemDesign.ino” to the chip
  5. Sketch found at:
  6. Remove the chip from the dev. kit and insert back into the main control board.
  7. Connect the main board power cable to J2
  8. Ensure that the user interface functions properly (see User Manual for details on operation)
  9. Using the user interface, toggle through five minute intervals and ensure the LED changes color
  10. Using the digital multimeter measure TP1, TP2, TP3, and TP4 on the main board when the hour is set to 1,2,4,8 and look for results of ‘0001’, ‘0010’, ‘0100’, ‘1000’, respectively for TP’1234’ where ‘0’ = 0 volts and ‘1’ = 5 volts.
  11. Remove main board power cable from J2
  12. Unplug AC Adaptor from wall
  13. Perform Tuning of Solenoid Drivers (TUNING MANUAL DOC NUMBER HERE)
  14. Looking at the clock from the front, plug the left-most solenoid into JS1 on the main control board. Plug the remaining solenoids in – the connector order for the solenoids from left to right (looking at the clock straight-on) is JS1, JS2, JS3, JS4.
  15. Connect main control board power cable to J2
  16. Assemble rest of clock

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