KOSTT J.S.C – Transmission, System and Market Operator announce the following:
Job position: Internal Auditor
General duties:
Internal Auditor’s General duties are to assist and support the Company and Audit Commission/Board of Directors in order to ensure adequate supervision of internal control and corporative governing system. Internal Auditor performs duties through an independent service, objective, consistent with business policies of Company in accordance with legal requirements in order to assist the Company in fulfilling its objectives.
Duties and responsibilities:
- Compilation of audit procedures, respectively internal audit plan, for all Company transactions commensurate internal control objectives, Company policies and procedures according to applicable legislation;
- Audit of investments and financial plans of the Company, business annual plan and annual budget;
- Audit of annual balance statement and profit and loss statements as well as financial statements required by law;
- Objective evaluation of effective usage of Company resources and submission of adequate recommendation for the Audit Commission and Company Management;
- Verification of regular functioning and suitability of systems and procedures intention of which are to guarantee performance of all applicable laws in Kosovo by the Company during performance of its activity and works and to provide any kind of remarks or suggestions to Audit Commission that are considered as necessary;
- Regular verification of regular functioning and suitability of systems and procedures intention of which are to ensure that Company’s books and documentation, including financial documentation, are kept in accordance with accounting standards and law, and that the annual financial projects-statements are prepared orderly.
- Systematic analyze of business processes and controls linked with those;
- Regular reporting before Audit Commission and carrying out of any other duty given by Audit Commission;
- Direct and manage the internal organization of audit office;
- Direct and runs all activities of internal audit;
In order to keep independence and his/her objectivity Internal Auditor will not take any managing responsibility for implementation, however can only give recommendations of counseling nature.
Has access right to all KOSTT locations, to any kind of data base, document, file, correspondence, account, record, etc., necessary for accomplishment of his/herwork. With his/her request each KOSTT employee id obligated to assist, enable sufficient information and necessary explanations for accomplishment of audit works.
Professional Standards:
Internal Auditor performs his/her work with professional special caution, in accordance with Code of Conduct and Corporative Governing, as well as determined audit standards.
Qualifications and skills:
- University degree of Economics, Business Administration or equivalent liaising with training and experience;
- Experience at least 5 years verified in financial management and in compilation of financial statements and be Licensed Auditor or Licensed Accountant;
- Demonstration of remarkable skills for analyzing and defining of problems, facts and for giving recommendations and well-founded conclusions;
- Demonstration of remarkable skills of communication and cooperation with Company management and staff.
- Demonstration of compliance with requirements from Code of Conduct as well as internal audit practices;
- Strong knowledge of English language is preferred.
Regarding the vacancy announcement applications will be received only from candidates fulfilling the requirements presented according to the announcement.
Interested candidates for application can download the application from web-page:
Formal evaluation and interview will be held after completion of application term/period.
KOSTT keeps the right of forming the short list with candidates.
Level of salary for announced vacancy will be determined in accordance with KOSTT Policies.
E-mail address for submission of applications is:
Application must be performed only through electronic form.
Dead line for application is 25.07.2009, 16:00h.