Technology Protocol……..GUIDELINES AND BEHAVIOR

Let’s have a trouble free/stress free year using technology! Let’s have fun!

**Prepare your work space. No food or water on desk. Have out the class materials you need. Clean hands at all times.

Backpack space: either under your desk completely; or move to side/back of room.

**Computer captain selected per period. This person will monitor /oversee the computer/notebook access and return. Captain stands next to the computer cart on the left.

**Table captains ONLY get the computers/notebooks. Line up to the right of the cart. Captains carry no more than 3 or 4 notebooks at a time. If not enough for your table, return to the back of the line and get more. Captains take only the numbered notebooks that have been assigned to the desks at your table. Return to your table by going around the room…not back through the line. Table captains need to hold onto notebooks where you walk. Respect school property.

**You may ONLY use the numbered computer that matches the number on your desk.

**Follow classroom directions carefully. Only visit sites as directed by the teacher. Technology privilege will be taken away if you are “surfing inappropriately.”

**Help others. Be kind and offer to assist others at your table to follow directions. Work together.

**At end of class – about 15 minutes before the end, you will log off from your account. DO NOT SHUTDOWN, unless you are 3rd block. Only 3rd block turns off/powers down the notebook completely.

**When directed, table captain will stack notebooks. All notebooks face the same direction. NO SLAMMING SHUT. Table captains are responsible for order.

**Table captains will collect computers following the same rules as before. Computer captain will stand to the left, table captains form return line on the right. Table captains may need to return to line twice.

**Each notebook must be plugged in to the correct slot. Match the numbers. All cords tucked in behind the notebook. Computer captain will be watching and monitoring correct behavior.


I understand the classroom technology guidelines and behaviors. I promise to act/behave responsibly and respect school property. I pledge to assist others when I can and help implement a trouble-free year.

Student name: ______Pd. ___ Parent Signature: ______