Tech Solutions For Visual Independence
Andrea Bodnari
Certified BlindSquare BPS Installation Specialist
Assistive Technology Specialist, OM, TVI, & LVR
Phone: (717) 278 - 1795
BlindSquare O&M Intersection Analysis Project
The Project
"The BlindSquare OM Project (Intersection Analysis),” seeks the participation of Orientation and Mobility specialists and provides the opportunity to expand the use of assistive technology with their clients. The OM Project Team recognizes the skill and expertise of Orientation and Mobility Specialists, and values their work in analyzing and collecting intersection data in support of their clients. This Project provides a means of collecting and widely disseminating information gathered digitally, for all blind users globally, vastly extending the impact of their work. Further, intersection data collected and shared with the BlindSquare Project Team, will be credited to the reporting OM’er providing the information for recognition.
In support of the the Project ACVREP and NBPCB have approve participants to received Professional Development hours toward Orientation & Mobility Recertification.
A Special Thank to Our Supporting Organizations
- The Academy for Certification of Vision Rehabilitation & Education Professionals (ACVREP)
- National Blindness Professional Certification Board (NBPCB)
How Can You Participate?
Remember This Offer Free copy of BlindSquare GPS for Orientation & Mobility Specialists
1. O&M Specialist who have previously Obtained a Free Copy of the BlindSquare App are already registered. Please send your Intersection Data to the BlindSquare Team using the information listed below.
2. O&M Specialist who would like to participate in the BlindSquare Intersection Analysis Project can Register by completing the
1. BlindSquare O&M Intersection Analysis Project Registration Form
2. Once your Registration and Acceptance to the Intersection Analysis Project is Approved you will Receive and Email verification
Registered Participants - Please Complete the Following Form to Submit Your Analyzed Intersection Data to the BlindSquare Team to Obtain Credit Hours Toward Recertification or Participate and Share for the Greater Good!
**TSVI - BlindSquare Intersection Data Collection Form**
1. TSVI - BlindSquare Intersection Data Collection Form.
2. Once your information has been received the Participant will receive a follow up email with a TSVI - BlindSquare Certificate with the Number of Hours Received