Teaching Through Joshua

LessonTopic and Chapter

1The Lord Commissioned Joshua: Be a Courageous Leader (Joshua 1:1-18)

2The Spies Scouted Jericho: The Enemy Is Doomed By Fear (Joshua 2:1-24)

3Israel Crossed the Jordan: A Step of Faith Removes Obstacles (Joshua 3:1-4:24)

4Israel Destroyed Jericho By Purification and Divine Strategy (Joshua 5:1-6:27)

5 Defeat and Victory at Ai Illustrate Sin's Effects (Joshua 7:1-8:35)

6Israel Compromised With Gibeonites Through Complacency (Joshua 9:1-27)

7Israel Conquered the Land Through the LORD's Help (Joshua 10:1-12:24)

8The Land Was Divided for Inheritance: Much Land Remained to be Possessed

(Joshua 13:1-15:63)

9The Tribes Received Their Inheritance (Joshua 16:1-19:51)

10Joshua Appointed Important Cities--All the LORD's Promises Were Fulfilled

(Joshua 20:1-21:45)

11The Eastern Tribes Returned Home: Civil War Was Averted (Joshua 22:1-34)

12Joshua Bade Farewell and Confirmed the Covenant (Joshua 23:1-24:33)

Lesson 1:The LORD Commissioned Joshua: Be a Courageous Leader (Joshua 1:1-18)

Key Verse:"This book of the law shall not depart out of thy mouth; but thou shalt meditate

therein day and night, that thou mayest observe to do all according to all that is

written therein: for then thou shalt make thy way prosperous, and then thou

shalt have good success." (Josh. 1:8)

Introduction:After Moses died the LORD commissioned Joshua as the new leader of Israel. He commanded Joshua to be a courageous leader, reminding him of His

promises, His protective presence, and His powerful word. Joshua gook

command, and the people promised loyal obedience.

I.The LORD Commanded Courageous, Obedient Leadership (Josh. 1:1-9)

A.Cross Jordan because of God's promises (1:1-5)

1.God promised all the land (2-4)

2.God promised irresistable conquest (5)

3.God promised His perpetual presence (5)

B.Be strong and courageous because of God's oath (1:6)

C.Be faithful to God's Word to be successful (1:7-8)

1.Obedience requires strength and courage (7)

2.Success requires unwavering obedience (7)

3.Faithfulness promises prosperity and success (8)

D.Be fearless because of God's presence (1:9)

II.Joshua Commanded Preparation and Remembrance (Josh. 1:10-15)

A.Joshua commanded the people to prepare (1:10-11)

B.Joshua commanded the eastern tribes to remember (1:12-15)

1.Remember Moses' requirement (12-13)

2.Remember to help the brothers (14-15)

III.The People Promised Obedience (Josh. 1:16-19)

A.They promised obedience as with Moses (1:16-17)

B.They pleaded for God's presence with Joshua (1:17)

C.They promised judgment on rebels (1:18)

D.They encouraged Joshua's strength and courage (1:19)

Conclusion:Christians have a present heritage and an eternal inheritance. They possess

these by faith and courageous obedience to God's Word for victory over the

enemy of their souls.

Lesson 2:The Spies Scouted Jericho: The Enemy Is Doomed By Fear (Joshua 2:1-24)

Key Verse:"And they said unto Joshua, Truly the LORD hath delivered into our hands all

the land; for even all the inhabitants of the country do faint because of us."

(Josh. 2:24)

Introduction:At Kadesh Barnea spies brought back a faithless and fearful report resulting in

delay and defeat. Forty years later Joshua sent more spies who returned with a

faithful report promising victory. Rehab revealed that Jericho was virtually

defeated by fear. Rahab's faith in Israel's God resulted in mercy for her and her

whole household.

I.The Spies Safely Entered Jericho (Josh. 2:1-7)

A.The spies went to Rahab's house in Jericho (2:1)

B.The king commanded her to surrender the spies (2:2-3)

C.Rahab concealed the spies (2:4-6)

D.The men of Jericho left in vain pursuit (2:7)

II.Rahab Revealed the Weakness of Jericho (Josh. 2:8-14)

A.Rahab anticipated the fall of Jericho (2:8-10)

B.Rahab admitted the fear in Jericho (2:11)

C.Rahab confessed faith in Israel's God (2:11)

D.Rahab pleaded for mercy on her household (2:12-13)

E.Rahab received a promise of deliverance (2:14)

III.Rahab Received Assurance of Deliverance (Josh. 2:15-21)

A.Rahab helped the spies escape (2:15)

B.Rahab advised them to hide in the hills (2:16)

C.Rahab was given conditions for her deliverance (2:17-20)

1.Hang the scarlet cord from her window (18)

2.Keep her family inside the house (18-19)

3.Keep their mission secret (20)

D.Rahab accepted the conditions (2:21)

IV.The Spies Returned With a Confident Report (Josh. 2:22-24)

A.The spies remained in the hills three days (2:22)

B.The spies returned and reported to Joshua (2:23)

C.The spies related confidence in a conquest (2:24)

Conclusion:God's Word promises Christians victory over the enemy who would deprive

them of their inheritance. All who are in the household of faith and under the

blood of Jesus will be delivered from the judgment to come.

Lesson 3:Israel Crossed the Jordan: A Step of Faith Removes Obstacles

(Joshua 3:1-4:24)

Key Verse:"And it shall come to pass, as soon as the soles of the feet of the priests that

bear the ark of the LORD, the Lord of all the earth, shall rest in the waters of

Jordan, that the waters of Jordan shall be cut off from the waters that come

down from above; and they shall stand upon an heap." (Josh. 3:13)

Introduction:The LORD confirmed Joshua as Israel's new leader and gave the people a sign

of victory. The priests were to carry the ark to the brink of the Jordan and step

into the water. At this act of faith the LORD dried up the waters of the river,

and Joshua led all the people across. A memorial of 12 stones was set up at

Gilgal to remind the people of the miracle.

I.Joshua Led Israel Across the Jordan (Josh. 3:1-17)

A.Joshua gave crossing instructions (3:1-6)

B.The LORD gave Joshua encouragement (3:7-8)

C.Joshua promised a sign of victory (3:9-13)

1.The ark would cross before them (9-11)

2.They would select 12 tribal representatives (12)

3.The waters of Jordan would be stopped (13)

D.The people crossed the Jordan (3:14-17)

1.The priests dipped their feet into the water's edge (14-15)

2.The waters were stopped (16)

3.The people crossed over (16)

4.The priests with the ark stayed in the middle (17)

II.A Stone Memorial Was Set Up (Josh. 4:1-24)

A.Stones were commanded to be brought (4:1-5)

1.The LORD commanded 12 stones brought from the river (1-2)

2.Joshua commanded the 12 men to get the stones ((3-5)

B.The stones were to be a memorial sign (4:6-7)

C.Two sets of stones were brought (4:8-9)

1.Stones were brought from the river (8)

2.Stones were placed in the river (9)

D.The priests came out of the river (4:10-11)

E.The Eastern tribes crossed over to help (4:12-14)

F.The water returned to the river (4:15-18)

G.The stone memorial was set up at Gilgal (4:19-24)

Conclusion:God's people must step out on faith to claim the promises of God. God

responds to faith by removing the obstacles that block progress on the pathway

of His will.

Lesson 4:Israel Destroyed Jericho by Purification and Divine Strategy (Joshua 5:1-6:27)

Key Verse:"So the people shouted when the priests blew with the trumpets: and it came to

pass, when the people heard the sound of the trumpet, and the people shouted

with a great shout, that the wall fell down flat, so that the people went up into

the city, every man straight before him, and they took the city." (Josh. 6:20)

Introduction:In preparation for the conquest of the Promised Land, Israel rolled away the

reproach of Egypt, kept the Passover, and accepted the leadership of the

LORD's Commander. Then they defeated Jericho by following the LORD's

sevenfold marching strategy.

I.Israel Prepared to Conquer Canaan (Josh. 5:1-15)

A.The Amorites and Canaanites were overcome with fear (5:1)

B.Israel rolled away the reproach of Egypt (5:2-9)

1.The new generation was circumcised (2-7)

2.They stayed until all were healed (8)

3.They called the place Gilgal ("Rolling") (9)

C.Israel kept the Passover at Gilgal (5:10-12)

1.They kept the 41st Passover (10)

2.They began eating the food of Canaan (11)

3.The manna ceased (12)

D.Joshua met the Captain of the LORD's army (5:13-15)

II.Israel Defeated and Destroyed Jericho (Josh. 6:1-27)

A.The LORD issued the battle strategy (6:1-5)

1.They were to march around Jericho for 7 days (1-4)

2.The walls would fall down on the 7th day (5)

B.Joshua gave orders to the people (6:6-10)

1.Seven priests would escort the ark (6-8)

2.A military escort would precede and follow the ark (9-10)

C.The people defeated Jericho (6:11-25)

1.They marched around once for each of six days (11-14)

2.They marched around seven times on the seventh day (15-16)

3.They shouted and the wall fell (20)

4.They utterly destroyed all people and animals (21)

5.They rescued Rahab and her family (17, 22, 23, 25)

6.They preserved the precious metals (18-19, 24)

D.Joshua cursed the rebuilding of Jericho (6:26-27)

Conclusion:Christians must prepare for a victorious life by rolling away the reproach of the

world, worshipping the LORD in spirit and truth, and accepting the lordship of

Jesus Christ, the Commander-in-Chief. A winning strategy comes from the

LORD, not from human ingenuity.

Lesson 5:Defeat and Victory at Ai Illustrate Sin's Effects (Joshua 7:1-8:35)

Key Verse:"But the children of Israel committed a trespass in the accursed thing: for

Achan, the son of Carmi, the son of Zabdi, the son of Zerah, of the tribe of

Judah, took of the accursed thing: and the anger of the LORD was kindled

against the children of Israel." (Josh. 7:1)

Introduction:The progress of a whole nation was stopped by the sin of one man. Greed

motivated Achan to take accursed riches from Jericho, bringing defeat at

insignificant Ai. Only after the sin was judged was victory restored.

I.Israel Was Defeated at Ai because of One Man's Sin (Josh. 7:1-26)

A.The LORD was displeased because of Achan's sin (7:1)

B.Israel was defeated at Ai (7:2-5)

1.The spies reported favorably about Ai (2-3)

2.Joshua sent 3000 men to attack Ai (4)

3.Israel was defeated, losing 36 men (5)

C.Joshua discovered that sin caused defeat (7:6-15)

1.Joshua mourned and prayed about defeat (6-9)

2.The LORD explained that sin caused defeat (10-13)

3.The LORD commanded sin to be removed (14-15)

D.Joshua removed sin from the camp (7:16-26)

1.The LORD exposed Achan as the guilty sinner (16-18)

2.Achan confessed to greedy disobedience (19-21)

3.Achan and his family were executed (22-26)

II.Ai Was Defeated by Divine Strategy (Josh. 8:1-29)

A.The LORD commanded an ambush of Ai (8:1-2)

B.Joshua set the ambush in place (8:3-9, 12)

1.He placed 30,000 behind the city (3-8)

2.He placed 5,000 west of the city (9, 12)

C.Joshua lured the troops of Ai into a trap (10-17)

1.Joshua and his men approached from the north (10-11, 13)

2.The king of Ai went out to battle with Joshua (14)

3.Joshua's troops drew them away from Ai (15-17)

D.The ambush captured and burned Ai (8:18-19)

E.The troops of Ai were trapped and destroyed (8:20-29)

III.Joshua Renewed the Covenant at Mt. Ebal (Josh. 8:30-35)

A.Joshua built an altar at Mt. Ebal (8:30-31)

B.Joshua wrote the Law on the stones (8:32)

C.Israel stood on Mt. Ebal and Mt. Gerizim (8:33)

D.The Law was read, including blessings and curses (8:34-35)

Conclusion:God's people must remove sin from their lives and obey God's direction in

order to be victorious. God's work is hindered by unconfessed sin in the lives of His people.

Lesson 6:Israel Compromised With Gibeonites Through Complacency (Joshua 9:1-27)

Key Verse:"And the men took of their victuals, and asked not counsel at the mouth of the

LORD. And Joshua made peace with them, and made a league with them, to

let them live: and the princes of the congregation sware unto them."

(Josh. 9:14-15)

Introduction:Complacency over past victories let Israel be deceived into making a peace

treaty with the Gibeonites, contrary to God's commandment. They were

obliged to keep their oath, so they made slaves of the Gibeonites who became a

detriment to them.

I.The Gibeonites Tricked Israel into a Peace Treaty (Josh. 9:1-15)

A.The Palestinian kings united against Israel (9:1-2)

B.But the Gibeonites sought peace by trickery (9:3-6)

1.They heard of Israel's victories (3)

2.They sent disguised and deceitful ambassadors (4-5)

3.They asked for a peace treaty (6)

C.Israel's leaders challenged their identity (9:7-8)

D.The Gibeonites lied about their mission (9:9-13)

1.They claimed to be from a distant city (9:9-10)

2.Their leaders wanted a peace treaty (9:11)

3.They presented fabricated evidence (9:12-13)

E.Joshua made a treaty without consulting God (9:14-15)

II.Israel Kept the Treaty but Made Them Slaves (Josh. 9:16-27)

A.Israel learned Gibeon's true identity (9:16)

B.Israel honored the treaty reluctantly (9:17-20)
C.Israel proposed to make them slaves (9:21)

D.Joshua rebuked the Gibeonites, making them slaves (9:22-23)

E.The Gibeonites accepted slavery (9:24-25)

F.Joshua made them woodcutters and water carriers (9:26-27)

Conclusion:The enemy is very cunning and ready to deceive. Complacency opens the door

to defeat and compromise. The Christian must consult the LORD and obey His


Lesson 7:Israel Conquered the Land Through the LORD's Help (Joshua 10:1-12:24)

Key Verse:"So Joshua took the whole land, according to all that the LORD said unto

Moses; and Joshua gave it for an inheritance unto Israel according to their

divisions by their tribes. And the land rested from war." (Josh. 11:23)

Introduction:The LORD gave Joshua victory over all the Promised Land, sending great hail

stones, causing the sun to stand still over Gibeon, and routing all the enemies.

Joshua and the elders put their feet on the necks of the kings, claiming the

victory given them by the LORD.

I.Joshua Conquered the Southern Territory (Josh. 10:1-43)

A.Joshua defeated the southern kings (10:1-15)

1.Five Canaanite kings attacked Gibeon (1-5)

2.The LORD sent Joshua to help Gibeon (6-9)

3.The LORD defeated the Canaanite kings (10-11)

4.The LORD lengthened the day of pursuit (12-15)

B.Joshua destroyed the southern kings (10:16-29)

1.He trapped the kings in a cave (16-18)

2.He claimed victory over the kings (19-25)

3.He hanged them on trees (26-27)

C.Joshua captured the southern cities (10:28-39)

D.Joshua finished the southern campaign (10:40-43)

II.Joshua Conquered the Northern Territory (Josh. 11:1-23)

A.Joshua defeated the northern kings (11:1-9)

1.The northern kings united against Joshua (1-5)

2.The LORD gave Joshua victory (6-9)

B.Joshua conquered the northern cities (11:10-15)

1.Joshua destroyed Hazor the capital (10-11)

2.Joshua captured the other northern cities (12-15)

C.Joshua finished the northern campaign (10:16-23)

III.Joshua Summarized Israel's Conquests (Josh. 12:1-24)

A.Under Moses Israel conquered the east (12:1-6)

1.They defeated Sihon king of the Amorites (1-3)

2.They defeated Og king of Bashan (4-6)

B.Under Joshua Israel conquered the west (12:7-24)

1.They captured territory west of the Jordan (7-8)

2.They conquered 31 kings (9-24)

Conclusion:The LORD provides victory for His obedient servants. They should boldly

claim the victory over the adversaries.

Lesson 8:The Land Was Divided for Inheritance: Much Land Remained to be Possessed

(Joshua 13:15-63)

Key Verse:"Now Joshua was old and stricken in years; and the LORD said unto him,

Thou art old and stricken in years, and there remaineth yet very much land to

be possessed." (Josh. 13:1)

Introduction:Although the initial conquest had been successful, the land had to be allotted to

the tribes as their inheritance, and the territory had to be occupied. Many

enemies remained to be defeated.

I.The LORD Encouraged Joshua to Finish the Conquest (Josh. 13:1-33)

A.The conquest of the West must be completed (13:1-7)

1.Joshua was getting old (1)

2.There was much territory to conquer (2-6)

3.The land must be divided by lot (7)

B.The conquest of the East had to be completed (13:8-33)

1.It had been divided (8-14)

2.The tribe of Reuben had received the southern portion (15-23)

3.The tribe of Gad had received the middle portion (24-28)

4.The half-tribe of Mahasseh had received the northern portion (29-33)

II.Joshua Divided the Land by Lot (Josh. 14:1-15)

A.The territory west of Jordan was divided by lot (14:1-5)

B.Caleb was given the region around Hebron (14:6-15)

1.He was an original spy (6-8)

2.Moses promised him an inheritance for his faithfulness (9)

3.He asked for the mountain of the giants (10-12)

4.Joshua granted his request (13-15)

III.The Tribe of Judah Inherited the South-land (Josh. 15:1-63)

A.The lot assigned Judah the southern territory (15:1-12)

B.Caleb conquered his inheritance (15:13-19)

1.He drove out three giants from Hebron (13-14)

2.He also conquered Debir (15-17)

3.His daughter received upper and lower springs (18-19)

C.The cities of Judah listed (15:20-63)

1.There were 29 cities in the South (20-32)

2.There were 39 cities in the Lowlands (33-47)

3.There were 38 cities in the Mountains (48-60)

4.There were 6 cities in the Wilderness (61-63)

Conclusion:The Christian has much territory left to be occupied for God. Like Caleb, he

should pick out a mountain, drive out the giants and claim it for God.

Lesson 9:The Tribes Received Their Inheritance (Joshua 16:1-19:51)

Key Verse:"These are the inheritances, which Eleazar the priest, and Joshua the son of

Nun, and the heads of the fathers of the tribes of the children of Israel, divided

for an inheritance by lot in Shiloh before the LORD, at the door of the

tabernacle of the congregation. So they made an end of dividing the country." (Josh. 19:51)

Introduction:The remaining territory was divided by lot among the other tribes. Their

borders were surveyed and described. Although the land was given to them as

an inheritance, the tribes failed to drive out all the former inhabitants and

occupy all their territory.

I.The Tribe of Ephraim Received Its Inheritance (Josh. 16:1-10)

A.Their inheritance was given by lot (16:1-4)

B.The borders of Ephraim are described (16:5-9)

C.Their conquest was incomplete (16:10)

II.The Half-Tribe of Mahasseh Received Its Inheritance (Josh. 17:1-18)

A.Their inheritance was given by lot (17:1-2)

B.Zelophehad's daughters were given an inheritance (17:3-6)

C.The borders of Manasseh are described (17:7-11)

D.Their conquest was incomplete (17:12-13)

E.Manasseh and Ephraim wanted more territory (17:14-18)

III.The Remaining Tribes Received Their Inheritance (Josh. 18:1-19:51)