Team Quadra Newsletter for December

Dear parents,Monday, December 2

The students have put time, reflection and thought into their portfolios of learning they will be sharing with you on Tuesday December 3rd. We feel this process is a key step in helping students take ownership of their learning and help them develop self-reflection and goal setting skills that will serve them well through life. Please take the time to listen carefully to your child as they show off what they are proud of this term. Our grades sixes, especially, are learning our expectations and routines. Please be supportive of how hard they are working, celebrate their successes and encourage them to work on the goals they set for themselves. Remember that Maria Montessori valued the joy and process of learning; she never gave letter grades or other assessment. Formal term 1 report cards will be sent home in mid-December they should re-state what you’ve seen your child’s portfolio. If you have questions or concerns please contact your child’s teacher or the teacher of the course question.

We have recently finished student presentations for the, “Best Adapter Award”. Students were challenged to research 5 to 10 animals that have amazing adaptations. They then had to choose just one to research in more depth and present their information in an informative and convincing manner so that others would vote for their animal adapter.The results were amazing! Students found some truly incredible animals (and deepened their understanding of adaptations and environments) and presented their information in clear and organized manners. showing great public speaking skills. Special recognition goes to Lauren P, Ashlynn, Elyse, Anxen, Maddy, and David, who represented their advisories during our team finals, and Maddy and David for their animals to be chosen as the best adapters. Next in Science we will continue with learning about electricity on Fridays with Mr. Magistrale. We will explore extreme environments and learn about technologies that help humans survive and explore these places.

In Social Studies, we have wrapped up our learning about world religions. Children will use this knowledge to help understand the role that religion played in the Middle Ages. We will be learning about the events and inventions that occurred in the Middle Ages that helped shape our culture today. This will occur over the rest of the year, culminating in our famous Medieval Fair in June.

In Language Arts, students completed one last response for Wonder. Many students wrote a letter to the author, which we will be mailing, expressing the student’s opinion of the book. For the next bit, students will focus on their writing skills with grade-leveled booklets that focus on skills. They will also continue to develop their reading, viewing, and researching skills as we read and view materials related to Socials and Science.

Math has developed a rhythm and the students have settled into the routines and expectations for the year. We will continue to move forward with the curriculum. Many students are doing a terrific job of following the lessons, completing homework, and seeking help as needed. A few of our students still need support to learn how to take responsibility for their math learning. You can support your child by offering a consistent homework routine and reminding them to check the website daily.

In HACE, the boys group was treated to a Martial Arts session with the help of Natalie’s brother and his instructor from Sun Hang Do’s. The students are continuing to learnabout themselves and how to solve problems, manage stress, and recognize predjudice.

For P.E. this month students will be kicking it up as they practice their line dancing skills in preparation for out Monty Hoe Down. Team Quadra had some student leaders develop a dance that the whole team will preform in front of the entire school. Thanks to Elyse, Marisa, Janelle, Lauren P., Jenna, and Bola for their creativity and leadership.

In French, everyone had the chance to showcase their oral speaking skills by presenting a prepared conversation or skit to the class. We have moved into looking at verb conjugation to help us build sentences expressing basic thoughts. Starting in the New Near, both the grade 6s and 7/8 groups will be starting the AIM program. The focus of this program revolves around having children fully immersed in the language by not speaking any English during class time, using a play as the backdrop. The grade 6 group will be doing Les TroisPetitsCochons and the 7/8 groups will be starting a new play, Le Garcon qui Joue des Tours.

December is a busy time of the year for families and at school we have a lot going on. Right now there are many requests for donations of time, money and items. Quadra students are very generous and have already donated much to Project Angel and Share. We appreciate anything your family is able to help with as it helps tech the children the importance of charity, but we do understand that families need to decide when and where to donate. Students in each advisory have organized a “Secret Santa” gift exchange. This will take place in advisory classes on the last Wednesday before school gets out (December 18). Your child should have more detailed information about that if he/she chose to participate. We will be having a team-wide celebration on the last Friday morning (Dec. 20th). Students can choose between a movie, socializing/games room, and craft room. If you have items that students could use to create cards or craft items to give as gifts, please send them in for the children to use. We will also ask students to bring a small something to share i.e. bag of chips, muffins, fruit, etc. Please keep in mind that we do have several students with nut allergies.

Thank you for the support you provide your child. We look forward to reading the comments you write in their portfolio reflections that should be returned to school later this week or early next week.


Team Quadra teachers