15thDecember 2012

Present / : / Steve Evans (SE),Brian Stalker (BS) (Board member/Referee Advisor),Debra Smart (DS),Martin Shakespeare (MS), Richard Morten (RM),
Glynn Archibald (GA), Holly Fairclough (HF) (Office representative), Denis Le Breuilly (DLEB) (Referee advisor)Craig Handford (Head of Technical Development & Excel)
Apologies / : / Diane Hollows (DH), Nick Heckford (NH), Bert Jones (BJ)
2012-01:Minutes of last meeting
  • WTR: SE has been in touch with Mark Brown and requested a meeting to take place at Norwich UEA alongside the scheduled commission meeting. Discussions will take place with regard to the implementation of WTR for the following season.
  • MS expressed he was in better communication with MB and receiving quicker responses.
Cup fixtures:
  • Concerns expressed over the scheduling of cup and shield rounds at times when the availability of referees are low.
  • MS is still experiencing communication problems with clubs and referees (defaulting games), not finding referees, not confirming referees appointed, authorisation for use of non qualified referee.
  • 2013/14 season: Look to review match scheduling, methods of communication, WTR updating of availability- An automatic quarterly reminder?
GA- Sitting
  • Glynn incorporated the delivery of a recent grade C sitting referee course into a Grand Prix event. GA will evaluate this collaboration and produce a summary ahead of the next commission meeting.
  • DS to be made an ‘event creator’ on WTR so she can begin appointing to VEBT events.
  • Discussion around the implication of a different database added within WTR i.e. availability of referees to officiate mid-week only as well as NVL referees who are available for midweek fixtures alongside NVL weekends.
  • Administration: The work of appointing NVL referees is completed before BUCS fixtures are released. A challenge of workforce capacity therefore isn’t anticipated.
  • The importance of BUCS appointments not clogging up the NVL database was emphasised.
  • Anticipated problems if accepting the responsibility of appointing to the BUCS league: chasing student officials, late cancellations. Thought needs to be made as to how much of the BUCS structure Referee commission would look to appoint to taking into account current workforce capacity.
Beach rules:
  • BS is looking to recruitInternational beach referee GT to formulate a new rule note for players.
  • Contact made with competitionscommission in January regarding the appointment of NTOs to Volleyball England domestic competition.
  • No resolution to date regarding NTO appointment and payment of services
  • Problems experienced with communication. BS to take alternative approach.
  • NTOs in limbo and fall into three categories:
  • Refereeing
  • Playing
  • Nothing
  • SE to make contact with competitions commission president PB.
Rules change:
  • FIVB are meetingthe weekend (15/16th December) to discuss new rulings and associated wording- confirming Sunday or Monday. FIVB website.
  • Could be implemented 1st Jan- CEV U17
Rule book:
  • Quote pending from FIVB and received from BJ publications.
  • Scorer manual- This requires amending as it details information reflective of sanctions that are now out of date. HF to look into sourcing a sticker once the new wording is released.
  • Score sheet: The physical scoresheet doesn’t require amending. The instructional notes on the back do.
Grade 4: The current exam paper needs editing- HF to send SE a copy of the Grade C sitting exam. / GA
2012-02: Matters arising
  • N/A

2012-03: Commissioner reports:
Brian Stalker
  • A thank you letter has been circulated to all (97) NTOs involved in the London 2012 Olympic and Paralympic Games (beach, sitting & volleyball).
  • A final reportevaluating the impact of the NTOs was circulated to BVF the week beginning 3rd December. The feedback received suggested that much value was seen by the presence of NTOs at major events.
  • The SVA are looking to retain and develop their NTOs. BS suggested a co-ordinated BVF initiative across the home nations.
Elite refereeing:
  • It has been decided to send a referee representative to the Novotel Cup with the travelling Men and Women’s English Development squads. Joe Gore is the nominated referee.
  • England’sCurrent position internationally: 5 international (beach, indoor and sitting), 2 international candidates and 8 highlighted with potential.
  • Volleyball England has 18 national level candidates registered with FIVB and a further 5 identified as a working development group.
  • BS delivered a presentation overviewing the purpose, selection criteria and challenges associated with developing International Referees within England.
  • In his presentation, BS highlighted that the geographical distribution of referees (International, International Candidate and National) is limited to London and the South East with <50% situated within East Midlands, East Anglia and the South West.
  • BS has arranged for a meeting to take place on January 5th at the Volleyball England office in Loughborough where he plans (with the support of England’s current registered International referees), to deliver 1-2-1 sessions with all international candidates. Presently, 23 candidates have accepted the invitation to attend.
  • Following the meeting in January- BS will revise the current list of potential International Candidate referees.
  • HF to forward Volleyball England’s Social policy to SE.
  • National Volleyball Centre Technology suite: CH updated referee commission on the recently developed technology suite and the systems capability to upload all fixtures post games with additional delay and editing software. This can be done live within Kettering via a camera linked to wireless technology which can then be viewed instantly.
  • BS and CH left the meeting at this point.
/ HF
2012-04: Debra Smart
  • Beach advisory group – Volleyball England are currently advertising positions on the beach advisory group (applications close 11/01/2013)
  • Volleyball England and the board are putting in place role descriptions and a strategy on which the group will deliver
  • Previous allocation of funding for referees on the VEBT has been enough to support two referees. This is inhibitive of development.
  • DS is looking for a sustainable option to fund and develop more beach referees.

2012-05: Diane Hollows
  • Report submitted.
  • Referee Development
  • Student Cup Qualifiers have enabled observers to give feedback to referees, and has brought some good referees to commission’s attention.
  • Student Cup Finals is the next event
  • At least 12 Referees are required for this competition.
  • Three Referees Invited and Confirmed.
  • Two referees invited but not yet responded.
  • DH contacted Brian on this point to see if any of the Elite Group would like inviting
  • Problems experienced due to location of competition. MS demonstrated on ‘map point’ only one registered NVL panel referee in the local area.
Throughout December- invites for the following Tournaments will be sent out:-
  • U16/U18 23/24 Feb 2013 - Kettering
  • BCS National Champs Bath - (request confirmation that this is now only 2 days)
  • U15 Finals 13/04/2013 - Kettering
  • Inter-Regionals 11-12/05/2013 - Kettering
  • Regional Champions Trophy - 18/19 May 2013 – Kettering
  • DH requested to know who the appointed Observers are for these competitions, as there is an opportunity for shared travel and to reduce travel costs.
  • A good system on the whole and those responsible are sorting the teething problems.
Women’s Development
  • Due to working on the above, and with the family circumstances DH has not had time to focus on this. Offers of help with the women’s programme have been received from Dee, Debra, Elaine, Katarina Cepinova which is positive for moving the programme forward.

2012-06: Glynn Archibald
  • 6 sitting volleyball referees successfully qualified at the recent course- 4/6 candidates held the grade 4 qualifications and therefore are eligible for appointed to the next grand prix competition.
  • Two more grand prix scheduled to take place in the 2012/13 seasons.
  • Observations taking place on 20 sitting volleyball referees
  • 12 referees required to staff a full competition.GA raised a concern over the number teams pulling out and therefore reducing the number of required referees.
  • The SVGP finals will take place alongside the Super 8s playoffs. HF to receive confirmation that there is a budget allocation set aside for NTOs at this competition.
/ HF
2012-08:Holly Fairclough
  • Womens CEV
  • An opportunity has arisen to access a development fund within CEV to potentially support a womens development plan. Letter sent to Philip Berban inviting him for a meeting in the new year.
  • Whole sport plan: Sport England funding announcement has been set back to December 17th. UK sport announcement will take place 18th December.

2012-09: Martin Shakespeare
  • MS purchased a licence for computer software Microsoft Map point. Map point provides a method of visualizing data.
  • License cost ~£200 (auto route)
  • MS delivered a presentation on map point and how it assists the development and deployment of Volleyball referees as well as identifying black spots and determining the population of teams to referees within regions.]
  • With increasing concerns over the cost of referees and assessors appointed to club fixtures, map point proved an effective tool to assist in reducing this.
Grade 4:
  • MS uses an excel spread sheet when marking grade 4 exam papers and has been able to determine questions that candidates continuously get wrong. SE is reviewing the paper. MS to share spreadsheet with SE
/ MS
2012-10: Nick Heckford
  • Submitted a report.
Referee uniform:
Discussion over:
  • Current material
  • Colour
  • Badge (permanent or separate)
  • Trouser colour (Blue or black)
  • Keeping the shirt the same.
NH has looked into two possible suppliers – Kitlocker and Seb Widlarz through
  • FOR: Kitlocker hold historical order quantities. Previous experience of service has been fine, they are ready to go, already a supplier to Volleyball England for the same product, stock order quantities are in low batch numbers
  • AGAINST: They have a c£2000 stock overhang on oversize tracksuits which Tom is hoping to recoup in the future shirt prices, no discounts, no indication of the price.
  • FOR: Promises competitive price reduction on Errea list price, possible Referee Commission income stream, offered Joma as a potential alternative
  • AGAINST: Unproven, high batch numbers (50 Per size)
NH expressed a preference in staying with Tom at Kitlocker as long as the price is okay.Compared toEurope our price is not that high as most Federations take a cut as well.
There is a block at FIVB due to political reasons which has caused a delay. There is an Executive Meeting(15th December) so action may take place next week. Word from CEV is first tournament that could possibly see implementation internationally is in May 2013.
2012-11: Richard Morten
  • In Quarter 1 & 2 there has been- 3 BUCS courses, 3 indoor and 1 sitting. 2 BUCS courses cancelled.
  • Current courses planned for quarter 3&4: 6 G4 and 1 BUCS.
  • The course organiser documents RC1,2&3 have all been revised and are now being implemented.
  • Course organisers booklet
  • This has been developed and will be circulated amongst commission for comment. HF to circulate.
  • Standardised grade 4 course delivery time. There is an increasing pressure by sports halls to book early. High hire costs for sports hall bookings are also a deterrent.
  • Commission agreed that 3hr practical per day. 1st day after noon, 2nd day morning was a reasonable suggestion for tutors to work within. Tutors also find on the day that minor amendments can be made to the booking.
  • Presently commission have been unsuccessful in reappointing an RRA to the North West region since Steve Tomkins stepped down.
  • RM asked the commission for any known recommendations around the table. Adam Gillibrand was suggested through his activeness in the region. RM to make contact with Adam.
Disabled officials:
  • A discussion took place over the officiating roles that could be taken by disabled referees following a correspondence received to run a referee course for a group of disabled individuals.
  • Look at the delivery of an adapted course covering not only officiating but also roles on the jury.
  • Adapted referee stand for 1st official.
  • Health and safety issues surrounding 2nd official.
/ HF
2012-12: Steve Evans
  • 26 RC7s received
  • Acknowledgment that new tutor candidates are needed. Look to bring some senior referees on board to do some training e.g.Antonio Gnassi?
2013 Annual awards:
  • Services to refereeing
  • Young official of the year
  • RRAs are a useful vehicle to promote and obtain nominations. RM to distribute the nomination form.
  • SE to circulate email to commission
  • Technical guide updated.
/ RM
2012-13: Don Anthony Hall of Fame
  • February 2012 nominations: SE waiting on Ilona Berry (Volunteer Development Officer) to provide criteria for nomination (refer to commission minutes (11/02/12) for nominations).

2012-15: 3 touch report (5)
  • Request from e-news for referee commission to utilize for advertising upcoming courses.

  • Next meeting, Student cup finals, UEA. February 9th.
  • Conference September 7th,Kettering.

Referee Commission Minutes 13102012Page 1