Template Child ProtectionPolicy for use by Dance Schools
Opening statement –this will say what the Child Protection Policy is for and that the rights of a child will be protected.
We believe that no child or young person should be the subject of neglectful or abusive behaviour.
Wewill promote and maintain the welfare of every child in our care and seek to protect them from harm regardless of race, age, disability, gender, sexual orientation, religious belief or any other form of identity or creed.We will create a safe and welcoming environment for all.
Then go on to say to whom the policy applies and how it works day-to-day:
This policy applies to all our staff/volunteers/trustees/governance(delete as appropriate) and covers children under the age of 18 and/or vulnerable adults under the age of 24.
To protect childrenand young people in our care, we will:
- Value and respect children and listen to what they have to say
- Work with children, parents and relevantorganisations
- Share our policy with all staff, parents and students
- Ensure all requiredchecks are made when hiring staff and that those in regular contact with children hold a current DBS check (or non-UK equivalent)
- Provide appropriate training and support to all staff
- Take responsibility for children and young people’s safety when in our care
- Seek permission from parentsbefore taking images(photographs or film)of students and inform them how and where the images will be used
- Report suspected neglect or abuse tothe nominated member of staff, relevant organisation, or police (for UK members an appropriate relevant organisation will be their local council’s Safeguarding Team)
- Ensure that this policy is regularly updated
Additional documents and guidance –here you will name any extradocuments that give more detailed guidance. We have covered four common issues and encourage teachers to add anything extra that is needed for their school.
Additional guidance can be found in the following documents at the end of this policy:
- Reporting Suspected Neglect or Abuse
- Appropriate Physical Contact in Dance
- Chaperoning Students to and from Dance Events
- Use of Photographs and Film of Children
Policy review – write the date that your Protection Policy was last reviewed and updated. This should be signed by the most senior member of staff at your school. They will be ultimately responsible for the policy.
This policy was last reviewed on __/__/__
Job Title:______
Additional GuidanceA: Reporting Suspected Neglect or Abuse
- This section will be different for each school and country
A smaller school with only one or two members of staff willcontact an appropriate external agencyto report suspected abuse or neglect. Larger schools will nominate a member of staff who will make the decision about what to do next.
Please note: failure to report suspected abuse can itself be consideredto be abuse.
Concerns regarding a child’s welfare can be reported by:
- Parents
- Teachers
- Friends
- The child or young person
All allegations of neglect or abuse will be taken seriously. If a concern isreporteddirectly by the child or young personwe will not seek to disagree, ask probing or leading questions, or do anything else which may discourage them.
We will make clear that reported concerns cannot be kept confidentialbut will need to be shared with a nominated member of staff or external organisation. Parents or guardians will also be involved if appropriate.
It can be helpful to write down what is being reported to you. Make sure you do not add your own assumptions, opinions or judgements.
We recognise that early action is vital. Any concerns will be reported immediately.
If the child or young person is in immediate danger of harm, we will contact the police on(insert your country’s emergency services number here)
In all other cases, we will report concerns to the localProtection Team(insert your local Safeguarding Team’s number here, or your country’s equivalent)
Additional Guidance B: Appropriate Physical Contact in Dance
Physical contact in a dance class is sometimes required to correct the posture or position of a student. It is therefore helpful to have a clear written document stating what is considered appropriate. Sharing this document with parents can reassure them should they have any concerns.
Teaching dance is a physical activity and a teacher will sometimes need to make physical contact with a student to show an idea or to correct the student’s position. This can include:
- Lifting
- Adjusting arms, legs, rib cage, hips, feet, hands
- Moving one student in relation to another
Where contact is needed, we will remain sensitive to the student’s wishes and put their welfare first. In all cases, we will saywhy and how we will be correcting the student’s position before making any contact.
We encourage students to report any concerns.
Additional GuidanceC: Chaperoning Children to and from Dance Events
UK law does not state how many adults are required to look after a group of students. Therefore it is up to the dance teacher to assess what is needed. Take account of:
- The length and type of journey
- The age of the students
- Anything else which may affect their safety
The ISTD recommends that you have a trained First Aider on all school trips and that chaperones hold a DBS check (or local equivalent)
In the UK some events require young performers to hold a Child Performance Licence and that any Licenced child has a designated chaperonewho is pre-approved by the child’s local council. More information about this scheme can be found on the UK Government website.
Laws will be different in non-UK countries, so please checklocal regulations.
When chaperoning students to an event, we will:
- Provide parents and students with information about what the event is for
- Provide parents and students with the full address of the event
- In cases where the event is taking place in a large building, we will also give the room or studio number where possible
- Have a planned journey route that is shared with parents, students and chaperones
- Make sure that students are aware of what they should do if they get lost
- Ask parents and students for their contact details in case of emergency
- Have a clear idea of how students will be cared for while at the event
We will ensure that chaperones hold all requiredchecks and licences and are aware of our Child Protection Policy.
If a child is missing and all efforts to find them have failed, then it is advisable to call the police. Immediate action can make all the difference.
Additional Guidance 4: Use of Photographs andFilm of Children
It is common for teachers, parents and students to take images (in the form of photographs and film) at classes and events. However, there may be times when it is not appropriate for images to be taken. These can include:
- While students are getting changed or are in their designated changing rooms
- Where the image may be shared publically on social media
- When students are in large groups and permission has not been sought from all those included in the image
It is therefore important for your school to have a policy that clearly states when images can be taken.
The UK Government has provided adviceon their websiteregarding safety when sharing photographs and film on social media. Other countries will have similar guidance.
We recognise that taking images of students in our care may not always be appropriate and that some children and parents may not want images taken at any time. Therefore, before taking images of a child or young person,we will:
- Make clear to the child and parent where and when the image will be taken
- Clearly identify the person who will be taking the image
- Explain how the image will be used, e.g. whether it will be posted on social media or printed to be displayed at the school
- Seek written agreement from parents that images can be taken of their child(This can take the form of a signed document that you keep on file)
Where we have publically displayed images at our school or on social media, parents and students may withdraw their permission at any time. In such cases, the images will be removed as soon as is reasonable and without question.
We ask that any parent wanting to take photographs or film at our events only do so with our prior permission. Permission will only be granted on the agreement of all present.
It is good practice to make your policies available to customers. You can do this by adding them to your website or stating that they are available upon request on publicity material.
Health & Safety Policy Template
The template below is a starting point for your own Health & Safety Policy. Please make any changes necessary to ensure it is applicable to your workplace.
It can helpful to ask for feedback from staff, parents and students at your school while writing your policy.
This is a statement of general policy and arrangements for [Dance school]
We will actively maintain and promote good health and safety procedures and will:
- Maintain safe and healthy work conditions
- Provide adequate control of the health and safety risks at our school
- Be open to comments and suggestions from our employees, students and their parents on matters relating to health and safety
- Provide information, instruction and supervision for employees and students and make them aware of this policy
- Ensure all employees are capable of doing their tasks, hold any required qualifications, and that they receive adequate training
- Record any harm or injuries that occur in an Accident Book and make changes where required to avoid similar incidents in the future
- Regularly review and updatethis policy
[Most senior member of staff] has overall responsibility for health and safety.
[Member of staff] has day-to-day responsibility for ensuring this policy is put into practice.
A Health & Safety Law poster is displayed at [location] – this is a requirement under UK law for anyone who employs others. Alternatively a pocket version can be provided for your staff. The law may vary for non-UK countries.
A First Aid box is located at [location]
An Accident Book is located at [location]
In the case of an emergency or serious injury, please contact the emergency services on (insert your country’s emergency number here)
This policy was last reviewed on __/__/__
Job Title:
Risk Assessment Template
Below is a template on to record the hazards at your workplace. We have included an example hazard to give you an idea of how the document should be completed.
Description of the hazard / What is the risk and to whom? / How is the risk currently being managed? / What else can be done to manage the risk? / Who will do this? / When will this be done? / This was completed on:Chairs lined-up against wall of dance studio / Staff and students may trip on the chair legs or fall into them / Chairs are stacked and kept away from the used space of the hall. Students are made aware that they are there. / Chairs could be moved to another room when lessons are taking place / School staff / For all classes from dd/mm/yy / dd/mm/yy
Staff signature
It is good practice to make your policies available to customers. You can do this by adding them to your website or stating that they are available upon request on publicity material.