Acceptance Test Plan and Cases (TPC) Version 1.6 Version no x.xx
Acceptance Test Plan and Cases (TPC)
CRCD Management System
Team 11
Erik Frimodig - Project Manager
Yazeed Alabdulkarim - Operational Engineer
Muzzammil Imam - System Architect
Jason Loewy - Prototyper
Fan Xu - Requirements Engineer
Daniela Gergley - Integrated Independent Verification & Validation
Version History
Date / Author / Version / Changes made / Rationale /11/16/11 / Erik, Fan, Yazeed / 1.0 / · Filled out all sections / · Initial Draft for DCP
11/17/11 / Erik / 1.1 / · Minor Edits and corrections / · Adding to team website
11/20/11 / Erik,Yazeed / 1.2 / · Elaborated input specifications / · Qi feedback
11/28/11 / Erik / 1.3 / · Bugs fixed / · Daniela Feedback
12/2/11 / Erik / 1.4 / · New Test cases for NDI data sharing / · Feedback from DCR
12/5/11 / Erik / 1.5 / · Specified team member in plan / · Feedback from DCR
12/8/11 / Erik / 1.6 / · Detailed test cases / · Feedback from Daniela
Table of Contents
Acceptance Test Plan and Cases (TPC) i
Version History ii
Table of Contents iii
Table of Tables v
Table of Figures vii
1. Introduction 8
2. Test Strategy and Preparation 8
2.1 Hardware preparation 8
2.2 Software preparation 8
2.3 Other pre-test preparations 8
2.4 Requirements Traceability 9
3. Test Identification 10
3.1 TC-01: Employees Clock In 10
3.2 TC-02: Employees Clock Out 11
3.3 TC-03: Create 100 Employee Accounts 12
3.4 TC-04: Publish data to ADP Format 13
3.5 TC-05: Import offline hand punch data to Time Card System 14
3.6 TC-06: Employee Interface 16
3.7 TC-07: Inventory Check In 17
3.8 TC-08: Inventory Check Out 18
3.9 TC-09: Inventory Interface 19
3.10 TC-10: User Authorization 21
3.11 TC-11: Administrator and Manager Role Differentiation 22
3.12 TC-12: Import Handpunch data to Time Card System 23
3.13 TC-13: NDI Data Sharing 24
4. Resources and schedule 26
4.1 Resources 26
4.2 Staffing and Training Needs 26
4.3 Schedule 26
ATPC_DCP_F11a_T11_V1.6.doc Version Date: 12/8/11
Test Plan and Cases (TPC) Table of Contents
Table of Tables
Table 1: Requirements Traceability Matrix 9
Table 2: TC-01-01 Valid employee clock in. 10
Table 3: TC-01-02 Invalid employee clock in. 11
Table 4: TC-02-01 Valid employee clock out. 11
Table 5: TC-03-01 Create 100 employee accounts. 12
Table 6: TC-04-01 Publish to ADP format. 13
Table 7: TC-05-01 Import offline hand punch data to the Time Cards System. 14
Table 8: TC-05-02 Don’t Import from a bad file. 15
Table 9: TC-05-03 Hand punch data input file contains unknown employees. 15
Table 10: TC-05-04 Duplicate data in the hand punch data input file. 15
Table 11: TC-06-01 Create a new employee 16
Table 12: TC-06-02 Edit employee information 17
Table 13: TC-06-03 Delete employee information 17
Table 14: TC-07-01 Check in inventory item. 18
Table 15: TC-08-01 Check out inventory item. 19
Table 16: TC-08-02 can’t check out more than available from the inventory system. 19
Table 17: TC-09-01 Create a new item 20
Table 18: TC-09-02 Edit item information 20
Table 19: TC-09-03 Delete item information 21
Table 20: TC-10-01 valid user log in 21
Table 21: TC-10-02 invalid user can not log in 22
Table 22: TC-11-01 manager roles 22
Table 23: TC-11-02 Administrator roles 23
Table 24: TC-12-01 Import hand punch data to Time Cards System 24
Table 25: TC-13-01 Login to Inventory System from Timetrex Account 25
Table 26: TC-13-02 See Employee List in Inventory Management System 25
Table 27: Testing Schedule 26
ATPC_DCP_F11a_T11_V1.6.doc Version Date: 12/8/11
Test Plan and Cases (TPC) Table of Contents
Table of Figures
No table of figures entries found.
ATPC_DCP_F11a_T11_V1.6.doc Version Date: 12/8/11
Acceptance Test Plan and Cases (TPC) Version 1.6
1. Introduction
The purpose of testing is to make sure that CRCD can rely on the system when they transition away from their paper processing. The focus of testing will be system reliability and consistency. The system has two NDI components that need to be unit tested and their compatibility must be proven. We will focus our testing on time card data entry and exporting to ADP format. We will also work on inventory check-ins/outs. Both NDIs are open source, but unless we modify the original code, we will stick to black box testing.
2. Test Strategy and Preparation
· Unit testing for Inventory and Time Cards Systems.
· Integration testing between Time Cards System and Handpunch device.
· Integration testing between Time Cards and ADP.
· The Time Cards System has more business value than the Inventory System, so it will be tested first. Automating CRCD’s Time Cards saves time for every Employee working there, whereas automating the Inventory tracking only saves time for the Management.
· In the Time Cards System, the highest risk item is the interface with ADP, so that will be the top priority.
· All testing will be performed on CRCD hardware. Specifically, using their Windows server.
2.1 Hardware preparation
· Their server doesn’t need any special preparation.
· Two workstations will be connected to the Handpunch device. No other hardware is necessary for the workstations to function. A serial/PS2 adapter is necessary for the Handpunch to connect to a workstation. Software preparation.
2.2 Software preparation
· Their server needs to have MySql database installed and configured.
· Their server needs to have PHP installed.
· Install Biometric Hand Punch Manager on their server and workstations connected to the Handpunch devices.
· Install Timetrex on their server and configure to receive data from the Biometric Hand Punch Manager.
· Install the Inventory Management Software.
2.3 Other pre-test preparations
· Create user accounts using our handprints on the Biometric Hand Punch Manager.
2.4 Requirements Traceability
Table 1: Requirements Traceability Matrix
Requirement ID / Verification Type / Test Case ID (if applicable)LOS-1 Response time preferably within 10 seconds, but not more than one minute. / Demonstration / Install Google Analytics to track Page Loading Speed (add google code script to pages).
LOS-2 Scalability: The system should be able to handle 100 employees. / Testing / TC-03: Create 100 employees accounts
LOS-3 The system should be available during working hours from 8am to 6pm (PST) under normal conditions of operation (no power failure, no server crashes, etc.) / Simulation / Once the Time Card System is installed, it will be left running 24/7 to provide smoke testing
CR-1: Employees clock in and out each day. Data captured from ADP Handpunch LE (attached to a local workstation) / Testing / TC-01: Employees clock-in
TC-02: Employees clock-out
CR-2: Interface: must pass the payroll data to ADP for payroll processing. / Testing and Demonstration / TC-04: Publish to ADP format
CR-3: Upload handpunch data to the time cards system / Testing / TC-05: Import offline hand punch data to Time Cards System
CR-4: An interface for entering employee information: Name, Contact Info, Performance History/Reviews, Pay increase history. / Demonstrating and Testing / TC-06: Employee interface
CR-5: Track inventory as employees check them in and outreach day. Track who checked them out, and the amount of materials consumed. / Testing / TC-07: Check-in inventory item
TC-08: Check-out inventory item
TC-09: Inventory interface
CR-6: Only Managerial (Administrator) access to the data / Testing / TC-10: User Login Authorization
CR-7: Administrator is allowed to set user permission level and change passwords. Managers allowed to access data. / Testing / TC-11: Administrator and Manager Role Differentiation
None / Testing / TC-12: Import hand punch data to Time Card System
None / Testing / TC-13: NDI Data Sharing
3. Test Identification
3.1 TC-01: Employees Clock In
TC-01: Employees clock-in.
3.1.1 Test Level
Software item level
3.1.2 Test Class
· Timing tests to make sure that the actual time is recorded for the time card.
· Erroneous tests to catch invalid users and to make sure that the hand punch is mapped to the right employee.
3.1.3 Test Completion Criteria
A test will be complete when two users can clock in and the information is accurately reflected in the Time Cards System.
3.1.4 Test Cases
Table 2: TC-01-01 Valid employee clock in.
Test Case Number / TC-01-01Test Item / Valid employee clock-in with hand punch.
Test Priority / Must
Pre-conditions / - Dummy account for Jason is entered in the Time Cards System
- Jason’s hand print is recorded on the HandPunch Manager.
Post-conditions / A clock in entry is recorded in the Time Card System.
Input Specifications / Jason’s hand placed on the Handpunch device.
Expected Output Specifications / None.
Pass/Fail Criteria / Fail on any errors.
Fail if the event is not recorded in the system
Fail if the event is assigned to the wrong employee.
Fail if the event is recorded with incorrect timestamp.
Pass if a check-in entry with the correct time is recorded in the Time Card System for that specific employee, otherwise a fail.
Assumptions and Constraints / Server is up and running and data is being correctly passed from hand punch to workstation to server to Time Cards System. Wait a minute to give the data time to propagate. Events will be recorded as a Datetime.
Dependencies / TC-12, TC-10, TC-11
Traceability / CR-1
Table 3: TC-01-02 Invalid employee clock in.
Test Case Number / TC-01-02Test Item / Invalid employee can’t clock-in with hand punch.
Test Priority / Must
Pre-conditions / Muzzammil’s hand print not entered into handpunch device.
Post-conditions / None.
Input Specifications / Muzzammil’s hand placed on the Handpunch device.
Expected Output Specifications / Unknown employee error on Handpunch Device. No changes to Time Cards System
Pass/Fail Criteria / Fail if an entry is created in the Time Cards System.
Fail if the system does not show an error.
Pass if Time Card System is unchanged, otherwise a fail.
Assumptions and Constraints / Server is up and running and data is being correctly passed from hand punch to workstation to server.
Dependencies / TC-12, TC-10, TC-11
Traceability / CR-1
3.2 TC-02: Employees Clock Out
TC-02: Employees clock-out.
3.2.1 Test Level
Software item level
3.2.2 Test Class
· Timing tests to make sure that the actual time is recorded for the time card.
· Erroneous tests to catch invalid users and to make sure that the hand punch is mapped to the right employee.
3.2.3 Test Completion Criteria
A test will be complete when two users can clock out and the information is accurately reflected in the Time Cards System.
3.2.4 Test Cases
Table 4: TC-02-01 Valid employee clock out.
Test Case Number / TC-02-01Test Item / Valid employee clock-out with hand punch.
Test Priority / Must
Pre-conditions / - Jason’s information entered in the Time Cards System
- Jason’s hand print is recorded.
- Jason had clocked-in to the Time Card System.
Post-conditions / A check out entry is recorded in the Time Card Sytem for Jason.
Input Specifications / Jason’s hand placed on the Handpunch device.
Expected Output Specifications / None.
Pass/Fail Criteria / Fail on any errors.
Fail if the event is not recorded in the system
Fail if the event is assigned to the wrong employee.
Fail if the event is recorded with incorrect timestamp.
Pass if a check-in entry with the correct time is recorded in the Time Card System for that specific employee, otherwise a fail.
Assumptions and Constraints / Server is up and running and data is being correctly passed from hand punch to workstation to server to Time Cards System.
Dependencies / TC-12, TC-10, TC-11
Traceability / CR-1
Note: Why is there no “TC-02-XX In-valid employee clock out”? A check-out can only occur if an employee has previously checked in and invalid employees have no way to generate a check-in event.
3.3 TC-03: Create 100 Employee Accounts
TC-03: Create 100 employee accounts.
3.3.1 Test Level
System performance level
3.3.2 Test Class
· Maximum capacity test.
3.3.3 Test Completion Criteria
A test will be complete when 100 unique employee accounts are entered in the system.
3.3.4 Test Cases
Table 5: TC-03-01 Create 100 employee accounts.
Test Case Number / TC-03-01Test Item / 100 employee accounts
Test Priority / Must
Pre-conditions / None
Post-conditions / 100 Employees will be recorded in the System
Input Specifications / Login as a valid administrator, admin01/password01. Go to the employee management page. Click the button for new employee entry. Enter John Doe1. Continue entering new employees John DoeX for every X between 2 and 100. Or this could be done directly in the database using SQL queries.
Expected Output Specifications / None
Pass/Fail Criteria / Fail if the max employee limit is reached.
Fail if employee data is stored incorrectly.
Pass if 100 employee accounts are created in the system, otherwise a fail.
Assumptions and Constraints / Server is up and running.
Dependencies / TC-10, TC-11
Traceability / LOS-2
3.4 TC-04: Publish data to ADP Format
TC-04: Publish to ADP format.
3.4.1 Test Level
Software item level
3.4.2 Test Class
· Integration test.
3.4.3 Test Completion Criteria
A test will be complete when the Time Cards System has generated an output file to be passed to ADP.
3.4.4 Test Cases
Table 6: TC-04-01 Publish to ADP format.
Test Case Number / TC-04-01Test Item / ADP format output file.
Test Priority / Must
Pre-conditions / - Employee data has been entered.
- Time cards’ check in/out have been recorded.
Post-conditions / None.
Input Specifications / Manager logs in, manager01/password01. A manager goes to report page. Manager enters date range to specify that only time cards information between the two dates should be published. Jan 1st – Jan 7th 2012. Manager clicks on Export Payroll Data.
Expected Output Specifications / A file should be generated. CSV, with the following fields: Full Name, Pay Period, Worked Time, and Paid Time.
Pass/Fail Criteria / Fail if the file is missing employee time card information from the date range.
Fail if the file has time card information from outside the range.
Fail if the file is improperly formatted.
Pass if ADP loads the file and the information is reflected in the ADP Payroll System, otherwise a fail.
Assumptions and Constraints / Server is up and running.
The dates of the test input (1/1/2012 – 1/7/2012) is in the past. Any date range in the past should work.
Dependencies / TC-1,TC-2,TC-10, TC-11
Traceability / CR-2
3.5 TC-05: Import offline hand punch data to Time Card System
TC-05: Import offline hand punch data to the Time Cards System.