Human Resources / President’s Authorization:
Approved by Dr. Pamela Transue November 11, 2005
President’s Signature Date


This policy is intended to provide guidance regarding options available to applicable employees to account for time during periods of inclement weather or other emergency situations where an employee may not be able to make it in to work, or where the college closes and operations are suspended.


This policy applies to all College employees and volunteers.


WAC 357-31-255 Inclement Weather

WAC 357-31-265 Suspended Operations

WFSE Negotiated Agreement Article 15 – Suspended Operations

WPEA Negotiated Agreement Article 13 – Suspended Operations

Faculty Negotiated Agreement Article 6.15 Suspended Operations


Inclement Weather – whenever weather conditions are such that an employee is unable to report to work or remain at work and the college remains open.

Suspended Operations – whenever the College determines that employee, student or public health, property or safety is jeopardized and the College is closed, or whenever such other emergency conditions exist which result in College closure.

Overtime Exempt – applies to positions thatmeet the Fair Labor Standards Act definition forexemption from overtime,that are exempted from overtime and for which overtime is not paid.

Overtime Eligible – applies to positions thatdo not meet the Fair Labor Standards Act definition forexemption from overtimeand are therefore considered to be non-exempt and eligible for overtime at the minimum rate of time and one-half the employee’s regular rate of pay. Overtime Eligible also applies to any position or class of positions that are deemed eligible for overtime by applicable union contract or the College.

SeeCollege Policy - Definitions


The College President or his/her designee may suspend operations of all or any portion of the College if, in his/her opinion, conditions make the closure or partial closure advisable.

Each employee must properly account for his/her time in accordance with this policy, procedures, and applicable rules and regulations. When an employee is unable to report to work or remain at work due to inclement weather, or when other emergencies or unforeseen circumstances require the college to suspend operations and close, the employee shall account for his/her time by one or a combination of the options provided.


If the College President or his/her designee decides to suspend operations or to partially suspend operations at any campus location, employees will be notified by one or more of the following methods. Such notification will include information regarding the specific College site(s) affected, the extent of full or partial closure and the expected duration.

  • College voice mail system;
  • Written notification;
  • Personal communication by supervisors to employees; or
  • Local radio or television, a listing of which will be distributed to employees each year on or aroundNovember 1.

Employee absence during inclement weather

When the College remains open during inclement weather, employees who are unable to report for work or unable to remain at work may account for lost work time using one or a combination of the following options, in accordance with applicable agreements, rules, policies or regulations.

At his/her discretion the President, or his/her designee, may authorize compensation for lost work time due to inclement weather. This authorization may be provided for all or a portion of lost work time due to inclement weather or in combination with other available options as provided by policy.

Classified Employees Covered by the WFSE or WPEA Negotiated Agreement

  • In accordance with the applicable negotiated agreement language, employees may use the following options to account for their time except that employees must use any accrued compensatory time prior to using vacation unless it would result in the loss of their vacation leave:
  • Accrued compensatory time (where applicable);
  • Vacation leave,
  • Personal holiday, or
  • Leave without pay.

Non-Represented Classified Employees Covered by WAC 357

  • Accrued compensatory time (must be used prior to using vacation leave).
  • Vacation leave,
  • Sick leave up to a maximum of three (3) days in any calendar year,
  • Leave without pay in lieu of paid leave at the employee’s request., or
  • Voluntary adjustment in the work schedule or reasonable opportunity to make up the time lost.

Academic Employees

  • Emergency leave (sick leave) in accordance with the negotiated agreement.
  • Leave without pay in accordance with the negotiated agreement.

Exempt Employees

  • Voluntary adjustment in the work schedule or reasonable opportunity to make up the time lost.
  • Vacation leave.
  • Personal holiday.
  • Personal Leave.

Hourly Individuals

  • Voluntary adjustment in the work schedule, with supervisor approval.
  • Unpaid time.

Employee Absence During Suspended Operations

When the College closes due to suspended operations employees who are unable to report for work or remain at work may account for lost work time using one or a combination of the following options, in accordance with applicable agreements, rules, policies or regulations.

Classified Employees Covered by the WFSE Negotiated Agreement

  • When prior notification has not been given, employees released until further notice after reporting to work, will suffer no loss in pay for the first day.
  • The following options will be made available to the affected employees who are not required to work for the balance of the closure:
  • Accrued compensatory time (where applicable);
  • Vacation leave,
  • Personal holiday; or
  • Leave without pay.
  • Except that employees must use any accrued compensatory time prior to using vacation unless it would result in the loss of their vacation leave.

Employees required to work during the disruption will receive one and one-half times their regular pay for work performed during the period of suspended operations.

Classified Employees Covered by the WPEA Negotiated Agreement

  • When prior notification has not been given, employees released until further notice after reporting to work, will suffer no loss in pay for the first day.
  • The following options will be made available to the affected employees who are not required to work for the balance of the closure:
  • Accrued compensatory time (where applicable);
  • Vacation leave,
  • Personal holiday; or
  • Leave without pay.
  • Except that employees must use any accrued compensatory time prior to using vacation unless it would result in the loss of their vacation leave.

Employees required to work during a total campus shutdown will receive one and one-half times their regular pay for work performed during the period of suspended operations.

Non-Represented Classified Employees Covered by WAC 357

  • When prior notification has not been given, employees released until further notice after reporting to work, will suffer no loss in pay for the first day.
  • The following options will be made available to the affected employees who are not required to work for the balance of the closure:
  • Accrued compensatory time (where applicable);
  • Vacation leave,
  • Personal holiday; or
  • Leave without pay.
  • Except that employees must use any accrued compensatory time prior to using vacation unless it would result in the loss of their vacation leave.

Employees required to work during suspended operations will receive their regular pay for work performed during the period of suspended operations.If hazardous work conditions exist, the college may petition for approval of a special premium pay allowance for employees required to work during the period of suspended operations. If approved, employees required to work during the period of suspended operations may receive premium pay for the hours worked.

Academic Employees

  • Emergency leave (sick leave) in accordance with the negotiated agreement.
  • Leave without pay in accordance with the negotiated agreement.
  • Voluntary adjustment in work schedule.

Exempt Employees

  • When prior notification has not been given, employees released until further notice after reporting to work, will suffer no loss in pay for the first day.
  • The following options will be made available to the affected employees who are not required to work for the balance of the closure:
  • Voluntary adjustment in the work schedule.
  • Vacation leave.
  • Personal holiday.
  • Personal Leave.

Hourly Individuals

  • Voluntary adjustment in the work schedule, with supervisor approval.
  • Unpaid time.

Staffing During Suspended Operations

In the event of suspended operations, the President or his/her designee shall determine the number and type of staffing needed during the suspended operations.


All employees affected by inclement weather and suspended operations who are using leave to account for their time must account for their time in accordance with the College applicable leave procedures.

Initial Adoption Date: Unknown
Prior Revision Dates: February 2000, January 29, 2004
Last Revision Date: November 11, 2005

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