12th May 2006

Attendance:Kim Sandford (Chair), Chris Pratt, Debra Lomasney, Kathryn Charles,

Liz Walton, Sharon Vickery, Steve Wright, Paul Thomas,

Apologies:Richard Jones, Mary Richards

Minutes of the last meeting:


Matters Arising:

T&C Lead Appointment – KS advised that Chris Pratt had been appointed based on one day a week for a period of six months – congratulations were given from the group.

4 Countries Guidance o/s queries – KS confirmed that we had received comments back from the ‘Blockbuster Quiz’. It was difficult to find evidence of 4 countries comments and KS confirmed that colleagues in Scotland have confirmed that they have not looked at these queries.

SW raised concern regarding the timescale for return of these queries.

The meeting considered briefly the comments received and agreed that further detailed deliberation was required as,

SW stated that he thought that the replies don’t really tell us anything new.

CP stated that there appeared to be many assumptions made.

KS as chair of the group suggested that further detailed discussions be undertaken and that this become an urgent agenda item for the next T&C sub group.

Whitley uplift – KS advised that within Wales there has been an agreement at Partnership Forum level that there will be an uplift for all staff covered by Whitley ‘paid on account’.

DL stated that discussions as to how this would be applied were ongoing. Organisations were mindful of the additional workload this may create particularly during the ESR project implementation phase.

KS confirmed that these issues had been discussed at the recent TUFSG and that a draft communication to the service was in development.

The Sub group wished to be reassured that organsistions considered the full impact of up rating Whitley rates in relation to AFC assimilation and agreed that this should be included in the next AFC newsletter. CP to cover this topic in T&C section of A4C newsletter by the end of May.

KS stated that if the lack of 4 countries views continues the T&CSG will need to propose a way forward to the AFC PFSG. CP to take forward.

Preceptorship (KSF Pay Progression) – KS stated that this was discussed at length on 11th May and Draft 6 and circulated yesterday afternoon. The meeting stated that the group needs to create responses as to who preceptorship applies.

Once paper has been agreed it will be circulated to the Service. PH/DL to take forward.

Protection -SW suggested making flow chart for protection arrangements for clarity in simple stages. To establish the pre AFC protection arrangements. The AFC assimilation protection arrangements and the Post AFC protection arrangements. The Group agreed that this would be helpful to establish robust answers to the various questions being raised within Wales. The group thanked SW. for his willingness to undertake this task. SW to take this forward. The Group noted the development of organisational approaches to protection and asked that any examples of good practice shared with the T&C sub group PH/DL to enquire at regional leads meetings.

KW highlighted the differences in uplift fees between A4C and Whitley uplifts and potential. Service issues which may occur without clear clarification of the interface between the different protection arrangements. The group agreed that specific examples of each would be helpful and organisations with such queries would be contacted by the respective regional leads to provide examples. PH/DL to action.

Trainees– The group noted the recent advice from the Executive and would monitor the effect within Wales.

TOIL – KS possibly 4 Countries advise on this.

Staff Side and Exec - KS no dedicated staff side seat on Exec on behalf of Wales.

Employers Queries

4th April QL – Outstanding issues not clarified. CP to update the QL and circulate to PFSG for any queries.

PT to advise KC which query needed the ‘comma’ moved on the QL.

KC to update FAQs and reissue on website and advised AWT&CLeads that its being updated via a hyperlink.

Progress on:-

KSF Progression – see above in matters arising.

Sleep Ins – Discussed at PFSG and suggestion is that as there have been comments, that the SleepInsSG be reconvened urgently following comments received from PFSG. CP to review and take forward.

On Call –Ongoing – waiting for 4 Countries otherwise PF Negotiating SG.

RRP – The group requested that the nominated Deputy HRD be contacted by the Terms & conditions lead, to review progress to date and advise of Staff side commitment to the process. SW confirmed that he would be willing to provide input, via email or conferencing facilities if required. The group thanked SW for his contribution to this process. KS advised that the current agreement re RRP’s would continue to be used pending any recommendations from the Deputy HRD’s group. CP to action.

USH – Ongoing – still April 2007. Date of next meeting to be confirmed with CP attending on behalf of Wales.

Supervisor of Midwives – LT to meet with IMS to take forward.

The group noted the progress being made and agreed to remove this issue from the T&C agenda unless asked to comment further.

Uplift of Whitley Pay

Outstanding 4 Countries Guidance (covered above) has noted this point.

Assimilation Data

Assimilation in Wales is currently 41.67% with one Trust not submitting data despite being reminded of the importance of submission of such data. The regional leads will be requested to ensure that organisations are committed to the accurate and timely provision of information to ensure that the Welsh position is accurately reflected. PH/DLto action.

The Group also confirmed that in line with the project plan, organsiations with no notified date of completing assimilation within the monthly “Status Returns” will be required to provide an indication before the next sub group meeting.

The group welcomed the additional schedule regarding notification of organisations who have achieved over 50% assimilations.

May Status Returns are being distributed on Monday, 15th May and the group requested that organsiations be reminded of the importance of these returns in relation to overall progress within Wales. KC to action.

CP to speak to Darryl Williams to discuss differences in data from those reported on CAJE and how we try and collect information and how the question is asked regarding assimilation.

The meeting agreed that the TSRs should record data regarding the payment of pay arrears. KC to add to the list ‘of those staff who have been assimilated, have they been paid arrears’ – this data is already collected on the TSR.


Membership of Sub group – KS advised that we need to review membership due to Chris’ appointment. Need to appoint a ViceChair (management representative) and the meeting agreed that Sharon Vickery be appointed. Mary Richards attends on behalf of AWPayroll Managers and it was agreed that this was helpful and should continue. Karen Wrights has effectively replaced Ana, therefore the SG are one management rep short. KC to ask AWPDs for management rep for this sub group.

June QL - KW produced a query which will be submitted in next month’s query log regarding acting up. KC to action.

Terms of Reference – T&CSG to review contents and comments back to KS/CP and KC.Action by T&SCSG.

Date of next meeting:

9th June – 10am, Metropole Hotel, Llandrindod Wells

Apologies: Sharon (M&WWRMeetings)

6th July

Apologies: Paul and Kim