TechMission Corps / City Vision InternshipPre-Application

To fill in this form, click on a gray box and start typing.

Please submit your completed form, along with your resume, to.




  1. How did you hear about this internship program?

Facebook Ad Google Ad

E-mail/Newsletter E-mail from a friend Web Search Website Conference

Referral from TMC Member Verbal Referral from Friend Other (please list)

  1. Have you thoroughly researched this program through our website (
  1. Why do you want to be a TechMission Corps member (or City Vision intern)? Why are you interested in the TechMission Corps program specifically as opposed to other options you have?
  1. Are you at least 18 years old?
  1. Are you either a US Citizen or Permanent Resident eligible to work in the United States?
  1. Have you ever participated in an AmeriCorps program (of any length) before?
  1. Do you have a high school diploma or a GED?
  1. This is a 40-hour/week position. Are you able to commit to working approximately 10am to 6pm, Monday through Friday?
  1. If you were selected and you accepted the position, would you be able to make a two year commitment? This is not required, but TechMission Corps gives preference to candidates who are willing to make a two year commitment of service.
  1. The living stipend of $11,400 for the year will be distributed in paychecks of approximately $438 every two weeks. (Room and board generally are NOT provided, though many members are eligible for food stamps.) Considering your current monthly obligations, does the stipend amount seem financially sustainable or will this amount be a major challenge financially? If it will be a major challenge, please describe.
  1. Are you applying with a particular service site (one of our partnering churches, ministries, or nonprofit organizations) in mind? If so, which one?
  1. One of the benefits of TechMission Corps is the Member training plan, which includes receiving 50% off tuition on your first course from City Vision College, an accredited online college for urban ministry. On top of that, any additional courses you decide to take (after the first course) during your TMC term, would be free! (This means that you would receive unlimited courses for only $250, which could be charged to your AmeriCorps Education Award at the end of your year. For more information about the Education Award, refer to the website.) Each semester of classes lasts 8 weeks, and each class requires about 10 hours per week of homework. Is that an opportunity you will be likely to take advantage of? Do you know which courses you would be most interested in? (You can find a list of courses at
  1. Do you currently have a bachelor’s degree?

If you not, would you be interested in finding out more about getting a bachelor’s degree through our accredited online college, City Vision College (

  1. Do you have any friends that might be interested in a TechMission Corps internship? Would you be willing to recommend this internship to them? (Feel free to list their E-mail addresses here.)
  1. If we are unable to hire a good candidate, we sometimes forward his/her resume to another comparable organization. Are you comfortable with us doing that?
  1. Please read the Position Descriptions and Visual Aid to Compare TMC Internships at the end of this document. Which position(s) are you interested in applying for? (If you are applying for more than one position, place a number in the gray box beside the check box to indicate your order of preference.)

TechMission Corps Internships with Youth(stipend and Education Award)

K-8th Youth Program Coordinator (Boston, Los Angeles, Chicago & Denver)

Teen Program Coordinator (Boston, Los Angeles, Chicago & Denver)

City Vision Internships (free tuition for Bachelor’s degree, free room board, no stipend)

Rescue Worker (most major US cities)

K-8th Grade Youth Program Coordinator (most major US cities)

Teen Program Coordinator (most major US cities)

AmeriCorps Internships at TechMission Headquarters(stipend, rental assistance, &Education Award)

Volunteer Coordinator (Boston)

Web Developer (Boston)

Graphic Designer (Boston)

Online Publications Editor (Boston)

Grant Writer (Boston)

  1. Check the cities in which you would be willing to serve. You can also rank the cities in order of your preference by placing a number beside the check box (1 for your strongest preference and so on).

Some important things to note:

  • City Vision Internship positions are available in most US Cities.
  • TechMission Corps interns are placed ONLY in the specific locations listed below
  • Volunteer coordinators/TechMission Headquarters interns are placed ONLY in Boston.




Los Angeles

Western Massachusetts (Lawrence, Worcester, Springfield, Gardner, or Holyoke, etc.)

Another city through City Vision. Please list city:

I’ll go anywhere there is an opening!

  1. If applying for a position working with youth, what experience have you had teaching, tutoring, mentoring, or leading activities for children or youth?
  1. Most of our interns work in Black, Latino, and low-income communities. What experience do you have in these communities?
  1. How Likely are you to be working in a low income area in the new 5 years

Not Likely




  1. Do you speak any languages other than English? If so, please list them and describe your level of competency with each.
  1. Beyond what is listed in your resume, why do you feel you might be qualified and a good fit for the positions you listed?
  1. What would your ideal start date be (Boston position only begin in September/October) ?

June/July 2010

September/ October 2010

21. Do you have access to a webcam (so that we could see you if we were to interview you by phone)?

Your Skype Name (if you have one):

Urban Ministry Internship Position Descriptions

TechMission Corps Internship Positions

K-8th Grade After School Program Coordinator
Offered in: Boston, Los Angeles, Chicago, and Denver
This AmeriCorps position will assist with a K-8th grade after school program based in a church or faith-based organization, serving through tutoring, mentoring, providing basic technology activities, coordinating volunteers, and providing overall support.A typical day of work for the After School Program Coordinator involves preparing lessons and activities for the participating youth, assisting them with their homework, leading lessons activities (especially with regard to technology), supervising their snack and outdoor play sessions, supervising volunteers, assisting with behavior management, keeping accurate records on program participants, soliticing and managing in-kind donations, and assisting the Site Director in the day-to-day administration of the program.

Teen Program Coordinator
Offered in: Boston, Los Angeles, Chicago, and Denver
This AmeriCorps position will assist with a teen program based in a church or faith-based organization, serving through tutoring, mentoring, college prep, assisting with web-based academic enrichment elements, conducting community & parent outreach, assisting with community and school partnerships, planning college visits and workshops as directed, coordinating volunteers, and providing overall support.The main responsibilities of the teen program coordinator depend heavily on the season. During recruitment season (mainly the early fall, late winter and late spring), much of the coordinator's time is spent visiting high schools and local Community Based Organizationsto make presentations to students about our college-prep programs. However, when student recruitment is not the main priority, a typical day might include counseling a student on strategically managing the demands of high school life; responding to email or phone inquiries about financial aid or college application questions/concerns; developing the curriculum; and facilitating a workshop on anything from how to develop a vision for your life to how to fill out the Common Application)

City Vision Internship Positions

Rescue Mission Worker
Offered in: New York City, NY; Lancaster, PA; Regina, Sask., Canada; Springfield, MO; Saginaw, MI; Albany, NY; Omaha, NE; Most cities in USA and Canada
This City Vision College internship position will assist with the daily operations of a rescue mission. Duties may include assisting in the counseling of homeless individuals and those suffering from substance abuse, ensuring the safety of those inside the mission, assisting with food preparation and service, and assisting with the management and maintenance of the building facilities. For more information on the benefits and responsibilities of City Vision College interns, visit the college's internship page.A typical day of work for the Rescue Mission Worker involves working with the rescue mission staff to ensure that the mission's programs operate successfully and that those served by the mission remain safe, warm, and well-fed.

Teen Program Coordinator
Offered in: New York City, NY; Lancaster, PA; Regina, Sask., Canada; Springfield, MO; Saginaw, MI; Albany, NY; Omaha, NE; Most cities in USA and Canada
Similar to Teen Program Coordinator Description above but as a non-AmeriCorps position.

K-8th Grade After School Program Coordinator
Offered in: Boston, Los Angeles, Chicago, and Denver
Similar to After School Program Program Coordinator Description above but as a non-AmeriCorps position.

TechMissionHeadquarters Positions

Volunteer Coordinator (General)
Offered in: Boston at TechMission headquarters
The General Volunteer Coordinator is a full-time AmeriCorps position that works to use TechMission’s online volunteer matching websites and tools (,, Facebook apps, mobile app, etc.) and volunteer training websites (,, etc.) to recruit and train volunteers to serve at-risk communities in the United States. Duties include: contacting organizations to get them to post volunteer opportunities or refer volunteers, developing partnerships, supporting users & volunteers, developing online content to train and recruit volunteers. Each year, our volunteer coordinator support millions of web visitors and place thousands of volunteers serving at-risk communities.

Web Developer Intern/Volunteer Coordinator (for online volunteer matching program)
Offered in: Boston at TechMission headquarters
The Web Developer Specialist Volunteer Coordinator is a full-time position that supports the web development needs of TechMission’s online volunteer matching websites and tools (,, Facebook apps, mobile app, etc.) and volunteer training websites (,, etc.) to recruit and train volunteers to serve at-risk communities in the United States. Duties include the following: doing computer programming in some combination of Java Server Pages (JSP), PHP, MySQL, Drupal, Facebook, iPhone/XCode and providing support of our Websites, Drupal content management system and computers used by youth. A typical week for the Web Developer Specialist Volunteer Coordinator might include 15 hours programming new features to the website to match more volunteers, 5 hours on debugging and upgrading the volunteer websites, and 15 hours developing features for Facebook and iPhone users to recruit more volunteers.

Graphic Designer Intern (for online volunteer matching program)
Offered in: Boston at TechMission headquarters
The Graphics Specialist Volunteer Coordinator is a full-time AmeriCorps position that supports the graphics and web design needs of TechMission’s online volunteer matching websites and tools (,, Facebook apps, mobile app, etc.) and volunteer training websites (,, etc.) to recruit and train volunteers to serve at-risk communities in the United States. Duties include: Designing web pages, web templates and print materials using Dreamweaver, Photoshop, HTML, CSS and Javascript to support TechMission’s online volunteer matching and training websites & platforms. A typical week might include 10 hours working on a new menus system to improve volunteer matching rate, 5 hours designing online banners that partners can used to drive volunteers to our sites, 19 hours designing and improving the content layout for two web pages or Facebook pages, and 1 hours designing a volunteer recruitment flyer for print. In the past year, our graphic designer redesigned the menu system, page layout and appearance of our volunteer matching website to almost double the percentage of web visitors that volunteer resulting in matching an additional 2,694 volunteers.

Grant Writer Intern (*VISTA)
Offered in: Boston at TechMission headquarters
The Grant Writer internship is a full time AmeriCorps*VISTA position which is responsible for writing grants, managing existing grants, and assisting with development work. More specifically, the Grant Writer will do the following: writing grants to corporate foundations, private foundations and government funding sources; managing existing grants including tracking data, compiling evaluations and writing reports to existing funding sources; researching grant opportunities and developing lists of potential funding sources. The Grant Writer is also responsible for supervising the development of a donor base of individuals, networking with other organizations and individuals to develop fund raising opportunities, assisting in partnering with urban churches and Christian non-profit organizations for grant proposals, assisting with any other fundraising or development activities as needed, assisting with any administrative activities as needed. A typical day of work for the Grant Writer involves checking on the status of submitted grants, writing new grant applications based on the grants template, sending out letters of inquiry, collaborating with the Executive Director and the Development Team to revise grant proposals before their submission, and researching foundations to which TechMission may apply.

Visual Aid to Compare TechMission Internships

Requirements / TechMission Corps / TechMission Headquarters / City Vision Internship
Must be 18 years old / √ / √ / √
Must have a high school degree or GED / √ / √
Must be a U.S. Citizen or lawful permanent resident / √ / √
Available to those working toward their GED / √
Available to those with a valid student visa / √
Experience working with children or youth / √
Benefits / TechMission Corps / TechMission Headquarters / City Vision Internship
Annual living stipend of $11,400 / √ / √
Free health insurance / √ / √
Education Award of $4,725 / √ / √
Federal student loan forbearance / √ / √
Free childcare if eligible / √ / √
$500/month rental assistance / √
Possible rental assistance of varying amounts / √
Discounted online courses from CityVision College / √ / √
Free online courses from CityVision College / √
Free room and board / √
Possible modest stipend / √
Cities Available / TechMission Corps / TechMission Headquarters / City Vision Internship
Boston / √ / √
Chicago / √
Denver / √
Los Angeles / √
Albany & New York City, NY / √
Lancaster, PA / √
Springfield, MO / √
Saginaw, MI / √
Miami, FL / √
Long Beach & Los Angeles, CA / √
Knoxville, TN / √
Toronto & Regina, Canada / √
Most Major US Cities / √
Positions Available / TechMission Corps / TechMission Headquarters / City Vision Internship
K-8th Grade After School Program Coordinator / √ / √
Teen Center Coordinator / √ / √
Volunteer Coordinator / √
Volunteer Coordinator: Web Developer / √
Volunteer Coordinator: Online Publications Editor / √
Graphic Designer Intern (*VISTA position) / √
Grant Writer Intern (*VISTA position) / √
Rescue Mission Worker / √

For Internal Use Only: TechMission Corps Member Selection Confidential: Page 1