Tentative Agenda
Training Rooms A&B
WECC Offices
431 Charmany Drive
Madison, WI 53719
Mission Statement: The goal of the Wisconsin Distributed Resources Collaborative is to assist the creation of a sustainable market for the deployment of small-scale generation and energy storage technologies in Wisconsin.
9:30 a.m. Meeting Brought to order - Introductions
WIDRC General Information
financial, taxes, etc.
Steering Committee Report
Team Reports
Education Team, Tariff Team, Marketing Team, Working groups?
Update on Renewable Activities
- Third party ownerships of renewable energy systems (Don W.)
- Interconnection survey: (results from Niels Wolter)
- Review of PSC 128 wind siting rule for projects less than 100 MW
- DOE supported Grow Solar Wisconsin project update: Local Permit Streamlining, Group Buys, Policy Road Map, Financing, Model Zoning, Outreach
Roundtable/Upcoming Events/Newsworthy Items
12:00 p.m. Lunch Speaker – Joe Jacobson, Milwaukee Area Technical Storage
WERC Microgrid and Energy Storage Project
1:00 p.m. Adjourn