Name of Child/Young Person
Date of Birth
Name of Lead Professional
Contact Details
Date of Team Around the Family (TAF) Meeting
MEETING ATTENDANCE; Don’t forget the child/young person and family are a key part of TAF. It won’t work without them!
Name / Organisation/Agency / Contact Details / Signature
What’s going well/ gone well since last meeting?
Refer to EH assessment as starting point - and ask people to add contributions as appropriate. Ensure you discuss how this is helping, or could help with the things we are concerned about.
What are we concerned about?
Refer to EH assessment as a starting point - and then ask people to add contributions as appropriate. Be clear and factual.
What needs to happen?
Use EH assessment as a starting point, and then ask people to add contributions as appropriate.
TAF ACTIONS; This is to note what actions have been identified from the TAF and not what outcomes need to be achieved for the child/young person, ( UPDATE PLAN)
What needs to be done? / By Whom? / By When
Child/Young Person’s comments about the meeting
This should be filled in by the child/young person or using the child/young person’s words or other form of communication (i.e. smiley face. Where the child is not present, they should always get feedback at a level that is appropriate to them.
Parent/Carers comments about the meeting
This should always be asked and filled in, in the parents/carers words.
Consent for information storage and information sharing
In order to ensure that you and your family are provided with the most effective available support it may be appropriate to share personal information about you and your family between agencies / community groups, such as Children’s Services, the NHS and other health providers (including G.Ps), Department of Works and Pensions, police, probation services, schools and the Youth Offending Team.
This information may include details about your child/ren, you or other significant family member’s involvement with Children’s Services, police, courts and probation services, aspects relating to your employment, anti-social behaviour, violence in the home, substance misuse, educational attendance and behaviour and health issues.
This information may also be shared with the Department for Communities and Local Government under the national Troubled Families Programme.
In some circumstances, information can be shared between agencies without consent, for example where sharing information might prevent a crime or safeguard the welfare of a child or young person. Even in these circumstances, it is normal practice to obtain consent where possible.
If you have concerns about information being shared with particular agencies or individuals please give information overleaf.

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