Date / What’s on /
Spare Player
Tuesdays / Duplicate 1.00 pm
Teaching 7.15 – 10.15 pm
Teams League 7.30 pm /
Helen / Chris Kinloch
Chris Kinloch
Chris Kinloch /
Tel. Helen for partners
Last Tuesday of month
Wednesday / Duplicate 1.00 pm /
Jane Rutherford
Tel. Viv for partners
Thursdays / Learners and Improvers /
George Collins
Always available
4 / Mon / Duplicate / Arthur Whittaker / Tracey Adams
8 / Fri / Teams of Four / Steve Howell / None
11 / Mon / Duplicate / Jean Babb / Chris Comer
14 / Thurs / Junior Pairs / George Collins / Partners provided as usual
15 / Fri / Duplicate / Keith Williams / Sandra Ruffell
18 / Mon / Duplicate / Steve Howell / Arthur Whittaker
22 / Fri / Duplicate “Six Partners” / Stan Babb / Manny Navarro
25 / Mon / Individual Round 3 / Helen Kinloch / Barbara Seymour
26 / Tues / Teams League / Chris Kinloch
29 / Fri / Pottage qualifying heat / Keith Williams / George Collins
30 / Sat / Basingstoke/Newbury match / Chris Kinloch
1 / Mon / Teams of Four / Arthur Whittaker / None
5 / Fri / Duplicate / Jean Babb / Eric Clucas
8 / Mon / Duplicate / George Collins / Sula Turpin
9 / Tues / Mollie Simmons Swiss Pairs / Chris Kinloch / None
12 / Fri / Duplicate / Keith Williams / Mary Lucas
15 / Mon / Duplicate “Six Partners” / Steve Howell / May Lawn
19 / Fri / IBM Charity Sim Pairs / Keith Williams / None
22 / Mon / Duplicate / Stan Babb / Jean Babb
23 / Tues / Teams League / Chris Kinloch
26 / Fri / Duplicate / Richard Ray / David Rawden
29 / Mon / Individual Round 4 / Helen Kinloch / Viv Morris

If you can’t attend on a day for which you are nominated, please swap with someone as soon as possible. New directors and spare players are always welcome.


Club: / Maydene, Sherborne Road, Basingstoke RG21 5TG / (01256) 541988 /
Chairman: / Helen Kinloch / (01264) 333175 /
Vice-Chairman: / Richard Ray / (02380) 253239 /
Treasurer: / Jane Rutherford / (01252) 615690 /
Secretary: / Sandra Ruffell / (01256) 363102 /
Committee: / Stan Babb / (01256) 842984 /
John Glasscock / (01256) 781834 /
Sam Golding / (01252) 811228 /
Viv Morris
Anne Todd / (01256) 889946
(01256) 850537 /

Web site:

County Events – Entries on or phone Steve on 02380 702934
10th January / Mid Winter Swiss Teams / Romsey / 2pm
24th January / Candlesticks Swiss Pairs / Romsey / 1pm
14th February / Valentine Swiss Teams / Romsey / 2pm


Issue 264 January 2016


National success!

Katy Lee who has recently joined our club playedforEngland in the under Women's 25'sChannel Trophy against France, Holland and Belgium. The U25 women'steam fielded 3 young players,along with two older and more experienced players,(Katy being one). Although they started very slowly they gained in momentum as the event went on and in the final match destroyed the Belgium team to finish in 3rd place. Very impressive!

County success

Congratulations to the Basingstoke team of Keith Bennett, John Fairhurst, Tracey Adams and Steve Tearle who won the Bloxham Teams played here at Basingstoke.

Also congratulations to Danielle Sissingh & Fil Navarro who were 4th overall in the Chidwick Cup (county charity simultaneous pairs).

Club success

Congratulations to Chris Kinloch who won the 2015 Player of the Year. Second was Richard Ray.) Congratulations also to Richard and Chris Ray for winning the Partnership of the Year. Second were Sula Turpin and Lindsay McDougall. Richard was again winner of the Six Partners. (I came second: same as last year!)

January events

Teams of four will be on Friday 8th Jan.

The second round of the Six Partners will be on Friday 22nd. .

The Junior Pairs will be played on Thursday 14th. Please note that any Monday, Tuesday Wednesday or Friday players with a ranking of club master or below are welcome to enter this competition. Any Thursday players who have achieved a higher ranking than club master are welcome to play but will not be eligible to win the competition.

The third round of the Individual is on Monday 25th January. Remember you can still take part in this competition even if you missed rounds 1 and 2.

The Teams League continues on Tuesday 26th.

The Pottage

This is the county’s main pairs competition. Several qualifying rounds have already taken place at other clubs. The qualifying heat at Basingstoke Bridge Club is on Friday 29th January. Please be aware that this is open to any visitors who are Hampshire members. Visitors must give prior notice that they wish to play at Basingstoke and their names will be entered on the list. Make sure your name is there as well if you wish to play. Any pair wanting to play in the semi-final will qualify as long as they achieve a score of 50% in the heat. (Of course you can play in the heat even if you don’t want to play in the semi-final.) If you cannot manage Friday 29th there is another heat at Newbury on Tuesday 5th January and later at Worthy Down on Wednesday 2nd March. The semi-final will be held at Romsey on Saturday 19th March and the final will also be held at Romsey on Sunday 24th April. Winning pairs can go on to represent the county in the Corwen. If anyone who does not wish to qualify would be prepared to volunteer to be spare player on Friday 29th I would be very grateful. Otherwise there will be no host on that evening.

Please note that the start time for the county Candlesticks Swiss Pairs at Romsey on 24th Jan. is 1.00 pm and not the usual 2.00 pm.

Mollie Simmons Swiss Pairs

The Mollie Simmons Charity Swiss Pairs will be played on Tuesday 9th February, starting at 11.00 am and including a buffet lunch. This is an annual charity event in memory of Mollie. The proceeds will go to St. Michael’s Hospice in Basingstoke. Please keep the date free and enter if you can.


The club kitchen has now been stylishly refurbished. Many thanks are due to Lorraine Motamed for negotiating some excellent discounts for us, and to Stan and Clive for laying the floor. We are all indebted to Stan who will be painting and tiling when he returns from his well-deserved holiday.

Christmas parties

Everyone very much enjoyed the Thursday and Friday parties. (See the photos on the web site.) Many thanks are due to George Collins and Steve Howell for running the parties in such style and to Jan and John Yates for decorating the club again so festively..

Christmas quiz

This year’s quiz was compiled by Jan Yates and David Rawden. The final date for sending your answers to Jan is 31st December (2015!!).

Some New Year’s Resolutions

Ideally have a convention card on the table each time you play. There are blank ones in the cupboard by the door of the club. Your card should be the same as your partner’s and should be available for the opposition to consult if they wish. If you would like a blank one to fill in on your computer I can send you one by e-mail. It is then handy to be able to adapt this for different partnerships.

Always wait for 10 seconds before making your bid or passing when your opponent’s stop card is on the table.

Only ask questions about the bidding when it is your turn to bid, and then only if you are thinking of making a bid yourself and need to know about an opponent’s bid. Otherwise it is always best to reserve any questions you may have until you are about to make the opening lead or your partner has made his opening lead face down.

Never tell the opposition what you think they should have done, unless they ask for your opinion.

Avoid long discussions after a hand has been played.

Try not to bend the cards, as the dealing machine does not like it!

Be welcoming to the opposition and always kind to your partner.

Best wishes to all for a happy and peaceful New Year. Helen Kinloch