TEAM EPIC – Scoresheet. Group Title ______

PART 1: Requirements

How original was the epic story? How well was a unique culture created and represented? _____ / 25

How well did the epic follow the heroic journey cycle with each canto?
____ canto 2 (5) ____ canto 4 (5) ____ canto 6 (5)

____ canto 3 (5) ____ canto 5 (5) _____ / 25
How well did the epic illustrate the key aspects of a typical epic tale?
____ epic hero (5) ____ epic setting (5) ____ archetypes (5)
____ epic plot (5) ____ epic theme (5) _____ / 25

Does it include the following figurative language and sound effects? (1/2 ea)

___/___/___/___/___/___ alliteration ___/___/___/___/___/___ kenning

___/___/___/___/___/___ consonance ___/___/___/___/___/___ personification

___/___/___/___/___/___ assonance ___/___/___/___/___/___ hyperbole

___/___/___/___/___/___ onomatopoeia ___/___/___/___/___/___ allusion +1 _____ / 25

REQUIREMENTS - _____ / 100

PART 2: Individualized Criteria


Film/Powerpoint Storytelling (25%)
Tells entire story / ____ / 5
Logically sequenced / ____ / 5
Captivating story/keeps attention / ____ / 5
Consistency in style & events / ____ / 5
Complete & On-Time / ____ / 5


Film Production (25%)
Special Effects (sounds, images) / _____ / 5
Acting Quality: Realistic / _____ / 5
Setting/Props/Costumes / _____ / 5
Effective Action Sequences / _____ / 5
Editing is attentive to detail / _____ / 5
Powerpoint Production (25%)
Photos match narration / _____ / 5
Sound effects or vocal variation / _____ / 5
Clear speech/Clarity of recording / _____ / 5
Consistent pace / _____ / 5
Slide design & illustration quality / _____ / 5
Storybook (50%)
Professional Appearance Overall / _____ / 10
Quality/Amount of Illustrations / _____ / 10
Word Choice is specific, sophisticated / _____ / 10
Details bring story to life / _____ / 10
Complete/On Time / _____ /10


TOTAL = ______/ 2 = ______

Team Evaluation Team Project ______Your Name ______

Evaluate each member of your team using these ratings:

4 = extremely helpful 3 = helpful 2= somewhat helpful 1 = rarely helpful 0 = not helpful

Name / TIME / ATTITUDE / WORK / Comments