Managing Giving

User Guide

Human Edge Software Corporation Pty Ltd
Level 1, 280 Coventry St
South Melbourne Vic 3205

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© Human Edge Software Corporation Pty Ltd, Melbourne 2008

Updated August 2008
Screen Images from version 5.0.1561

Table of Contents


Document Overview 4

Giving Overview 5

Overview 5

Giving Concepts 6

Giving Process 7

Maintaining Givers 8

Overview 8

Adding Givers 9

Changing Pledges 12

Change a Pledge History 13

Transfer Giver 15

Recording Giving 17

Overview 17

Balance Forward 18

Weekly Recording 19

Bank Deposit Slip 22

EFT Recording 24

Posting Giving 28

Unposting Giving 30

Maintaining Giving 32

Overview 32

Changing Envelope Numbers 33

Allocating Envelope Numbers 37

Campaigns 42

Overview 42

What is a Campaign? 43

New Campaign 44

Funds 46

Overview 46

Giving Funds 47

Allocation of Funds 49

Transfer Giving 51

Reports and Exports 54

Overview 54

Receipts and Statements 55

Giving Export 59


Document Overview
The Manual
/ This document is a ‘Guide’ to steer you through the use of PACS for managing Giving with your Parish. Make notes and highlight key areas to help yourself retain information, or remember where to refer back to for information.
/ This User Guide is broken into chapters. Each chapter gives an overview and then step by step instructions.
Use of Guide
/ This manual is designed to give you step by step instructions for a particular function within PACS.
/ In this User Guide, you will find some of the following conventions:
Blue Text This text highlights PACS keywords.
Text separated by arrows. Example Giving 4 recording.
This means, from the giving menu, select the recording item.

Giving Overview

/ The chapter provides a definition of Giving, and an overview of Giving Concepts and Processes.
/ This chapter contains the following topics:
Topic / See Page
Giving Concepts / 6
Giving Process / 7
Giving Concepts
/ This User Guide deals with recording giving and maintaining giver records. It includes maintenance of giving funds but does not include how to run a thanksgiving campaign.
A giver is a person who pledges, or commits to giving to the Parish on a regular and on-going basis. An amount may be specified at regular intervals. Contributions may be recorded for several payment methods; cash, cheque, credit card and direct deposit.
Donations to taxable or charity funds on an ad hoc or regular basis may form part of the records for a giver. Donations to charity funds on an ad hoc basis may also be recorded for people who do not wish to contribute on a regular basis.
Statements or receipts may be issued for individual funds or for all funds on a periodic basis, such as annually or quarterly.
Tax statements may be issued annually for any funds with a taxable % component.
Giving records may be posted to the general ledger if PACS is used for financial record keeping.
Giver records are based on a numerical or envelope system for ease of entry but giving history remains linked to the giver over time, including changes of envelope number, pledge amounts and payment method.
A giving fund may be a general Parish donation account or it may represent giving to a taxable charity or other organization.
This guide shows how to complete the initial setup of funds and ongoing changes to them. Reporting on giving records and export of data is also included.
Giving Process
Giving Process
/ The main task of the giving process in PACS is the recording of giving on a weekly basis.
Giving is recorded each week based on a giving Sunday.
New givers and changes to existing giver details may be entered in advance to be automatically applied on the appropriate Sunday.
EFT files for transfer to the bank may also be created each month or quarter as they become due.
Each week the Balance forward process applies any changes to giving pledges or envelope numbers, adds expected amounts to givers records, includes new givers due to start and prepares records for EFT.
All events are based on dates to be processed and the Balance forward checks for all dates up to and including the designated Sunday.
Once the balance forward process has been done, giving records may be entered for that Sunday.

Maintaining Givers

/ Giver records can be accessed from 2 locations:
People4 Members
Giving4 Givers
There is a filter at the bottom of the Member/Giver form to only display Giver details.

/ This chapter contains the following topics:
Topic / See Page
Adding Givers / 9
Changing Pledges / 12
Change a Pledge History / 13
Transfer Giver / 15
Adding Givers
/ Giver records can be added as a:
·  Member of a Family who is also a Giver, or
·  Giver, with no Family.
To distinguish between a non-giving member and a Giver, we have a Giver flag or tick box. This allows us to allocate an envelope number and enter pledge details.

Step by Step
/ Follow the steps in the table below to add a new Giver.
Step / Action
1 / Select
Giving4 Givers, or
People4 Members
Result: The Giver/Member form will open.

2 / Click in ¤ Add in the top left corner.

Continued on next page

Adding Givers, Continued

Step by Step (continued)
Step / Action
3 / Enter the following information:
Field / Description
Full Name / First Name, Middle Name, Last Name, Preferred Name, and Maiden Name.
Date of Birth / dd/mm/yy format
Gender / Male or Female
Giver / This must be ticked to signify a Giver and allocate an envelope number. The envelope number will be allocated when the record is saved.
Address / Tick if you need to enter a different address from the Family, OR
Tick if they are a Giver WITHOUT belonging to a Family.
Tick the check box, and then click on the Address button to add an address.
Phone Number / Business, Fax, Mobile or Email
Enter all other details on the Contact and More tabs.
4 / Click on the Pledge tab.
Enter the following details.
Field / Description
Start Date / Date the pledge is starting from.
Envelope / PACS will allocate the next envelope number when the record is saved or you can type in an unused number.
Payment Type / Payment Method: Cash, Cheque Credit Card or Direct Deposit.
Amount / Amount they have committed to each period.
Pledge Period / Frequency of pledge payments: Week, Fortnight, Month, Quarter, Half Year, Year.

Continued on next page

Adding Givers, Continued

Step by Step (continued)
Step / Action
5 / When all details are complete, click on Save.
Result: The Giver record is saved. A message is displayed to Link to Family.

6 / Select from the following:
Button / If you want to…
Yes / Link to an existing Family.
No / NOT link the Giver to a Family. i.e. they are not part of a Family in PACS.
If you select Yes:
·  The Family form will be displayed.
·  Select the Family to link to or enter a new family record.
·  Enter the Family Role
·  Save the Family record.
If you select No:
·  The record is saved.
Changing Pledges
Step by Step / A Giver may increase or decrease the amount they pledge to the Parish.
Follow the steps in the table below to change a pledge.
Step / Action
1 / Select Giving4 Givers.
Result: The Givers form will open.
2 / Search for and select the required Giver.
3 / Select ¤ edit on the left side of the form.
4 / Click on the Pledge tab.

5 / Change the pledge amount, or any other pledge details.
6 / When all changes have been made, click on Save.
No fixed Pledge Amount
/ Some Parishes issue envelopes to people who wish to give regularly, but no pledge amount is officially recorded. Whatever is given is recorded into the planned giving fund. If this is the case, leave the Pledge amount as zero.
Change a Pledge History
/ There may be times when a pledge needs to be changed retrospectively. An example of this could be if a Giver has pledge $25 a week, and then has changed this to $20 a week, but it has not been changed in PACS. They have been giving $20 a week, but PACS thinks they are in arrears because the pledge was set to $25.
Change the Pledge History
/ Follow the steps on the previous page to change the pledge from this point onwards. The follow the steps in the table below to change a pledge history.
Step / Action
1 / Select Giving4 Givers.
Result: The Givers form will open.
2 / Search for and select the required Giver.
3 / Select ¤ edit on the left side of the form.
4 / Click on the Given tab.

5 / Click on Edit on.
Result: This will open the Pledge and Envelope fields to be able to be edited.

Continued on next page

Change a Pledge History, Continued

Change the Pledge History (continued)
Step / Action
6 / Change the Pledge amounts to the new amount. In this example we are change the pledge from $25 to $20.

7 / Click on Edit off.
Result: A Save message box will be displayed.

8 / Click on Yes to save the changes to the givers records.
9 / You can now exit the form.
Transfer Giver
/ Transfer Giver feature is available to transfer Giver status and all giving history from one person to another. In this instance you would do this if the incorrect person was flagged as the giver, or if a Giver has passed away and the Giver status and history is to be moved to their spouse.
Step by Step
/ Follow the steps in the table below to transfer a giver.
Step / Action
1 / Select Maintenance 4 Transfer Giver
Result: The Transfer Giver form is displayed

2 / Click on the binoculars for From Giver
3 / Select the person that you wish to transfer from.

4 / Click on the binoculars for to member
5 / Select the person that you wish to transfer to.

Continued on next page

Transfer Giver, Continued

Step by Step (continued)
Step / Action
6 / Click on the transfer button.
Result: A confirmation message is displayed.

7 / Click on YES to transfer the giver (or No as required).
Result: On completion of the transfer a confirmation message is displayed.

8 / Click on OK, and then EXIT the Transfer Giver form.

Recording Giving



/ This chapter examines the process of recording weekly giving for the Parish. The process for recording giving depends upon the forms of payment you accept such as cash, cheque or credit card.
Note: Funds do need to be setup before Giving can be recorded. Refer to the Funds section.


/ This chapter contains the following topics:
Topic / See Page
Balance Forward / 18
Weekly Recording / 19
Bank Deposit Slip / 22
EFT Recording / 24
Posting Giving / 28
Unposting Giving / 30
Balance Forward


/ Balance Forward is normally a weekly process to update the amount of pledge for each giver.
It does a few other vital functions as well.
·  Creates a pledge for everyone due during that week.
·  Starts any new people who are scheduled during that week up to that Sunday
·  Creates changes to pledges that may have been made.
·  If you have a whole campaign, and people have been allocated new numbers in the next campaign screen, it updates all those details.
·  Checks for any EFT payments that are due and creates a schedule as appropriate.

Step by Step

/ Follow the steps in the table below to process Balance Forward.
Step / Action
1 / Select Giving 4 Balance Forward
Result: The Balance Forward form will open.

Note: This form gives the name of the Fund the giving will be allocated to, the Current Pledge date, and the New Pledge Date.
2 / Click on OK.
Result: This has updated the amount of pledge for each giver.
Weekly Recording


/ The Recording is done on a weekly basis. This is where we record the amount given against each envelope number.

Step by Step

/ Follow the steps in the table below to process weekly recording.
Step / Action
1 / Select Giving 4 Recording
Result: The Recording form will open.

2 / Giving may be entered by Envelope or Name.
·  Ensure the correct Receipt Date is displayed or entered.
Receipt Date is the actual date the giving is entered into PACS).
·  Ensure the correct Giving Date is displayed or entered.
Giving Date is the date for which the giving is being processed (generally the previous Sunday).
·  Ensure the correct Fund Name is selected.
Note: If there is more than one fund, a default fund can be set at Maintenance4 Setup4 Forms tab.
3 / Click in the Amount column for the first envelope.

Continued on next page