Connecting the NBP to your PC using ActiveSync

Technical Service Department Notes: Netbook Pro 10th December 2003

Created by Andy Roberts

Psion Teklogix: NETBOOK PRO

Getting Started: connecting the NBP to your PC using ActiveSync

Step 1) before attempting to plunge in and connect your NBP to your PC its best to visit the Microsoft website and download the most recent version of ActiveSync (for quick access to the download go to and select ActiveSync under downloads).

Once downloaded follow the on screen prompts and install ActiveSync, it will ask you if you want to connect straight after installing but we shall ignore that and go to step 2.

Step 2) As there are limited software included on the NBP, Psion Teklogix have generously included on the NBP companion CD is a third party application called On-Schedule version five. This application is a powerful substitute to Microsoft outlook and will be the next thing to install.

Insert the CD into your PC and browse the CD using ‘my computer’. Run the application called h2ksyncoemsetup.exe, this will install the synchronising software for On-Schedule to sync with your outlook on your PC.

Step 3) you are now ready to connect the NBP to your PC. Connect the RS232 to the NBP and the serial to the PC. You can also connect using a female-to-female USB lead with the mini USB adapter to synchronise at a faster rate which may not be supplied.

ActiveSync will not be able to automatically detect the NBP even with using the ‘get connected’ wizard, this is because the NBP must start the connection.

On the Netbook pro go to Start ProgramsActiveSync and select direct.

(Fig 1)

FIG 1: Connecting with ActiveSync

NOTE: Some users have been experiencing problems trying to get the NBP to connect to the PC, this maybe because the connection on the NBP may need to be set-up correctly. To check the connection is correct go to startSettingscontrol Paneland select network and dial-up connections. Now highlight (single tap) the serial cable on COM1 icon and open its properties. (See fig 2)

FIG 2: setting up COM1

Now select configure to display more settings for COM1.

Under the port settings tab change the Baud rate to 19200 (see fig 3).

FIG 3: Port Settings

Okay now Select the Call options tab and un-tick cancel the call if not connected within and wait for tone before dialling (see fig 4).

FIG 4: Call Options

One more thing to complete, open ActiveSync and select File Connection settings and un-tick ‘allow serial cable or infrared connection to this com port’ then select ok. Once completed then open the connections again and tick the same box you have just un-selected. This will force Active sync Com connection to wake up as this is needed for the first time of connecting you NBP

Now everything is correct so select ok and try again to connect with ActiveSync remembering to always start the connection from the NBP not the PC.

Step 4) ActiveSync will be activated and ask you if you would like set up a Partnership. On the NBP you can only use the option to sync my document files using ActiveSync partnership.

Step 5) Before trying to send any file to your NBP via Active Sync you require to change the conversion settings for ActiveSync.

In ActiveSync options menu go to the rules tab and select conversion settings and make sure the ‘convert files when synchronised, copied or moved’ option is un-ticked.

The conversion option is only for Pocket PC devices and is not compatible with the NBP so even if you select as guest or set-up a Partnership this option must always be inactivated.