Novi Sopinah


English Education Study Program Language and Arts Department

(STKIP) Siliwangi Bandung


Problem in this research is a learning process that is applied is still conventional and less of his use of the media.So, the writer used picture media as tool to teaching vocabulary, because picture are considered more clear and attractive. And this research entitled ‘teaching vocabulary using pictures’. The main objective of this study was to determine whether the use of picture more effective than the use of word list in teaching vocabulary. In this research, the writer used quantitative method, and quasi-experimental as research design, in which the experimental class and controlled class, the population in this research was the seventh grade students of SMP Sumur Bandung. And the samples were class VIIA as an experimental group with 23 students and class VIIB as a control group with 23 students. The data were collected by test as the instrument with giving pretest and posttest both of group. The research was conducted on 11 to 21 April 2016, with four meetings for the experimental class and control class. The collected data were analyzed using SPSS. The result of data analysis shows that : mean score of experimental group was 30,86, mean score of control group was 23,69. The t-observed was 2,77 and t-table with df (n1+n2-2) = 44 was 2,02. Than the hypothesis of this research is accepted, because the t-observed is higher than t-table (2,77 > 2,02). It can be concluded that teaching vocabulary using pictures proven to be more effective than the use of word list.

Key word : teaching, vocabulary, pictures.



English is an international language because English is a language which is used for communication around the world. According to Brown (2000: 7), “Teaching is defined as showing or helping someone to learn of English, in the study of something and providing with knowledge causing to know and understand guiding”. The aim of teaching English in the seventh grade students is to motivate the students to be ready and have self-confident in learning English at higher level of education. Anyhow teaching English is not out of teaching vocabulary. Teaching vocabulary is a complex task because the teaching includes not only the meaning of words but also spelling and pronunciation of the words. Vocabulary is the knowledge of meanings of words (Hiebert & Kamil, 2005: 2). In mastery the vocabulary, the teachers must teach them creatively and full of affection because they easily get bored, closing interest after ten minutes. So the teachers should use appropriate presentation media aids (teaching media).

One of the media which can be used in the classroom activity is using pictures which belong to visual technique. Teaching English vocabularies through picture is a kind of technique for students not only in memorizing their vocabularies but also to develop their thinking skill. Linse (2005: 133) states, ”This help students to develop higher-order thinking skills while working on vocabulary development”. Pictures is a visual media that is very helpful in introducing objects and motivating children to learn English as a second language. Through pictures, learner can see people, place and things from areas for outside their own picture can also represent image from ancient times or portray the future (Gerlach,1980: 273). In addition to the media, there are other media in teaching vocabulary, including media of flashcards. According to Haycraft (1978: 102), flash cards are cards on which words and/or pictures are printed or drawn. They should be big enough to be seen clearly by every student in the class. There are published sets of flashcards on the market, but they are also easy to make either as drawings, or with cut out pictures from magazines. Flashcards can be used for consolidating vocabulary, practising structure and word order, or for a variety of games. They are simple and effective, but they also require careful thought and preparation in advance.

Of the advantages of using pictures rather than media of flashcards thatmaking the learning activities more interesting, making the subject easy and clear, and arousing students’ motivation to learn. So the children especially the junior high school seventh grade students will learn English satisfied, clearly and more interested especially in vocabulary mastery. Based on the explanation above, the writer interested in conducting a research on “Teaching Vocabulary Using Pictures at the Seventh Grade Students of SMP Sumur Bandung”.


1. Teaching Vocabulary

a. Definition of Teaching

Teaching was one of educative activities which very important in educational system because it played important role in process of interaction between a teacher and students.Stated by Leo (2013: 1-2),“Teaching is treat students as they are, encourage them to learn, activate their mind, coordinate their activities, heighten their curiosity, infuse them with optimism, nurture their ambition, and guarantee their success.”Based on the statements above, teaching could be stated as an activity or process to help someone getting knowledge and learn to do something. It also included a transmission process of sciences, skills, and attitudes to help students acquire and construct new knowledge, new skill, as well as the change of their attitude to be better than before.

b. Definition of Vocabulary

Vocabulary is the key to understand the language and one of language system components that is important to be learnt. Linse(2005:121) stated that vocabulary is the collection of words that an individual knows. It can be said that vocabulary is a basic element of language that enables people to understand and to use the language.Hatch (1995: 1) stated that the term of vocabulary refers to a lists or set of words for a particular language or a lists or set of word that individual speakers of a language might us.From those definitions above, it can be concluded that vocabulary is the knowledge of a lists or set of words for a particular language that individual speakers of a language might understand and use.

c. Teaching Vocabulary

Teaching vocabulary is one of the most important components of any language class.According to Brown (2000: 377), there are some guidelines for the communicative treatment of vocabulary instruction, namely:allocate specific class time to vocabulary learning, help students to learn vocabulary in context, play down the role of bilingual dictionaries, engage in “unplanned” vocabulary teaching.The main reason is the fact that it is a medium, which carries meaning, learning to understand and express the meaning is what count in learning language. Without well vocabulary, people cannot communicate well, they will be difficult to understand the message that they want to deliver. So that, teaching vocabulary is important to teach.

d. Types of Vocabulary

According to Hiebert (2005: 3), “Vocabulary is the knowledge of meanings of words”. Knowledge of words comes in at least two forms: oral and print.

1) Oral Vocabulary includes those words that they recognize and use in listening and speaking.

2) Print Vocabulary includes those words that they recognize and use in reading and writing.Knowledge of words (vocabulary) also comes in at least two forms: productive and receptive vocabulary.

1) Productive vocabulary

2) Receptive vocabulary

e. The Importance of Vocabulary

Learning vocabulary is very important, since vocabulary is a vital and an important thing in communication. It can link listening, speaking, reading, and writing skill. Hence, student should learn vocabulary as early as possible.

Lewis (1993: 89) states, “Lexis is the core or heart of language.” While Saville and Troika (1996: 87) in Fardila (2015: 12) argued that vocabulary is the most important thing for understanding-knowing names for things, actions, and concepts. Someone can understand what other people say (listening skill), he can understand the written words (reading skill) and in written form (writing skill ) by mastering vocabulary.

From their statements above, it can be concluded that vocabulary is the core of language and must be mastered by people in learning integrating four aspects of language skill, such as listening, speaking, reading and writing.

2. Picture Media

  1. Definition of Media

According to Sadiman (1993: 6) in Kustandi (2011: 7) put forward, that the media is an intermediary or an introductory message from the sender to the receiver. Gagne in Kustandi (2011: 7) states, “The media are different types of components and their environment”. It was also explained by Raharjo (1989: 25) in Kustandi (2011: 7),”The media is a container of messages by the source wants to be forwarded to the target or recipient of the message”.Gerlach and Ely (1971) in Kustandi (2011: 7) says, “If understood broadly, the media is the human, material, or events that build a state or enable the pupils to acquire knowledge, skills, or attitudes.In this sense, teachers, textbooks, and school environment is a media.”

From these definitions it can be concluded that the media is something that is conveying the message and can stimulate the mind, feelings, and desires of the audience (students) so as to encourage the teaching and learning process in itself.

  1. Functions of Media

According Kustandi and Sutjipto (2011: 21) In general, the position of the media in the learning system is as:

1) Instrumentality 2) Tools distributor message

3) Tools reinforcementand 4) Vice teachers in presenting the information more accurate, clear, and interesting.

Levie and Lentz (1982) in Kustandi (2011: 21) suggest the four functions of media, especially the visual media, namely:

1) Attentional 2) Affective 3) Cognitive

4) Compensatory

According to Kemp (1985: 28) in Kustandi (2011: 23), instructional media can fulfill three main functions:

1) Motivate interest or action. 2) Present information; and 3) Giving instructions.

Based on the description, it can be concluded that the learning media is a tool that can help the learning process and serve to clarify the meaning of the message, so as to achieve the learning objectives with better and perfect.

  1. Types of Media

Here is an explanation of the kinds of learning media according Kustandi (2011: 45), namely:

1) Pictures or Photos 2) Sketch 3) The diagram 4) Chart 5) The graph 6) Poster7) Map 8) Globe.

Based on the explanation above, the writer chose one of the appropriate media is picture. Picture is a media that is used in teaching and learning process in order to get the goal concerning achievement and can help teachers in teaching and learning process.

3. Picture

a. Definition of Picture

Picture is one of the audio visual aids / visual materials where it is the most effective way in use. Because by seeing the picture we can know and understand about the message from the text directly.Gerlach (1980: 273)says, ”Pictures are a two dimension visual representation of person, places, or things. Photograph prints are most common, but sketches, cartoons, murals, cut outs, charts,graphs and maps are widely used”.

It means that pictures are helpful in the teaching and learning process of students. The pictures will help the teacher in introducing the objects to the students and motivating children to learn English as a second language.

Teacher can use pictures in order to make communication in the foreign language class more lively, natural and stimulating.Haycraft (1978: 103) states, “Pictures are useful for presenting, practising and revising vocabulary or as prompts for other activities”. The pictures can provide clues that may help determine their usefulness in teaching.

Of these definitions can be concluded that the picture is one of the visual aids to explain the notions that can not be described with words, through picture can be shown to students pictures of distant objects and real. Therefore, the picture is more effective to help the learning process, and motivate students so desire and a renewed interest in learning always arise.

b. The Roles of Pictures

Brown (1977: 73), there are five roles of pictures:

1) Pictures can motivate the students and make him or her want to pay attention and want to take part.

2) Pictures contribute to the context in which the language is being used.

3) The pictures can be described an objective way or interpreted or responded to subjectively.

1)Pictures can cue responses to questions or cue substitutions through control.

2)Pictures can stimulate and provide information to be reffered to in conversation, discussion and storytelling.

c. Types of Pictures

According to Haycraft (1978: 49-106), there are some types of pictures as their shapes:

1) Wall charts; are particularly valuable for practicing the present continuous, but also prepositions, question word and the past.

2) Wall pictures: is simply a large illustration of scenes or events. It is usually to be used with the whole of class.

3) Drawing; can represent simple objects on the board.

4) Flash Cards

a) Word cards b) Picture cards

Meanwhile, Yunus (1981: 49) in Nurasiyah (2014: 16), grouped the picture into four groups as follows:

1) Composite picture 2) A picture series 3) Individual picture 4) Specialized pictures. (Posters, charts, advertisements, brochures).

d. Teaching Vocabulary Using Pictures

Media is tool that can be used to show something or objects to make the students become easily to know and to understand what the object means. In this case, there is picture as media in teaching vocabulary. According to Hornby (2007: 953) “Media is the main ways that large numbers of people receive information and entertainment, that is television, newspaper, and the internet: the news/ broadcasting/ national media.”

Media is very important. There are several media that can be use in teaching new vocabulary to students. Besides that, the picture is considered as an easy ways teach vocabulary to students who are in their infancy at the beginner level to learn about English. By look at the picture, the students will be easily to remember the picture that show to them. So the picture as media in teaching vocabulary is a tool that uses to give an explanation, understanding of and objects in the mastery of vocabulary in foreign language learning.

The use of pictures is one of the ways to make teaching learning process in the classroom become attractive. To have students succeed in learning the teacher is expected to be able to motivate the students in order that the students are more interested in learning English, especially learning vocabulary. Using pictures is one of the media to increase students’ interest in learning vocabulary.

Harmer (2001: 134) claimed that teachers have always used pictures or graphics whether drawn, taken from books, newspapers, and magazine or photograph to facilitate learning. Picture can also help learners with abstract words, as associating the words with a concrete object make these words easier to remember.

According to Finoccharico and Burmfit (1985) in Nadia (2014: 10) the criteria in using good pictures are:

1)Large enough to be seen from parts of the room

2)Clear and simple in design

3)Without captions so that they can be used for diverse purposes

4)Both in black and colour practice in more advance units

5)Should be more than one picture of each concept: person, animal or thing in different situations

Based on the explanation above, teaching vocabulary using picture is one of fun ways to study English. It can be concluded that the pictures have many advantages in encouraging of teaching learning process, especially in the classroom


1. Research Design

According to Burns (1995: 125), “research design is essentially a plan or strategy aimed at enabling answer to be obtained to research question”.

In this research, the writer used quasi experimental design with system nonequivalent control group design (pretest and posttest groups design), in which the experimental class and controlled class randomly selected. According to John W Best (1977: 104), ” the pretest posttest nonequivalent groups design is often used in classroom experiments when experimental and control groups are such naturally assembled groups as intact classes which may be similar”.

According to Sugiar (2013: 32) , “The aims choose quasi-experimental is to express causal relationship between variable with the way it involves a control group and the group experiment, but sorting the group is not with random”. While the reason writer using quasi experimental due to follow the theme of the campus ongoing and also to get the results of value in one of the study.

2. Research Method

Singh (2007: 99) in Kaswan (2015: 14) states “Method is a style of conducting a research work which is determined by the nature of the problem”. This methodis used to assess the success of a research conducted. In connection with the explanation, in this study the writer aimed to determine the effectiveness of students’ vocabulary mastery difference between using picture with the word list learning model.

For the purpose of this study can be achieved, then the writer used quantitative research method which employed quasi-experimental design, it involved only two group of subject observed. Quantitative research methods are used to examine questions that can be best answered by collecting and statistically analyzing data that are in numerical form (Crowl, 1996: 10).

3. Population and Sample

a. Population

Population is all subjects intended to be investigated. Population has at least one common characteristic (Arikunto, 1998: 102).The population in the research was the students of the seventh grade students of SMP SUMUR BANDUNG in the academic year of 2015 / 2016. They were two classes, each class consisted of 23 students, so there were 46 students.

b. Sample

“A sample is a subgroup of the target population that the researcher plans to study for generalizing about the target population” (Creswell, 2012: 142). The samples of the research were class VIIA and class VIIB, class VIIA as an experimental group with 23 students and class VIIB as a control group with 23 students. The experimental group was the group that the students were taught vocabulary using picture, while control group is the group that the students were taught vocabulary without picture but using word list.

4. Research Instrument

The instrument is the tool or facility, that can be used by researcher in setting the data to make more easily (Arikunto, (2002: 136). The writer used two tests that is: pretest and posttest to obtain the data.

a. Pretest

Pretest was given to the students before got the treatment (teaching vocabulary using pictures). The writer used written test to get the data, the students had to answer test consisted of 20 items matching words and multiple-choice with their meaning related to the material about punctuation and dinning room.