“The Continuous Instructional Improvement Technology System (CIITS) will connect standards, electronically stored instructional resources, curriculum, formative assessments, instruction, professional learning and evaluation of teachers and principals in one place, thereby improving instructional outcomes, teacher effectiveness and leadership.”

--Terry Holliday, Ph.D. Kentucky Education Commissioner on the vision for CIITS

~First time logging in? Just need your warren county email address (home or personal email will not work).

~This will become your CIITS username.

~KDE website – CIITS Resources

Kentucky teachers have the ability to view student/classroom data for classes in which he/she is designated the primary teacher (as defined in IC) including the following:

~ student contact information

~creating and administering classroom testing

~access to instructional materials

~access to classroom formative and standardized test reporting (as available)

Two Main Areas for Teachers: Classrooms and Assessments


~Provides comprehensive assessment data for individual students for informed decision making.


*plus attendance records, courses taken and taking currently, grades (last report card)

~Standards are directly linked to aligned, high-quality, multi-media instructional resources.

~Lesson planning tool and scheduler for managing and sharing instruction.


~ Online Feature - Assessments can be given on IPads and laptops

~ Student Response Systems (clickers) - ELearning, Promethean, Turning Point

~Makes it possible to immediately identify gaps or weaknesses to more effectively design instructional experiences for individual or groups of students.

~ Proctor Dashboard- Watch students take assessments; can see passing/failing live

~Test Central – save assessments to use in future or share with school, district, etc.

~Item Central – create items or use banked items

-create item and share in the bank

-MC, T/F, ECR, gridded (matching and SA coming soon)

See CIITS resources under Teacher resources on Leigh Anne Littlefield’s webpage

> Assessment to find Assessment Training Guide (pg 9 for entering test questions)

Tip: Always work from left to right (CIITS has to have items aligned by standards)

~Allows immediate import of results to Infinite Campus.

~Currently PD 360, Common Core 360 and LiveBook 360 professional development resources and videos are available.

PD 360- Access to award-winning instructional videoswhere hand-picked master teachers demonstrate best practices in their own classrooms as well as dozens of nationally recognized experts like Heidi Hayes Jacobs, John Covington, Rick Smith, Michael Fullan, Jay McTighe, Jim Knight, and many more. Over 100 topics, including classroom management, differentiation, minority student achievement strategies, project-based learning, and many more are available.

Common Core 360- The Common Core Standards implementation product in the Educator Effectiveness System, offers a comprehensive set of tools and resources that walks you through every step of Common Core implementation.

LiveBook 360- Highly interactive technology connecting educators to the text, the author and fellow readers. Tool for building better classrooms and teachers through collaboration, helping teachers learn what they need to know in their work of preparing all students for college and career.

~Access 24 hours a day, seven days a week, through any internet-connected computer configured with a modern browser.

~ If you ever get lost in CIITS, click on the star/CIITS/Kentucky picture and it will always take you back to the home page.

~Student Option: Any student associated to you (in IC)

~CIITS Support/Resources tab on the home page…

Find errors with items, click on “Item Issues Report Form”

Misalignment is currently the biggest issue (“according to whom?”)