All teams are required to have AT LEAST ONE registered team officer. Teams are suggested to register up to 5 officers.

Each Team Manager should have an Officer card. Coaches should also have a card.

Anyone else who is involved in team’s operations should be registered and be carded.

Insurance requires that at least ONE team Officer be present at all games and practices. Injury claims for an injury that occurred during a non-supervised activity will not be accepted by the Insurance.

Each team officers will be issued a card that identifies him/her as the person responsible for the team during a game or practice.

The following Online Registration process is available to card an Officer


1)  Go to for GSSL Team Officers Registration, OR to for ALL OTHER LEAGUE’S Team Officers Registration.


3)  Enter the Team Officer Date Of Birth as requested

4)  A list of Officers whose date of Birth matches the one entered above will be shown in the Drop Down list. Chose the one that you are trying to register. If an Officer is NOT on the list, then such individual is not in the database and all information will have to be entered. If an Officer IS on the drop down list, his/her information that is currently available, will be displayed on the screen.

5)  LEAGUE (required): You must select one of the Leagues that are listed. If a League is not registered for the current season, you will not see that League name on the list. You need to call your League and let them know that they need to register with the NJSA.

6)  TEAM NAME (required): You must select one of the Teams that are listed. If a Team is not registered for the current season, you will not see that Team name on the list. You need to call your Team Manager and let him/her know that the team needs to be registered with the NJSA.

7)  TEAM PASSWORD (required): you enter the team Password that was used to register the team.

8)  MEMBERSHIP TYPE (prefilled): This is the Type of membership for the team you have chosen. It is derived from the League type.

9)  MEMBERSHIP TYPE (prefilled): This is the Type of membership for the team you have chosen.

10) TEAM OFFICER NAME (Required): Enter the Officer’s First and Last Name

11) OFFICER TYPE (required): Select one of the types listed on the Drop Down list

12) LAST 4 DIGITS OF ID (required): Enter the last 4 digits of the Officer’s SSN

13) GENDER (required): Chose Gender

14) STREET, CITY, STATE, ZIP, COUNTRY OF BIRTH, HOME TEL and CELL (all required): enter all required information

15) E-MAIL ADDRESS (required): Enter the e-mail address where this officer would like to get communications from the League and the NJSA

16) Please submit all required documentation listed at the bottom of the Registration page.

17) Please check with your League to see if an Officer’s card is already on file. If no Officer’s card is available, then you MUST submit a passport like picture.


18) “REGISTER” button: once you complete the information on the registration page, you need to click on the “Register” button. Once the Officer is registered for the current season, this button will become an “Update” button.

19) Once you click on the “REGISTER” button you will be prompted with some Waivers that must be accepted in order to complete the registration process.

20) The first waiver explains that a registered Team Officer will be held personally responsible for all financial obligations of the Team to the NJSA or any other affiliated member of the NJSA. You need to click on ACCEPT before you can continue.

21) The second waiver warns you that a Team Officer MUST INFORM all the players in his/her team that, in case of failure on the part of your team to pay all required fees to the NJSA and to any Affiliated member of the NJSA, they will be held responsible of their fair share of the team’s financial obligations. You need to click on ACCEPT before you can continue.

22) The third waiver warns you that, in cases where a Team Officer registers a player, he/she MUST disclose the content of all the waivers that must be accepted by each player during the Player registration process AND that you have received permission to accept those waivers on behalf of those players. You need to click on ACCEPT before you can continue.

23) THERE IS NO FEE for a Team Officer Registration.

24) You will be asked to PRINT the filled out Officer Registration form. Please MAIL to the NJSA together with any required documents AND the PICTURE. NOTE: as of the 17/18 season, there is no need to mail any document: all documents must be UPLOADED during the Online Registration process.

25) The Officer card will be made and returned to the Team Officer’s Street Address as provided during Team registration. To expedite the return of the Team Officer card, please include a Self Addressed Stamped Envelope.