Tender Notice No 25of 2015-16



Divl. Rly. Manager, N.W.Rly. Bikaner for and on behalf of President of India invites sealed open tender for the following works up to 15.00 hours on the date shown as below which will be opened at 15.30 hours on the same date.

Tender No. / Name of Work with its Location / Approx. Cost of Work / Office & Date from Which Tender document will be available / Earnest money
Rs. / Date & Time for submission of Tender
25/111 / Repair to road surface at various Level Crossings in the jurisdiction of DEN / South /Bikaner under control of ADEN/N.W.RLY-Ratangarh. / Rs.1589563/- / Engg. Branch, DRM Office, Bikaner
27.07.15 to27.08.15 (upto 11.30 hrs.) / Rs.31800/- / Up to 15 Hrs on 27.08.15
25/112 / Repair to Sewerage system, drain & other ancillary works in New Railway Colony at Lalgarh under ADEN/HQ/NWR/BKN. / Rs.1751850/- / Engg. Branch, DRM Office, Bikaner
27.07.15 to 27.08.15 (upto 11.30 hrs.) / Rs.35040/- / Up to 15 Hrs on 27.08.15
25/113 / Cleaning and disinfection by pumping method of various water storages infrastructure in PLC-LGH, LGH-NTZ & BKN-NPS Section under ADEN/ L/NWR/BKN (For two years) . / Rs.282800/- / Engg. Branch, DRM Office, Bikaner
27.07.15 to 27.08.15 (upto 11.30 hrs.) / Rs.5660/- / Up to 15 Hrs on 27.08.15

Note-Other term & condition will be shown & downloaded on N.W.Rly. website

No. 128-W/WA/Rep./Road Surface/LCsDEN/S/2014Divl. Rly.Manager/Engg

Dated-22.07.2015 N.W.Rly., Bikaner

Copy to :- (1) ALL DRM Over N.W.Rly.,

(2) ALL ADEN's, IOWs, PWIs over Bikaner Division.

(3) Sr.DFM/DC/N.W.Rly., Bikaner.

(4) CPRO/ Jaipur with 02 Spare copies for publication in approved News papers.

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