Telluride Workshop on Polymer Physics June 20 – 24, 2011

List of invited talks

Marcus Cicerone On the relationship between fast beta and slow relaxation modes in glass forming materials

Juan de Pablo "Collective phenomena in liquid crystals and their interfaces"

Jack Douglas Influence of Nanoparticle and Molecular Additives on Structural Relaxation and Collective Particle Motion in a Simulated Glass-Forming Polymer Liquid

Jacek Dudowicz Self-assembly phenomena

John Dutcher Surface-active proteins on different surfaces: the effect of hydrophobicity and surface curvature on the conformation and oligomerization of adsorbed beta-lactoglobulin molecules

Mark Ediger Direct measurement of molecular motion in freestanding films of polystyrene and other polymers

Karl Freed The descent into glass formation in polymers

Venkat Ganesan Mechanistic origins of transport properties of polymer nanocomposites and block copolymer electrolytes

Jan Genzer Insight into the structure of macromolecular grafts formed by surface-initiated polymerization

Ferenc Horkay Ion-polymer interactions in biopolymer solutions and gels

Sanat Kumar Polymer Nanocomposites: Tailoring their Properties through Particle Size and Surface Functionalization

Tim Lodge Gels from ABA and ABC Triblock Copolymers: Structure and Dynamics

Erik Luijten Controlled Condensation of Plasmid DNA with Block Copolymers

Jim Martin Field-structured polymer composites for heat transfer and chemical sensing

M. Muthukumar Dilute polyelectrolyte solutions

Monica Olvera de la Cruz Heterogeneous Elastic Membranes

Ken Schweizer Adventures in Polymer Dynamics: Entangled Liquids, Glasses and Nanocomposites

Francis Starr DNA-linked Nanoparticle Assemblies

Svetlana Sukhishvili Polyelectrolyte Assemblies: Dynamics, Structure and Response

Igal Szleifer Modeling polymers in cell nucleus: chromatin compaction and nuclear pore complexes

Richard Vaia Single Component Polymer-Inorganic Nanocomposites: Interfacial Dynamics and Structure

Shi-Qing Wang How entangled polymeric liquids transform from the elastic state to flow: instabilities from shear to extension and beyond