Teaching scheme: 3 hours lecture and 1 hour tutorial per week Credits: 6
Course discretion:
The physical chemistry course covered the Energetic introduction to phase equilibria; Phase equilibria involving two-component systems; Types of chemical reactions with application, criteria of catalysis – Homogeneous catalysis (gases, liquids), Ultramicroscope, Electrolytic conductance, First and second law of faraday-application of electrolytic conductivity Electrochemistry.
- To impart the basic concepts of fluid and particle mechanics
- To develop understanding about viscosity, fluid flow and machinery
Specific learning outcome:
- understand the energetics that drive chemical reactions and physical changes;
- understand the relationship between macroscopic properties and the molecular make up of matter;
- Read and understand the research literature concerning quantitative aspects of chemical equilibria and phase transitions.
- define the fundamental concepts of quantum chemistry, using models for the energies encountered for atoms and molecules;
- discuss their applications to atomic and molecular spectroscopy;
- know the fundamental concepts of chemical kinetics
No. / Topic / Hours
1 / Energetic introduction to phase equilibria- Pressure and temperature changes with a single-component system: qualitative discussion / 6
2 / Phase equilibria involving two-component systems: partition- Phase equilibria and colligative properties / 6
3 / Phase equilibria involving vapour pressure-- Phase equilibria involving three-component systems. / 4
4 / Chemical reaction:
Types of chemical reactions with application -Theory of chemical reactions- / 8
5 / Adsorption – Physisorphtion and Chemisorption – Adsorption isotherms (Langmuir Isotherm only) catalysis / 4
6 / criteria of catalysis – Homogeneous catalysis (gases, liquids) / 4
7 / Mechanism of acid, base catalysis – Negative catalysis in gas reactions. / 4
8 / Heterogeneous catalysis of gases – Function of the surface / 4
9 / Nonuniformity of surfaces – Nature of active centres. / 4
10 / Catalytic activity of Oriented surface – Intermediate compound formation / 2
11 / Heterogeneous reactions in solutions – catalytic poisons – promoters – supported catalysis / 4
12 / Examples of catalysis (Hydrogenation, Cracking and reforming) Colloids – Classification and preparation / 4
13 / Stability – electrical double layer – micelle formation – purification of colloids – ultrafiltraion – dialysis – properties of colloids (optical, electrical and kinetic) / 4
14 / Ultramicroscope – protective colloids – Gold number – gels – Donnan membrane equilibrium – synerisis and thixotropy - Liesegang rings – colloidal electrolysis – ionic miscelles / 6
15 / Electrolytic conductance-specific and equivalent conductance / 6
16 / Conductance of weak and strong electrolyte –kholorouch law -Transference number / 6
17 / First and second law of faraday-application of electrolytic conductivity / 6
18 / Electrodes- Electrochemical cells-reactions of the cells-Thermodynamic of thermodynamic cells-Batteries / 8
Percentage of change: 28%
Text book:
Physical Chemistry by Daniel and alberty 7th Edittion
Atkins & de Paula, Atkin’s Physical Chemistry, 7th Edn., Oxford University Press
S. Glasston, A Textbook of Physical Chemistry, McMillan India
No. / Assessment / Number / % each / % total / DatesTheoretical
1 / Homework (HW), Quizzes(Q) / 5
2 / TEST 1 / 1 / 7.5 % / 7.5
3 / TEST 2 / 1 / 7.5 % / 7.5
4 / TEST 3 / 1 / 7.5 % / 7.5
5 / TEST 4 / 1 / 7.5 % / 7.5
6 / Final Exam (F) / 1 / 50 % / 50
Theoretical Total / 85
Report for all Experiences / 5 % / 5
TEST 1 / 2.5 % / 2.5
TEST 2 / 2.5 % / 2.5
Final Exam / 5 % / 5
Practical Total / 15
Overall Total ( Theoretical + Practical) / 100
1-For Laboratory
Internal Continuous Assessment (Maximum Marks-10)
60%-Laboratory practical and record
30%- Test/s
10%- Regularity in the class
End Semester Examination (Maximum Marks-5)
Procedure, conducting tutorials, results, tabulation, and inference
2- For Theory Subjects
Internal Continuous Assessment (Maximum Marks-35)
70% - Tests (minimum 4)
20 % - Assignments (minimum 2) such as homework, problem solving, group discussions, quiz, seminar, term-project, software exercises, etc.
10% - Regularity in the class
TU Examination Pattern (Maximum Marks-50)
PART A: Short answer questions (one/two sentences) 5 x 2 marks= 10 marks
All questions are compulsory. There should be at least one question from each module and not more than two questions from any module.
PART B: Analytical/Problem solving questions 4 x 5 marks= 20 marks
Candidates have to answer four questions out of six. There should be at least one question from each module and not more than two questions from any module.
PART C: Descriptive/Analytical/Problem solving questions 2 x 10 marks= 20 marks
Two questions from each module with choice to answer one question.