Tenth-grade United States History I: Beginnings to the Industrial Revolution

Bradley Bowers

Tenth-grade United States History begins a two-year study of U.S. history that you will complete in the eleventh grade. We will examine early exploration and settlement, colonial British North America, the American Revolution, confederation and constitution, the federalist era, the Jefferson Era, reform and early national growth, slavery and expansionism, sectional conflict, the Civil War, Reconstruction, and Industrialization.

Materials Needed:

●Notebook = History Notebook (or Section of a binder)

●Color Pencils (10 pack)

●Black/Blue pen or pencil


**Failure to bring needed materials to class may result in not being able to complete the day’s activity and you will receive a zero.



❖A – 90+ B – 89 to 80 C – 79 to 70 D – 69 to 60 F – 59 to 0

❖All grading is done using the percentage system.

❖Each assignment will be given a grade of 1-100.

❖A variety of work will be assigned – most will be grades, some won’t. You are expected to do all work assigned.

❖Graded assignments include – tests, quizzes, homework checks, current events, readings, projects, maps, etc.

❖Writing assignments will be graded for grammar, as well as content.

Heading Your Paper:

❖All assignments handed in must have a proper heading:

▪Name (first & last)Bradley Bowers


▪Class Period1st Block


❖This should be place in the upper right hand corner of the paper, in the wide top margin.


❖All assignments will be posted on the website.

❖In addition to posted homework, students may have to complete unfinished class work at home.

❖If you have not completed your homework when it is due, 10 points will be deducted each day it is late.

Late Work/Absences:

I reserve the right to deal with specific late work and make-up work issues on a case by case basis. In the general the following rules apply:

❖If you are absent, it is YOUR responsibility to get with me about missed assignments.

❖You have 3 days to make up work. After 3 days, I will enter a 0 in Inow. The work can still be turned in, but it will be counted as late.

❖Anything assigned prior to absence is due upon return.

❖Tests, quizzes, etc cannot be made-up during class, you may come in before school, during Flex, or during your elective if your elective teacher approves.

Hall Passes / Tardies:

❖You will have 5 passes each 9 weeks to leave the room. They may be used for any legitimate reason (i.e. bathroom, locker, etc)

❖To use a pass, you must bring me your hall pass to me, let me sign it, and sign the sign in/out sheet.

❖Any pass that is not used is worth 5 bonus points on the last assessment of the 9 weeks. (The grade cannot exceed 100 points.)

❖If you are more than 15 minutes late for class or have to leave my class for another class, I will take one of your passes.


❖All projects are due on the due date. If you are unable to attend school on the due date, have someone bring your project to the office. It will be delivered to me.

Expectations and Consequences:

  1. Be seated BEFORE the bell rings, tardy if not.

Bellringer should be completed before tardy bell.

  1. Pay attention – NO sleeping, laying head down, covering eyes, etc

If so – 1st – warning; 2nd – stand up; 3rd - office referral

  1. NO personal grooming

If so - 1st – warning; 2nd – parent contact; 3rd – office referral

  1. Be courteous and respectful of others (Off limits words...)

If not - 1st – warning; 2nd – parent contact; 3rd – office referral

  1. Follow all school rules

Consequences vary according to event.

Please keep in mind if serious behavioral issues arise, the warning and/or beak detention may be skipped in lieu of an immediate office referral.

B.Y.O.D. Expectations and Consequences:

  1. All devices must be placed on the student’s desks
  2. When permission is given for devices to be used, devices must always be logged on to the BOE network.
  3. Only school related searches and uses allowed.
  4. NO TEXTING, SOCIAL NETWORKING (facebook, twitter, snap chat, yik-yak, etc.), CHARGING YOUR DEVICE, OR TAKING PICTURES.

All B.Y.O.D. rules will be followed or usage privileges will be revoked immediately!

Contact Information:

Please contact me with any questions you might have.


Phone:(334) 347-2640

SCHEDULE(*subject to change)

Unit 1 - Exploration & Colonization

Unit 2 - The American Revolution

Unit 3 - Creating a Nation

Unit 4 - Westward Expansion & Sectionalism

Unit 5 - The Civil War

Unit 6 - Reconstruction, Industrialization & Urbanization

Dear Parent/Guardian:

My name is Bradley Bowers, and it is my pleasure to teach your student tenth grade U.S. History this year. I just want to touch base with you and inform you of my policies and procedures. Your student has received a copy of the syllabus for my class, which informs them of the academic requirements, grading policies, supplies needed, behavior expectations, etc. I ask that you please review this with your student and both of you sign the agreement slip below. Please make sure your student returns the signed slip.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me.


Bradley Bowers

Please detach and return to Coach Bowers.

______Student Name (Printed)


I have read and agree to abide by the rules and expectations for Coach Bowers’ class.

______Student Signature

Please place an ‘X’ next to the following items you have regular access to:

____ Computer

____ Internet

____ Email

____ Printer


I have read and understand the guidelines my child must abide by in Coach Bowers’ Class

______Parent/Guardian Signature