This Tender Document is being issued for and on behalf of North Delhi Municipal Corporation (North D.M.C) for “Appointment of a Caterer to Provide Catering Services in the Canteen of North D.M.C”.

This Tender Document has been prepared on the basis of information that is presently available with North D.M.C. While this document has been prepared in good faith, no representation or warranty, express or implied, is or will be made, and no responsibility or liability will be accepted by North D.M.C or any of their employees, advisors or agents appointed by North D.M.C as to or in relation to the accuracy or completeness of this document and any liability thereof is hereby expressly disclaimed. Interested prospective Bidder may carry out their own study/ analysis/ investigation as required before submitting their Bids.

The information on Technical/ Functional requirements provided in this Tender Document is only indicative in all respects.

This document does not constitute an offer or invitation, or solicitation of an offer, nor does this document or anything contained herein, shall form a basis of any contract or commitment whatsoever.

Office of the Administrative Officer,

Remunerative Project Cell (R. P. Cell)

North Delhi Municipal Corporation,

16thfloor, Dr. SP Mukherjee Civic Centre,

JLNehru Marg, Minto Road, New Delhi-110002.

No. ADC/RP Cell/2014/D-305Dated: 25.07.2014


1.The Administrative Officer, Remunerative Project Cell, North Delhi Municipal Corporation (North DMC), for and on behalf of the Commissioner, North DMC, invites sealed bids in two bid system (Technical Bid and License Bid) from reputed companies/firms, who have experience in running catering/canteen facilities, for “Appointment of a Caterer, on annual license basis, to Provide Catering Services in the Canteen of North DMC” at ‘A’ Block, Ground Floor, Dr. S.P. Mukherjee Civic Centre, JL Nehru Marg Minto Raod, New Delhi-110002. The License fee per month is excluding electricity, cooking gas and water charges.

2.The Tender Document, containing instructions to bidders, bid formats and General Conditions of Contract etc, can be obtained from 28th July, 2014 to 14th August, 2014, from the Office of Administrative Officer, Remunerative Project Cell (R.P. Cell), North DMC, upon payment of a Non-refundable amount of Rs.5,000/- (Rupees Five Thousands only), in the form of a Bank demand Draft/Pay Order of a nationalized/scheduled bank, payable at “Delhi” towards the cost of tender Document Alternatively, the tender document can also be downloaded from the MCD website In case the tender document is downloaded from the MCD website then while submitting the Bids, a Bank Demand Draft/Pay Order, for Rs.5,000/- (Rupees Five Thousands only) (Non-refundable), of a nationalized/scheduled bank, drawn in favour of “Commissioner, North Delhi Municipal Corporation“, payable at “Delhi” must be submitted along with the Technical Bid.

3.Last date for receipt of query in writing for clarification on RFP documents from the prospective bidder : 19.08.2014 up-to 3:00 P.M.

4.Pre-bid meeting:22.08.2014 at 11:00 A.M.

5.Last date for reply to queries: 01.09.2014

6.Last date for submission of bids:08.09.2014 up-to 1:00 P.M.

7.Date of opening of Technical Bid:08.09.2014 at 2:00 P.M.

8.Date of opening of license fee will be inform separately to the technically qualified bidders

9.It must be noted that the Tender Document is not transferable.

10.The Technical and license Bids complete in all respects must be submitted in the Office of Administrative Officer, (R.P. Cell) on or before 01:00 P.M. of 8th September 2014.

  1. For any enquiry, contact the office of Administrative Officer, Remunerative Project Cell (R. P. Cell), North D.M.C, 16th Floor, Dr. SP Mukherjee Civic Centre, New Delhi - 110 002 or on Ph.No. 011-23226605/23226602 and Email: .

Administrative Officer,

Remunerative Project Cell (R. P. Cell),

North Delhi Municipal Corporation,

New Delhi.

North Delhi Municipal Corporation

Tender Document


“Appointment of a Caterer to Provide Catering Services in the Canteen of North D.M.C”

28thJuly, 2014

Date of Issue / Issued To
(Name & Address of the Prospective Bidder) / Cost of Tender Document / Payment Details / Signature of Issuing person
DD No. / Name of the Bank / Branch / Date
Rs. 5,000/-

Office of the Administrative Officer,

Remunerative Project Cell (R. P. Cell),

North Delhi Municipal Corporation,

16th Floor, Dr. SP Mukherjee Civic Centre,

JLNehru Marg, Minto Road, New Delhi-110002.

Ph.No. 011-23226605/23226602


Page 1 of 57

Table of Contents


Check List – Technical Bid

I.Technical Bid

Check List – License Bid

II.License Bid

Section I – Invitation to Bid

Section II – Instructions to Bidders

1.Procedure for Submission of Bids

2.Cost of Tender Document

3.Contents of the Tender Document

4.Clarification of Tender Document

5.Amendment of Tender Document

6.Language of Bids

7.Documents Comprising the Bids

8.Bid Prices

9.Firm Rates

10.Bidder Qualification

11.Earnest Money Deposit (EMD)/ Bid Security

12.Period of Validity of Bids

13.Format and Signing of Bid

14.Revelation of Prices

15.Income Tax Clearance Certificate

16.Terms and Conditions of Bidders

17.Local Conditions


19.Conditions for Eligibility of Bidders

20.Sealing and Marking of Bids

21.Last Date for Receipt of Bids

22.Late Bids

23.Modification and Withdrawal of Bids

24.Address for Correspondence

25.Opening of Bids by North D.M.C


27.Preliminary Examination

28.Contacting the North D.M.C

29.Post Qualification

30.Criteria for Evaluation of Bids

31.North D.M.C's Right to Vary Scope of Contract at the time of Award

32.North D.M.C's Right to Accept Any Bid and to Reject Any or All Bids

33.Notification of Award

34.Signing of Contract

35.Contract Performance Security

36.Rejection Criteria

Section III - General Conditions of Contract



3.Scope of Contract

4.Specifications and Schedule of Rates/Quantities

5.Caterer to Provide Proper Canteen Services


7.Injury to Persons and Damage to Property of North D.M.C


9.Inspection and Supervision

10.Terms of Payment

11.Date of Commencement and Period of Contract

12.Laws Governing the Contract

13.Liquidated Damages

14.Delays in the Caterer's Performance

15.Termination for Default

16.Termination of Contract

17.Termination for Insolvency

18.Termination for Convenience

19.Force Majeure

20.Dispute Resolution

21.Price Fall

23.Forfeiture of Earnest Money Deposit (EMD)/ Bid Security

24.Contract Performance Security

25.Payment of License Fee

26.License and Statutory Permissions

Section IV - Special Conditions of Contract

Section V – Technical Bid

Form I – Bid Particulars

Form II - Technical Bid Letter

Form III - Technical Bid

Form IV – Format for Performance Certification

Section V – License Bid

Form V - License Bid Letter

Schedule I - Schedule of Rates/ Quantities

Section VI – Scope of Work and Schedule of Requirements

Section VII - Appendices

Appendix A - Permissible Brands of Consumables

Appendix B – Inventory Details

Appendix C - Draft Contract Agreement

Appendix D - Format for Power of Attorney for Signing of the Bid

Appendix E – Layout Plan Ground Floor, A Block, Civic Centre - I

Appendix E – Layout Plan Ground Floor, A Block, Civic Centre - II

Check List – Technical Bid

Please check whether following Documents/ Forms have been enclosed in the respective covers, namely, Technical Bid and License Bid:

I.Technical Bid

The Bidder should ensure that the following Documents are enclosed in the Technical Bid

S. No. / Description / Proof/ Supporting Documents/ Information to be enclosed in the Technical Bid by the Bidder / Whether Proof/ Supporting Documents/ Information as required under Column (3) enclosed
(Yes/ No) / Please give reference Page No(s). of the Technical Bid
(1) / (2) / (3) / (4) / (5)
(i) / Bank Draft/ Pay Order towards the payment of Tender Document Fee of Rs. 5000/- (Rupees Five Thousand only).
Note: The Bidder must write the Name & Complete postal address of the bidding firm on the reverse side of the Bank Draft/ Pay Order. / Proof of Payment (copy of G8 Receipt) of Tender Document Fee of Rs. 5000/- (Rupees Five Thousand only) if the Tender Document was purchased from the office of North D.M.C.
Original Bank Demand Draft/ Pay Order issued by a Nationalised/ Scheduled Bank for an amount of Rs. 5000/- (Rupees Five Thousand only)drawn in favour of “Commissioner, North Delhi Municipal Corporation” if the Tender Document was downloaded from the Wesite of North D.M.C.
(ii) / Earnest Money Deposit (EMD)/ Bid Security (in original) for an amount of Rs. 2,00,000/- (Rupees Two Lakhs Only) of the prescribed amount and validity pursuant to Clause 11.
Note: The Bidder must write the Name & Complete postal address of the bidding firm on the reverse side of the Bank Draft/ Pay Order. / Original Bank Demand Draft/ Pay Order issued by a Nationalised/ Scheduled Bank for an amount of Rs. 2,00,000/- (Rupees Two Lakhs Only) drawn in favour of “Commissioner, North Delhi Municipal Corporation”.
(iii) / The Bidder must be
(a) a well-established firm/ company or its sole authorized franchisee/ agency providing Restaurant/ Catering/ Canteen Services.
(b) in catering/ canteen business for at least 2 years as on 31.03.2014. / Copies of all valid documents and Certificate of Incorporation/ Registration.
Power of Attorney in favour of the Authorised Signatory of the Bidder as per format prescribed in Appendix D – Format for Power of Attorney for Signing of the Bid.
(iv) / Average Financial Turn-Over (Gross)
The bidder’s average Annual Financial Turnover (Gross) from catering services, during each of the last two consecutive financial years, i.e., 2012-13 and 2013-14 should not be less than Rs. 10,00,000/-(Rupees Ten Lakhs only). / The Bidder must submit copy of the Audited Balance Sheets and Profit & Loss Account Statement for each of the last 2 consecutive financial years ended on 31.03.2014 along with the Technical Bid.
Provisional balance sheet for the financial year ended on 31.03.2014, if the financial year 2013-14 has not already been audited, must also be submitted.
(v) / Financial Solvency
The bidder must have a solvency of Rs. 7,00,000/- (Rupee Seven Lakhs Only). / A certificate this effect may be enclosed, in original, from the Banker of the Bidder.
(vi) / Form I - Bid Particulars / Duly filled and signed “Form I - Bid Particulars”
(vii) / Form II - Technical Bid Letter / Duly filled and signed “Form II - Technical Bid Letter”
(viii) / Form III - Technical Bid / Duly filled and signed “Form III - Technical Bid”
(ix) / Performance Certification for satisfactory Canteen/ Catering services from at least one customer/ client in the format prescribed in Form IV.
Note: North D.M.C reserves the right to obtain feedback from the previous/present clients of the Bidder and also depute its team(s) to inspect the site(s) at present contract(s) for on- the-spot firsthand information regarding the quality of food and services provided by the Bidder. The decision of the North D.M.C in this regard will be final and binding on all bidders. / Performance Certification for providing/ having provided satisfactory Canteen/ Catering services during the the last 2 consecutive financial years ended on 31.03.2014 from at least one customer/ client in the format prescribed in Form IV must be submitted.
(x) / The Bidder must have valid PAN And Service Tax No. of the Company/ Firm / All relevant supporting documents mentioning these numbers
(xi) / If the family member(s) of any employee of North Delhi Municipal Corporation or any other Municipal Corporation in Delhi is/ are associated with the Bidder, the same fact should be clearly disclosed in the Technical Bid. / A self-declaration duly signed by the Chief Executive Officer/ Managing Director/ Country or Regional Head in this regard must be submitted.
(xii) / The Bidder should not have been convicted under anti-corruption policy of Government of India / Government of NCT of Delhi / any ULB in Delhi and blacklisted by them. If ever blacklisted, the information with brief facts of such instances must be disclosed up front in the Technical Bid. / A self-declaration duly signed by the Chief Executive Officer/ Managing Director/ Country or Regional Head must be submitted.
Witness: / Bidder:
Signature / Signature
Name / Name
Address / Designation
Company / Company
Date / Date

Note: This Check List should be duly filled and signed and enclosed with the Technical Bid.

Check List – License Bid

II.License Bid

The Bidder should ensure that the following Documents are enclosed in the License Bid

S. No. / Document / Proof/ Supporting Document (s) to be enclosed in the Technical Bid / Whether Enclosed
(Yes/ No) / Please give reference Page No(s). of the License Bid
1 / License Bid Letter (Form V) / Duly filled and signed by the authorised signatory of the Bidder, in the format prescribed in Form V.
2 / Schedule I – Schedule of Rates/ Quantities / Duly filled and signed by the authorised signatory of the Bidder, in the format prescribed in Schedule I – Schedule of Rates/ Quantities.
Witness: / Bidder:
Signature / Signature
Name / Name
Address / Designation
Company / Company
Date / Date

Note: This Check List should be duly filled and signed and enclosed with the License Bid.


Section I – Invitation to Bid

1.This invitation to Tender is for “Appointment of a Caterer to Provide Catering Services in the Canteen of North D.M.C”.

2.Tenderers are advised to study the Tender Document carefully. Submission of Tender shall be deemed to have been done after careful study and examination of the Tender Document with full understanding of its implications. Sealed offers prepared in accordance with the procedures enumerated in Clause 1 of Section II should be submitted to the Administrative Officer, Remunerative Project Cell (R. P. Cell), North Delhi Municipal Corporation, not later than the date and time laid down, at his address given in the Schedule for Invitation to Tender under Clause 5.

3.All bids must be accompanied by a Earnest Money Deposit (EMD)/ Bid Security of Rs. 2,00,000/- (Rupees Two Lakhs only).

4.This Tender document is not transferable.

5.Schedule for Invitation to Bid

a)Name of the Office:

Commissioner, North Delhi Municipal Corporation (North D.M.C)

b)Addressee and Address at which Tenders to be submitted:

Office of the Administrative Officer,

Remunerative Project Cell (R. P. Cell),

North Delhi Municipal Corporation,

16thFloor, Dr. SP Mukherjee Civic Centre,

JLNehru Marg, Minto Road,

New Delhi-110002.

c)Latest time and date for receipt of Tender

On or before 13.00 hours on 8thSeptember, 2014

d)Place, Time and Date of opening of Technical Bids:

Office of the Administrative Officer,

Remunerative Project Cell (R. P. Cell),

North Delhi Municipal Corporation,

16th Floor, Dr. SP Mukherjee Civic Centre,

JLNehru Marg, Minto Road,

New Delhi-110002.

at 14.00 hours on 8thSeptember, 2014.

e)Name, Address and Telephone No. of the contact person for any clarification:

Shri Kaushish Kumar,

Administrative Officer,

Remunerative Project Cell (R. P. Cell),

North Delhi Municipal Corporation,

16thFloor, Dr. SP Mukherjee Civic Centre,

JLNehru Marg, Minto Road,

New Delhi-110002.

Ph.No. 011-23226605/23226602


f)Date till which the response to the tender should be valid:

180 days from the date of opening of the Technical Bids.

g)Important dates :

The following table provides information regarding the important dates of the bid process for Project:

S. No. / Activity / Date
1 / Release of RFP / 28.07.2014 to 14.08.2014 upto 15.00 hours
2 / Last date for receipt of written queries for clarifications on RFP Document from the Prospective Bidders / 19.08.2014 upto 15.00 hours
3 / Pre-Bid Conference / 22.08.2014 at 11.00 hours
4 / Last date for reply to written queries of prospective Bidders / 01.09.2014
5 / Last date for submission of Bids / 08.09.2014 upto 13.00 hours
6 / Date of Opening of Technical Bids / at 14.00 hours on 08.09.2014
7 / Date of Opening of License Bids / Will be informed separately to the Technically Qualified Bidders

h)Date of Commencement of Canteen Services

The work should commence within 15 (fifteen) days from the date of award of contract to the successful Bidder.

5.The Bidder is required to pay Rs. 5,000/- (Rupees Five Thousands Only) towards RFP Document Fee, at the time of submission of the Bids, in the form of a Bank Demand Draft/ Pay Order failing which the Bids submitted by the Bidder shall not be entertained and shall be rejected outright. The Bank Demand Draft/ Pay Order must be drawn in favor of “Commissioner, North Delhi Municipal Corporation” and payable at “New Delhi” and enclosed intheTechnical Bid.

If, however,the Tender Document was purchased from the office of North D.M.C, the Bidder must enclose the Proof of Payment (copy of G8 Receipt) intheTechnical Bid.

The RFP Document Fee is Non-Refundable.

Note: The North D.M.C shall not be responsible for non-receipt / no-delivery of the Bid documents due to any reason whatsoever.


Section II – Instructions to Bidders

1.Procedure for Submission of Bids

1.1.It is proposed to have a Two Cover System for this Bid process as under:

a)Technical Bid:(2 copies) in one cover.

b)License Bid:(2 copies) in one cover.

1.2.Each copy of Technical Bid and License Bid of the Bidder should be put in separate sealed covers super scribing the wordings "Technical Bid" and “License Bid” respectively. Each copy in each bid should also be marked as "Original” and "First copy". Both the copies of each bid should be put in a single sealed cover super scribing the wordings "Technical Bid" and “License Bid” as the case may be. Please Note that Prices should not be indicated in the Technical Bid and should only be indicated in the License Bid.

1.3.The cover containing Two copies of Technical Bid and the cover containing Two copies of License Bid should be put in another envelope and this envelope should be clearly marked “Tender for Appointment of a Caterer to Provide Catering Services in the Canteen of North D.M.C”. The Bid Covers (Technical and License Bid covers)are to be kept in a single sealed cover super scribed with Tender Number, Due Date, Item and the wordings “DO NOT OPEN BEFORE 14.00 hours on 8thSeptember, 2014”.

1.4.The cover thus prepared should also indicate clearly the name, address and telephone number of the Bidder, to enable the Bid to be returned unopened in case it is declared "Late".

1.5.Each copy of the Bid should be a complete document and should be bound as a volume. The document should be page numbered and appropriately flagged and contain the list of contents with page numbers. Different copies must be bound separately. The deficiency in documentation may result in the rejection of the Bid.

1.6.The Bidder should also provide the Technical and Commercial bids in soft copy, in MS Excel/ MS Word format, in the form of a non-re-writeable CD (Compact Disc).

  • Two copies of CD containing the technical bid
  • Two copies of CD containing the commercial bid

1.7.The CD’s would be sealed along with the hard copies of the respective technical and commercial bids. In case of any discrepancy in the contents of the documents, the information furnished on original paper document will prevail over the soft copy.