Technology-enhanced Learning - Activity Plan
Name:Md. Anwarul Islam
Grade / Course:Set and Functions of Basic Mathematics: Grade 10
Length of Activity:50 minutes
Lesson Summary:
Set theory is a basis of modern mathematics, and notions of set theory are used in all formal descriptions. The word function was introduced by Leibnitz in 1694. Function is a special type of relation. Each function is a relation but each relation is not a function . In this lesson students will accmulate the knowledge of the basic definitions and operations involving sets, relation between two sets, the conditions under when a relation becomes a function, different types of function and their properties.
Lesson Objective:
To provide students with self-learning based printed materials along with CD containing some learning activities and video clips related to lesson oriented example of set and function to achieve their learning outcome of this lesson.
Resources/Technology – Teacher
Interactive Whiteboard, pptx presentation, Self learning based text materials
Online Resources
1.OER resource
- (Set Theory):
- Function (Mathematics)
- Set (Mathematics):
2. You Tube Resource:
- Representing Functions (Mapping Diagrams):
- Identifying Sets of Real Numbers:
Resources/Technology – Students
Computer Lab of mathematcs or Student Laptop setting with institutional and personal internet access.
Worksheet /Learning Materials
Online Resources
- OER resource
- Venn Diagram for set theory:
- You Tube Resource:
- Venn Diagrams: Shading Regions for Two Sets:
- Subsets and Proper Subsets:
Intended Curriculum Learning Outcomes
- Students will able to differentiate between the function and general mapping
- Students will able to determine relationship between sets and functions
- Students will able to provide some examples of sets of real numbers
- Students will able to draw Venn Diagram
- Students will able to solve the problem in regarding with the lesson objective.
Instructional Activities
The teacher will review and present materials using interactive whiteboard examples to the whole class. Teacher also provide instructions about set theory, set operation, relation between set and function and how to draw Venn Diagram of set operation. Teacher have to provide some web links to the students as a resources. (15 minutes)
Students are given time to complete the lesson activities. (35 minutes)
Learning Activities and Assessment
Students will complete the following acivities (1, 2, 3 and 4)
Learning Activities1
Let A = {2, 3, 4}and B = {2, 4, 6, 8}. Find relationship f between A and B where element of B ‘is a factor’ of A
Assessment Tasks: Learners try to draw mapping for relationship with group by the help of tutor.
Purpose of Assessment task:To assess how learners can differentiate between a function and general mapping and to identify how the learners can make relationship between two functions by drawing general mapping
Learning Activities 2
Define real number and describe about number which are the subset of real number
Assessment Tasks: Learners are discussion by peer group than describe the numbers which are the subset of real numbers.
Purpose of Assessment task:To examine how the learners can identify the classification of numbers and then find out the numbers which are the subset of real numbers.
Learning Activities3
Let A = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5}
B = {2, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 12}
f : x → 2x + 1.
Find the relationship by mapping between A and B by using the function.
Assessment Tasks:Each of the learners solved the problem individually and after that draws a mapping.
Purpose of Assessment task:To measure the learners skill to solving the problem.
Learning Activities3
If U ={1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8}, A = {1, 2, 6, 7}, B = {2, 3, 5, 6} andC = {4, 5, 6, 7}, show that (by using Venn Diagram), (i) (AB)=AB and (ii)(A B)C = (AC)(BC)
Assessment Tasks:Each of the learners solved the problem individually and after that draws Venn Diagram according to their solved problem.
Purpose of Assessment task:To measure the learners skill to solving the problem.