Technology for Successful EmploymentEvent in Progress: 02:05:56

Good afternoon everybody. This is Norine Gill with UNT WISE and I'm here to help introduce and facilitate our workshop today, which is on using technologies which -- we are having challenges with, ourselves, this afternoon. Marsha will be joining us soon, as we try to get everything in from Seattle to help us through the rest of this workshop for the next hour and a half talking about assistive technology.

And, using iPad and things that we can do on a daily basis with the people that we are serving and supporting. As you know, this is a very interact if type of webinar. We did get a few responses back from homework from the last s ession, from last Thursday. We will show those responses. If there are those in the audience that did not have the opportunity to send that by email, if you would put your responses or experience in the question box, will notice, if you can hear me, go ahead and send me an email saying that you can hear everything okay. Also, if you have any questions or experiences since last week's session, that you want to be able to share with our audience today, and with our speaker.

Let me go ahead and see any comments coming in. We have from Diana, seeing on the screen, I have what Diane has said from something that she uses for keeping her schedule and I wanted to be sure to share that with you, as well. I have from Jordan, who said that he was hoping we could get more information about Android products and how some of the information we heard from last week and this week would also be available for Android.

Some other comments that we did have, and I'm not sure if Martha is on, yet. If she will share it with us. But, one comment that we received from Victor, was that under the video section of his iPad, he found closed captions, which he really likes. It's for people who are difficult to understand or four people who have problems hearing. Under the video tab under general, he found closed captioning for accessibility. He found that to be very helpful.

This is -- if hello, Diana. Thanks for sending a note. Kimberly, are you there? Christin, Angelina, just checking in to see if you can hear okay.

Or, if you are busy typing in your comments.

All right, Kimberly. Thank you. Should be able to find comments in the question box in the control panel. Go ahead and send in -- thank you, Angelina. Did any of you work on any of the skills or the apps that Marsha shared with us last week? Did you have any experiences or things to share? That's the question up right now as we wait for Marsha to finally be able to connect with us. If you had anything, please submit the comments.

I just received a question from Marsha. Apparently, Fichter also try to make a movie with an iPad that has the thevideocamera and transferred to iTunes but can't figure out how to transfer that video, now, over to an older iPad. That will be a question for us to ask, in terms of transferring or getting videos from one tool to another. Good questions. Good stuff.

Angelina asked, I do not have a n iPad. Will [Indiscernible] provided? That all depends. If you have -- if you are a person with a disability who is a recipient and you have assistive technology goal or for education or employment purposes, it is worth asking for its. If it's something you are going to do as a rehabilitation provider, you are more likely to have to purchase that for funds that you earn through that contract with DARS as a CRP. Are you are recipient or a rehabilitation provider?

I still have not received word from the organizers that we have Marsha on board. I'm still waiting. In the meantime, I'm willing to take any additional comments from our participants. If you have anything to share, so that we can take a few more minutes waiting for Marcia to join join us.

Diana, if you are there, sense you did send in the document, I hope it's up on your board. I will unmute and see if I can hear you. Hopefully, if you are there, you will be able to join us.

Diana, are you there?

She sent me a note. She has no microphone. I am so sorry to hear that, because it would be nice if you could have joined us to let us learn more about your experience in working with Toodles as we wait for the speakers to join us.

Sorry to hear that. I'd be more than happy to give you all what I know about assistive technology, but that would be limited in scope. Not exactly what you paid to do. If you all would respond in the question box, hopefully, you are seeing my screen, which has a Toodles -- up from YouTube that Diana did submit. What do you see up on your screen, at this point? Or, just the announcement of the webinar session?

Just the announcement, okay, thank you, Kimberly. The name of the course -- let's see -- I'm -- I changed to my screen. That should have happened for you. If you all want to let me know if you actually do see my screen, at this point.

Marsha is there. Hello, all my goodness. [Laughter] Yay.

Good morning.

Good morning. Hopefully, all the participants should be able to see your screen.

Just a second. I need to get reflector up and going. Can you see my iPads, now?

Yes. We can see your iPads. Lovely. You see my PowerPoint.

Did you check about homework? Did that happen without me?

A little bit. What we did have is Diana Gonzales sent through YouTube video on Toodles which she uses for scheduling and four programming throughout the day. I hadn't realized that they couldn't see my screen as I was talking about it I was going to share information about Toodles. I was hoping Diana had a mic and her computer, but she did not, to be able to talk about herself. Unfortunately, we were table to share that. From Victor, we got a couple of things. One, under General and video, you found closed captioning and he really liked that for people who are difficult to understand.

Built-in to the equipment, yes, you can turn that on, yet.

He liked that. The other comments he made, was he made a movie with one iPad that had a video camera built-in and sent to iTunes but couldn't figure out how to transfer to an older iPad.

Well, within an iPad 1, I'm not sure -- the iPad 1, they don't have the camera's built-in and there is a lot that you can't do with those anymore. Some of the up dates to the operating systems from 6 forward, iCOB -- I don't know -- the iPad, they are coasters or cutting b oards. [Laughter] You just can't get much information in or out of them them. From2 forward, host of my iPads are 2 and you can do all of the system upgrades. I upload my movies to iTunes, to YouTube, I mean. And, to either private for share with others, but not public. So, if you are trying to do it with a 1 or get to a 1, Victor, you are going to have problems.

He just confirmed that it was a n iPad 1.

So sorry. The1 doesn't really work for us anymore. From2 forward, we are good.

He said that's because of the consumer uses.

Yes. Those are still kicking around and sometimes a been handed down to people. If you can get them a 2 or forward, it's a good way to go.

Then, Jordan asked if any of the applications could be used on an Android product and he asked for more in translation, in terms of how some of the things you are talking about will wait to Android and smartphone.

Yes. Many of the apps today are available on Android. Not all. There is still able to get more apt options on iOS Apple devices. But, the number of them I showed today are also on Android devices. Any of you who happen to be in the App Store or looking around for apps for Android that the same time I am speaking, you might type in information about availability of the apps I will talk about.

Okay. Well, I think you need to get g oing. We've got a lot to talk about.

I think so, too. Sorry for my delay. My coming in looked very different than it did a week ago. It was trying a variety of things.

We are going to be talking about cap sequencing, checklist, schedulers. One of my new favorite categories and that is calming and coping a pps. We made a number of jobseekers and supported employees that anxiety is an issue for them. Also, this basis between things that might be breaks and that sort of thing that can be difficult for people. We are going to look at apps related to that and I always say instead of using an Apple or something that works for somebody when the problem comes up, when you see at behavior or when you see anxiety or when a meltdown happens, it's great if you can use it right then. Instead, think about, periodically, through that person's day, putting the Coleman devices throughout the day and then what you see, is those episodes happen less often. More and more, I am meeting people that those who support them use those devices when the incident occurs instead of regularly on an ongoing basis so the incident never occurs. We will look at some remote support options, really new ideas and some old ones, as well.

So, let's start with a story and a really simple app that's called pin ultimate. It allows you to write on the screen. You can also pull in pictures in a variety of things. I am meeting a number of people that touching the screen -- and some people who experience autism, more typically, touching the screen is not referred. They will use that stylist -- stylist to do it hereby met someone who had a job and it was working behind the scenes in in fulfillment. He had to pull products of different types and put them into one box or bag going out the front door and he had to go to different rooms and he would get stuck when he would go to a new environment. He was someone who did not use a keyboard. He wrote. But I saw, once he had an employment specialist with him all the time. They could write back and forth in a note up. Speaking did not work with this person. When he would get stuck you would ask the question to his job coach who was behind him -- beside him and that's a hard thing to do on an ongoing basis, who would write information back on what he was supposed to do. I imagine your wheels are turning, too. This is a pretty you think -- easy thing to solve. You just needs to be able to write on the screen of a smart vice and email back or text back or put it in dropbox, there's a multitude of ways. Comma Blake you will email or text over to someone who could then write on something and send it b ack. We are replacing the right on the screen with that piece of paper and I'm going to suggest Pen Ultimate. Let's take a look at that app.

Well, okay -- why -- I'm sorry, my PowerPoint doesn't want to minimize. [Laughter] It doesn't want to close out work this is very interesting. I am having a heck of a time today, guys.

The sunspots are comes despite -- are conspiring against you or something.

I did updates on my computer this morning. PowerPoint -- all right. I just quit my PowerPoint. Now, let's see. Every go. See my iPads? Pen Ultimate -- what Pen Ultimate is, is a series of blank pages. You have a number of note book. -- note notebooks. This is a note to welcome to Pen Ultimate. It comes and talks you through how to do everything. Is that a free app or a nap they pay for? Pen Ultimate is sometimes free and sometimes it costs a dollar or two. I'm not sure what is right now. It will probably cost $1.99 or something. I can write on this green, pick a variety of colors. I can pull in pictures. I can take a picture, pull something from my photos. If I pull any old thing in here -- that really doesn't matter, Marsha.

I can size the picture any size I wanted to be. I can move it around on the screen. You can see right away that I can make this into an instant checkbox. I can't think on-the-fly. I person can come along and check it off. But, I can also decide to get information. Give information to someone. I have the choice of printing that. I can send it to dropbox, I can email it. I can open it another pages. If I lived email that to my job coach, they could send me an email or a text or something back and let me know what to do and that's what this person did. Prior to that, he had to have someone with him all the time, just to cause they needed to write back and forth. [Laughter] It shouldn't make any sense at all.

Reopened that PowerPoint. The question was, did the person right to coworkers. In this particular case, when I left the picture, that did not occur. You see how it could go from writing to the job coach over to writing back and forth with Pen Ultimate, with a coworker, with your boss, so you can move to natural supports that way. Because I'm not an employment specialist, I don't stay with someone for the long haul. They call me and when they can't figure something out. They think technology might be helpful, so that was that particular person and situation.

Am going to show choice works, [Indiscernible] and visual s chedule. These are three typical ones you might know about work choice works, 99% of choice works are really l ove. As one thing that people don't like I agree with it. That is the voice that's built-in. It's a younger person, kind of a child's voice. It works very, very much like a picture exchange system where you have one laminated strip with pictures and take the picture. You move the picture to the other strip. People who have learned that system of text will understand Choice Works burial is a. I will show you Pictello. They to -- it's the same app as the egg, robust communication app, Colo coat to go, which many people know and use. It's a European app maker. Visual schedule HD maybe a wonderful American app maker called good Karma productions. We are going to take a look at those.

Yay, it works. We have to take our goals as we make them. Let's look at Choice Works. You are able to make scheduling boards, waiting boards and healing boards. I'm concerned with scheduling boards. You can see as many boards as you like. I will open up I Tuesday routine at Safeway.

The first thing -- I will show you how it runs. You can see along the left you would have your different tasks. You can take your own pictures to put in there and that's always the best, that you take pictures of the person's real environment. The poll also like it when they are in the photos, white often. Or, you can pull in photos through the Internet. Or, you can use their canned p hotos. I never recommending -- never recommend using the canned app's. When I touch the first one, the grocery cart one, and my volume is up --

Get the grocery carts from the parking lot.

That cues me to get the grocery carts. I can start a timer or not use the timer, if you don't want to use the timer. That brings after it goes down. When I finished, I take a picture and slide it to the all done column on the right.

Go and get the grocery cart from the parking lot. All done.

Okay. That's one of the newer voices. It's not too bothersome, that particular voice. I would touch my next -- I will touch my next task.

Wiped down the freezer cases.

That's my voice that I recorded. When I'm done I slide over.

[Indiscernible] is see how this works.


Stock serial. All done.

People who have used laminated strips really understand this system. One thing I like very much about Choice Works, is that let's me know what the bottom, where it says and then I can -- back go to Starbucks.

Or my other choice, this into music on my iPad.

That also has a timer. If I do this during my break, by timer goes off when it's over. After the break I might have a new page. I'm going to push reset in the corner.

It's very easy to make one of these. This little sample took seven minutes, or something, to put together. But, I like that there is the reinforcer or what to do when you've completed those things. That's the really good thing about choice works. While we are in here, when we talk about colname or coping a little bit later on, the feeling board lets people know how to deal with things. This is when I feel angry, I can talk with my friends.

When I am feeling angry --

I have two choices on this b oard.

Talk with my friends, Jamie. Take a deep breath.

What I've calmed down, again, there's choices.


Buy a snack snack.

Anyway, along the bottom you see where it says all boards, schedule, that's my schedule board my waiting board and feeling board. The schedule board is the one we were looking at for task doing. Let's look at Pictello.