Issue / 16-31 / Date: / 9/13/16
This FYI is to clarify procedures for requesting the Supplement to the Dual Agency Rate for children three years of age and older, who have been determined by a Regional Center (RC) to have a developmental disability.
County-licensed foster homes, dependency legal guardians, non-relative probate guardians, federally-eligible ASFA-approved relatives, non-related extended family members, currentadoptive or post-adoptive caregivers, and Kin-GAP’d caregivers caring for a DCFS-RC child are entitled to receive the Dual Agency Rate (FFAs and group homes are excluded).
A supplement to the dual agency rate may be provided to caregivers to assist in meeting a RC child’s extraordinary needs and care. A Children’s Social Worker (CSW) can make the determination to initiate a supplemental rate, or initiate it at therequest ofthe caregiver. All Kin-GAP’d and/or adopted children are included. Upon request, DCFS has 90 days to complete the adjustment to payment. The effective date of the supplementto therate is the date of placement or the date of regional center eligibility, whichever is later.
The supplemental rate is determined by assessing the needs and behaviors of a child or youth via the SOC 835, 836 and 837 forms, in collaboration with the child or youth’s RCService Coordinator,who will sign the SOC 837 to document that this consultation has occurred. However, if the representative states their agency’s policy is to not sign the document, the CSW must document on the SOC 837 the name of the RC Service Coordinator, with the date they declined to sign. Alternatively(per All-County Letter 08-54),the CSW may seek information from other professionals and should consider any other relevant documentation and information to complete the SOC 837 questionnaire. The following documents are required to implement and authorize the issuance of the Supplement to the Dual Agency Rate:
  • Technical Assistance Action Request (DCFS 280);
  • Supplement to the Rate Questionnaire (SOC 837);
  • Supplement to the Rate Eligibility form (SOC 836);
  • Supplement to the Dual Agency Rate-Multiple Questionnaire worksheet (SOC 835); and
  • Regional Center eligibility letter verifying client is an active Regional Center consumer
  • For those already receiving AAP, a new AAP6 and AD 4320 will need to be signed by the caregivers and a new AAP2 will need to be submitted to Revenue Enhancement.
Supporting documents, such as the youth’s Regional Center Individualized Program Plan (IPP) or Client Development Evaluation Report (CDER) should be maintained in the services case file or AAP file for audit purposes.
For more information on the use of Regional Center dual agency rates, please refer to Procedural Guide 0900-511-.12, Dual Agency Rates.
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