Terms and Names: Define Each Term with Complete Sentences, Using Your Own Words s1

AP US History Name______Period______


11 / Study Guide / The Triumphs and Travails of the Jeffersonian Republic
Terms and Names: Define each term with complete sentences, using your own words
A.  John Marshall
B.  Marbury vs. Madison
C.  Samuel Chase
D.  Orders in Council / E.  Impressment
F.  Chesapeake incident
G.  War Hawks

Short Answer: Carefully answer each question in paragraph form using information from the text.

1.  Explain how religion impacted the election of 1800.

2.  Discuss the importance of the election of 1800 in terms of the 12th Amendment to the Constitution and in terms of how it reflected the first peaceful transfer of power from one political faction to another in American history.

3.  Describe the reform in presidential etiquette under the Jefferson administration.

4.  Describe the elements of Albert Gallatin's fiscal program and contrast it with the fiscal program of Alexander Hamilton.

5.  In the Marbury v. Madison decision, how did John Marshall “magnify the authority of the court?”

6.  Describe Jefferson’s policies regarding the military and his reasoning behind his decisions. What foreign situation challenged his ideas?

7.  List the reasons why Jefferson was interested in securing the Louisiana Territory from France; list the reasons why Napoleon was willing to part with it.

8.  What was the conflict in Jefferson’s conscience regarding the Louisiana Purchase and how did he overcome it?

9.  Briefly describe the conspiracies of Aaron Burr.

10. Identify the causes of tension between Great Britain and the U.S. during the Jefferson Administration.

11. Outline the provisions of the Embargo Act of 1807 and explain its impact on the American economy.

12. Connect the British Orders in Council and Macon's Bill No. 2 to the failure of economic sanctions against France and Britain.

13. Identify Tecumseh and the Prophet Tenkswatawa and explain their roles in the development of the pan-Indian reistance movement, and identify William Henry Harrison and the significance of his role in the Battle of Tippecanoe.

14. Analyze the Congressional vote for war in 1812 and explain the extent to which party and region defined support or opposition for war.