Teaching Notes 1
Introduction to Design for Production
Target Competency
Explore the purpose of design for production (DFP) in shipbuilding industry
Learning Objectives
a.Relate how design is used to consider production cost reduction while still designing compatible with the requirements of the vessel to fulfill its operational functions with acceptable safety, reliability and efficiency
b.Determine how DFP helps to reduce overall costs
c.Reduce production lead times
d.Reduce production cycle times
e.Establish a consistent approach to shipbuilding, based on the assembly method of production
f.Define the maximum amount of work at the detailed definition stage
g.Control production through the effective control of material and engineering information
h.Ensure that, while there is a rigid approach to maintaining schedule adequate flexibility within the overall strategy to achieve this objective
i.Change attitudes through appropriate training methods so that the necessity for change and the importance of team discipline
j.First is to design out work, that is to reduce the amount of work which has to be performed
k.Then make the work that remains easier to perform. This is achieved by making things simpler to produce and easier to install in a comfortable, safe position
l.Reducing production cycle time overlapping the steel and outfit work cycles
m.Reducing the steel work content at berth/dock assembly
n.reducing the outfit installation work content after berth/dock assembly
o.Designer’s duty quote from the Appledore DFP papers (Looked for it, but could’ find it yet. Will see if I (VD) can come up with it)
p.Explore the history of designing for production
q.Examine various design phases
r.Determine why decisions are made at various phases of design
Teaching Notes 2
Facility, Workstation and Equipment Capabilities
Target Competency
Design for Facility, Workstation, and Equipment Capabilities
Learning Objectives
a.Determine what types of facility considerations affect a ship's dimensions
b.Examine how facility capabilities impact block size, panel line capacity, shop sizes, door sizes, erection site, structure, plate cutting, welding, break, burning, lifting capabilities (outside or shop cranes), transportation (Transporters, dollies) and turning
c.Distinguish among types of facility constraints
d.Compare workstation considerations such as physical size limits, lift capacity, workstation flow sequence, and build strategy related to workstation sequence
e.Relate equipment considerations to the design for production process
# / Learning Activities/Assessment Activities / Teaching Notes
1. / BRAINSTORM what types of facility capabilities and constraints a yard may have that impact the overall design of a ship. / CREATE: USE a Comparison Bubble Map to show what students brainstorm or know and what is provided in the list below. CREATE a worksheet of considerations to use as a prompt for discussion. Items such as: width of water opposite the launching point, which can affect the length overall, width of building dock or berth, since there must be sufficient room between the ship’s sides and the inside of the dock walls, or edges of the building berth to allow hydraulic, articulated arms with work platforms to operate between them,
canal or lock between shipyard and open sea, where this is not strictly shipyard facilities, but they can be constraints on the beam and draft, depth of water in building dock, or in way of launch path, because these could result in a restriction of the launch weight/draft and possibility of affecting the L/B ratio, in an effort to reduce the draft, height of a bridge between shipyard and open sea, since this could reduce the depth of hull and resulting height of superstructures/decks and masts, or result in superstructures/ deckhouses being left off until the ship has transited the bridge, and the size and weight of the blocks which can be placed upon the building berth are determined by the berth crane capacities and/or the transporters used for moving blocks.
2. / EXAMINE the images of.... / GATHER 3-D Images from BENDER, NGSS, MURRAY -Tom to Internet search for photos or gather if available, Schiller’s Travel Lift, photos from Drew showing how Yachts differ from ships and
Picture of block going into paint building. Images to include:
Block size
Panel line capacity
Shop sizes, door sizes
Erection site
Plate cutting, welding, break, burning
Lifting capabilities (outside or shop cranes)
Transportation (Transporters, dollies)
3. / ....facility constraints / GATHER IMAGES/IDEAS FROM DARREN, LEONARD, TOM/DREW, GENOA: Walking a jack-up into the Mississippi (Darren - video)
Cool jobs TV show - moving space shuttle to launch pad. (Leonard - video)
Syncho-lift video???
Pictures/videos of transporters (Tom / Drew)
Size of a horse’s ass (Genoa)
Video of tug going under a bridge (Leonard).
4. / COMPARE images of various workstation configurations and...Workstation Physical size limits Lift capacity Workstation flow sequence Build strategy related to workstation sequence / GATHER IMAGES OF...One-sided welder dimensional constraints
Panel line, dimensional constraints, Pipe bending work station, physical size capabilities
5. / ...equipment Thickness of plate that can be cut Bridging of parts to keep from falling through grates on table. Tabbing of parts for safety and to minimize distortion. Welding processes available on panel line, manual Size (width, thickness) of plate in brake Burning table - multiple torches, mirror, like burn, NC bevels, squaring plate up Understand concept of compound curvature, and physical properties of steel – need to “design” parts that can be formed / GATHER IMAGES FROM: SHAWN AND/OR DENNIS regarding:
(What do each of these pieces of equipment look like.)
Different brake types have different constraints.
Minimize number of piercings (especially for thick steel plate) so use bridging to minimize)
Thickness of plate that can be cut
Bridging of parts to keep from falling through grates on table. Tabbing of parts for safety and to minimize distortion.
Welding processes available on panel line, manual
Size (width, thickness) of plate in brake
Burning table - multiple torches, mirror, like burn, NC bevels, squaring plate up
Understand concept of compound curvature, and physical properties of steel – need to “design” parts that can be formed
Teaching Notes 3
Minimizing Part Production
Target Competency
Explore the importance of minimizing part production
Learning Objectives
a.Discuss the benefits of a more simplified overall ship design Helps simplify business processes Understand tradeoffs
b.Examine the purpose behind increase welding vs. outfitting & assembly
c.Examine cost considerations ost of labor vs. cost per ton steel
d.Determine the importance of standard parts, assemblies such as mirror burns, and the use of a common parts catalogue are part of DFP considerations
e.Minimize the use of fitting for pipe bends
f.Relate at auto nesting as a consideration for minimizing part production
g.Examine how costs add up regardless the size of a part
h.Determine how standardized parts lead to standardized sub-assemblies and processes
# / Learning Activities/Assessment Activities / Teaching Notes
1. / Simplifies overall ship design Helps simplify business processes Understand tradeoffs Increase welding vs. outfitting & assembly Cost of labor vs. cost per ton steel (Tom to check for this information in DFP Manual.) Cost of waste vs. cost per ton steel/ increase number of plates (influence of nesting and amount of scrap on complex parts – also see next page.) Specifics to ShipConstructor (and other 3D product modeling software) Use of Standard parts, standard assemblies, like and mirror burn, Common Parts Catalogue (also see “standardize parts”) If you can use something that’s already been created, then do it. Minimize use of fittings for pipe bends / GATHER: Drew – two midship sections – one with lots-o-parts, one without
Use of built-up parts verses complex parts (designer may identify areas in the functional design where changes can influence producibility and reduce parts)
Piping designer can use “bending” in lieu of “fittings” to reduce number of parts.
2. / EXAMINE Nesting by panels and Nesting by work package. / USE/CREATE two different nests and trade-off between scrap, and welding, etc. DARREN to draw up example
3. / IDENTIFY the various parts and their cost savings or ramifications to cost controls. DISCUSS the difference between number of unique parts and total number of parts. / CREATE AN ACTIVITY SHEET OF SOME KIND: Describe how every part, no matter how small, has significant O/H costs including:
Delivering to Point of Use
Maintaining Spares
Writing & Updating Technical Manuals
Supplying to Field Service
Packaging & Shipping
Multiply this overhead cost by the number of times it is repeated during the life cycle of a product this equals the total cost of the part.
Parts reduction is a duty of the designer… this are all the other areas it impacts.
Class room discussion point – have the students try to identify these items.
Discuss difference between number of unique parts and total number of parts.
Instructor to discuss compromise / trade-offs
4. / EXAMINE the examples of standards assemblies from parts assembly, as an integral piece of design for production. / GATHER FROM DENNIS AND DREW, GRAHAM - SSI. Examples of standard assemblies – from PA DFP project – ask Dennis
Ladders, hangers
Drew to develop Exercise to optimize nesting, how you break-up the parts impact your plate utilization (DREW TO DO EXAMPLE IN AUTOCAD/SSI TAKE FROM THERE
Standardized parts lead to standardized sub-assemblies, leads to standardized processes, etc.
Standardized subassemblies
Effects between standard assemblies
Different levels for small/ individual pieces up to unit level up to whole ship
Predictable and Repeatable processes
Common Parts Catalogue
Teaching Notes 4
Standardized Materials
Target Competency
Consider how standardized material types or grades impact design for production
Learning Objectives
a.Explore common size of pipe, steel, electrical, HVAC
b.Recognize how different materials can cause more complex assembly process and equipment needs
c.Discuss the importance of minimizing material handling, warehousing, process flows
d.Recognize the need tradeoffs for cost of materials, cost of material handling, cost of assembly, maintenance, other customer needs, Metric vs. imperial
e.Identify different material types, faying surfaces, specific design needs, production needs; e.g. metallic strip
f.Identify standard interfaces
# / Learning Activities/Assessment Activities / Teaching Notes
1. / ACTIVITY TO TEACH TO OBJECTIVES: Common size of pipe, steel, electrical, HVAC
Different material cause more complex assembly process and equipment needs
Minimizes material handling, warehousing, process flows
Need tradeoffs for cost of materials, cost of material handling, cost of assembly, maintenance, other customer needs
Metric vs. imperial
Understand different material types, faying surfaces, specific design needs, production needs; e.g. metallic strip
Standard interfaces
2. / GRAHAM TO CREATE A MODEL AND GATHER PHOTO FROM TOM. Example of how to deal with faying surfaces in the 3D model??? VFI on bi-metallic strips (LCS PHOTO?)
3. / GATHER: Bollinger PowerPoint (shows a simple way to create a M&S example.)
CREATE: Deck of cards example – look for multiple cards via given one at a time versus given multiple cards at once
Teaching Notes 5
Minimizing Lifting and Part Handling
Target Competency
Determine how to minimize lifting and handling of parts
Learning Objectives
a.Determine how minimizing the lifting and handling of parts correlates with nesting of parts and material handling
b.Examine the importance of strengthening assemblies during lifts
c.Explore the safety needs for both lifting and handling of parts way to create a M&S examp
d.Identify how an increase of lifting needs to allow for additional down-hand welding
e.Relate the handling of parts to work packages
f.Distinguish among Just in Time production by unit, panel, assembly, workstation
# / Learning Activities/Assessment Activities / Teaching Notes
1. / CREATE Simulation of panel line
2. / GATHER: Leonard look for animation / simulation)
Teaching Notes 6
Target Competency
Explore how welding minimizes....
Learning Objectives
a.Identify the type and purpose of various welds
b.Discuss the need for minimal welds
c.Discuss why the need to minimize out of position welding and number of weld sequencing
d.Contrast how an increase in automatic and robotic welding might optimize ..
e.Compare intermediate vs. continuous welding
f.Identify the need for weld clearances
g.Look at different types of weld prep
h.Identify weld information standards
# / Learning Activities/Assessment Activities / Teaching Notes
1. / CREATE: Example: Welding a bracket
For the welding, the task could be undertaken at any stage – length of required weld is the same in all cases:
sub-assembly, in a workshop, at ground level, in a downhand position, using a specialized piece of welding equipment, with a crane available,
unit assembly, in a workshop, using scaffolding, in a vertical position, using standard welding equipment, with a crane available,
block assembly, in a workshop, using scaffolding, in an overhead position, using standard welding equipment, with limited crane access,
on board ship, in the building dock, using scaffolding, overhead, manual welding, with no crane, and
on board ship, at the outfitting pier, using scaffolding, overhead, using manual welding and with no crane.
2. / RESOURCE: Either in DFP 1999 Manual (or Mid-tier Training presentation)
Teaching Notes 7
Impact of Layout and Measuring
Target Competency
Explore how layout and measuring impact DFP
Learning Objectives
a.Discuss how to minimize measuring in shops
b.....master control lines
c.Identify the different types of measurements
d.Relate how accuracy impacts production costs
e.Identify the use of NC marking
f.Relate company standards to....
g.Examine an example weld shrinkage
h.Minimize pipe spool complexity (easier to check accuracy of spools)
# / Learning Activities/Assessment Activities / Teaching Notes
1. / PROVIDE: Drawing that shows master control line, dimensioning. Different dimensioning ways to show ease of measuring, accumulation of error
2. / PROVIDE: Dimension matrices for panels for accuracy control. Some shipyards require… some don’t – example of one.
3. / PROVIDE (TOM) : Types of markings – Tom to find list (punch, etch, scribe, etc.)
What gets marked and how? Master control lines, stiffener lay-out, part names, orientation icon. Time it takes for machine to mark it.
4. / Demonstrate the different methods of welding using the provided 3-D Model / 3-D MODEL - GRAHAM: (The general idea of weld shrinkage can be brought up in optimize welding (idea of building in weld shrinkage data into the 3D model, if available. If not, then excess, or margin, or green, trim stock, etc will most likely need to be built into the 3D model. (See build strategy, probably) (Graham’s videos)
Weld-o-lets and sock-o-lets thread-o-lets installed in shop. Functionality in Ship Constructor
Flange orientation – 2 hole square.
Teaching Notes 8
Minimizing Fabrication and Assembly Complexity
Target Competency
Identify how to minimize fabrication or assembly complexity
Learning Objectives
a.Identify parameters of block breaks (Optimize for steel vs. outfitting and Size of blocks vs. outfitting)
b.Minimize different plate thickness minimizes plate chamfer requirements
c.Minimize complex shapes
d.Minimize pipe bends
e.Minimize number of bends and fittings
f.Recognize how installing pipes in double bottoms minimizes assembly complexity
g.Identify standard production information
h.Use standard drawing layouts
i.Prepare to design to available requirements/ details
j.Examine keel cooler example
# / Learning Activities/Assessment Activities / Teaching Notes
1. / OBTAIN SNAME PAPER: Keel cooler example
2. / CREATE EXAMPLE (DREW): Show what chamfer is, and how minimizing
3. / EXAMPLE: Drew to provide example of minimizing complex shapes.
4. / SSI/GRAHAM EXAMPLE: Show how tweaking a location of equipment can reduce complexity of piping arrangement. (SSI EXAMPLE?)
5. / EXAMPLE SSI/GRAHAM - HOW the parts in the layout they will be built... Orientated to the builders point of view.
Examples of “good drawing layouts” Include all information in one place. Designer needs to add detail where necessary to ease fabrication. (Use Ship Constructor to show how you set up a detail.)
6. / COMPARE the good and bad drawing examples here. LOOK for the consistency in dimensioning and orientation. DETERMINE how this will minimize assembly complexity or minimize fabrication. / EXAMPLE - GENOA: Consistency of dimensioning, consistency of orientation.
Here’s an example of a “good” drawing; here’s an example of a “poor” drawing.
Teaching Notes 9
Outfitting and Assembly
Target Competency
Determine how to prepare for optimal outfitting and assembly
Learning Objectives
a.Examine why we perform work at earliest stage as possible
b.Explore how the design is based on current available information
c.Identify the importance of outfitting
d.Identify how to maximize pre-outfitting as early in build process as possible
e.Discuss why to perform hot work as early as possible
f.Develop right-of-way drawings
g.Explain the importance of coordination between different outfitting groups
h.Identify how to access holes for assembly
i.Identify assembly clearances
j.Examine common pipe supports
k.Distinguish among machinery and pipe subassemblies
l.Explore the outfit zone breakdowns
# / Learning Activities/Assessment Activities / Teaching Notes
1. / GRAHAM/SSI: Ship Constructor – show outfit zone breakdowns
2. / CREATE: Lean Exercise using ship model – Dr. Verma (John to check)
3. / SSI/GRAHAM: Composite drawings – use Ship Constructor example – m-linking, Navis works walk through
4. / EXAMPLE: Make-up spools, why you need them.
Teaching Notes 10
Preparing for Inspection and Testing
Target Competency
Prepare for inspection and testing
Learning Objectives
a.Provide proper clearances for inspection, test and quality control
b.Set dimensions for ease of layout
c.Explore ways to assure for accuracy
d.Contrast the use of metric vs. imperial
e.Allow for earliest testing possible in production e.g. tank testing
f.Recognize the limits for oil and water stops
g.Identify take-down joints
h.Identify accessibility areas
# / Learning Activities/Assessment Activities / Teaching Notes
1. / EXAMPLE - GENOA: Show example of why using stops (location, arrangement) make test easier.
2. / EXAMPLE - GENOA: Can use “make-up spool as your take-down joint.