Technical Advisory Committee
Thursday, March 8, 2012,2:30 p.m.
GHD Conference Room
718 Third Street, Eureka
Doby Class, ChairCity of Arcata, Public Works
Sandy Tripp, Vice-Chair Karuk Tribe of California
Tom MattsonHumboldt County Public Works
Mike KnightCity of Eureka
Praj WhiteCity of Ferndale, Consulting Engineer
Josh WolfCity of Trinidad
Kevin CarterCity of Fortuna, Public Works
Greg Pratt Humboldt Transit Authority (HTA)
Larry PardiArcata & Mad River Transit System
Leishara WardCaltrans District 01
Michael Foget City of Blue Lake
Leslie Sanders (Alternate)Trinidad Rancheria
Marcella ClemExecutive Director
Meghan RyanAssistantPlanner
Siana Watts Executive Assistant
Captain Dale CannonCalifornia Highway Patrol
Anita HuffBlue Lake Rancheria
Warren TameriusHoopa Tribe
Joe JamesYurok Tribe
Merrit PerryCity of Rio Dell, Public Works
Chair, Doby Class called the meeting to order at 2:30 p.m.
2.Approval of the Meeting Record
Motion was made (Ward/Pardi) to approve the meeting record of February 9, 2012 as presented.
Motion carried unanimously.
3.Public Participation
There was no public participation.
4.Consent Calendar
a) FY2011-12 Overall Work Program (OWP) Amendment #2
5.Items Removed from the Consent Calendar
Marcella Clem pulled item so the Committee could review and discuss amendments.
a) FY 2011-12 Overall Work Program (OWP) Amendment #2
Motion was made (White/Knight) to recommend approval of the Amendment #2 of the OWP based on input by Caltrans.
Motion carried by the following votes:
Ayes: Pardi, Mattson, Pratt, Class, Freeman, Wolf, Carter, Tripp, White, Knight, Foget, Sanders
Abstentions: Ward
6.Discussion Items
a) FY 2012-13 Overall Work Program (OWP) Draft
By order of the Chair, the FY 11-12Draft OWP discussion was moved to the April TAC meeting.
b) Review of Humboldt Transit Authority’s Regional Transit System Contributions
Motion was Made (Knight/Ward) to recommend the third option, which requires the county to contribute 50% of the Regional Transit System costs and the balance of the contributions to be divided between the cities based on their population using the 2010 census; consistent with the Service Coordination Committee’s recommendation, for review every ten years with the US Census.
Amendment: to review using the Department of Finance’s annual projected number.
Amended Motion passed by the following votes:
Ayes: Pardi, Pratt, Wilson, Ward, Class, Knight, Wolf, Carter, Trip, White, Sanders
Abstentions: Mattson, Freeman
7.Member Communication
Tom Mattson provided an update on the Caltrans Complete Streets Program, which included a handout with information on the definition, state and local levels of the program, department responsibilities and opportunities for Complete Streets funding sources.
Suzanne Theiss provided the deadline to submit Transportation Enhancement (TE) requests for allocations. Forthe April California Transportation Commission (CTC) meeting the deadline was March 26, 2012 and the deadline to make the June CTC meeting would be April 30, 2012.
8.Informational Items
a)Unmet Transit Needs (UTN) Cycle
Marcella Clem provided an update on the 2012 UTN Cycle.
b) Review Bike Plan Requirements
Marcella Clem provided an update on the Bicycle Transportation Act (BTA).
c) Additional Informational Items
Suzanne Theiss explained that a High Risk Rural Roads Program(HR3) open call for project was expected soon and that there would be an e-mail sent announcing the open call.
Doby Class announced that the City of Arcata had applied for a Tiger3 Grant for Phase II of Rails to Trails. He also provided an update from the Sunday Service Sub-committee and explained they had decided to apply for all possible monies and use 5311 funds if required.
The meeting adjourned at 4:00 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Siana L. Watts
Executive Assistant