Delius Special School
Teaching & Learning Committee Meeting
Monday 3rd October 2016
Meeting commenced at:2.30pm
Present: Rob Cameron, Peter Sumpter(Chair),Lucy Nelstrop, Jodie Crabtree
In attendance:Claire Hogg – minute taker
Absent:Ferzana Hussain & Rehana Rahim
- Apologies
- Minutes of meeting held 06.05.16
- School to School Review
- Matters arising
- Data analysis and pupil progress
- Quality of teaching
- Policies to review
- Date of next meeting
1 / Minutes from previous meeting
Points 5 & 6 RC indicated that the end of year data showed we were above 60% on average.
Point 8 PSHCE & RSE Policy had been agreed at Full Governors / Actions
RC to confirm with EH ragging had been done
3 / School to School Review–Very positive. Most areas heading towards outstanding. Only area of worry is attendance. Our benchmark should be 88%. We now have an attendance team who will meet ½ termly. The team consists of Rob Cameron, Sam Musa, Sam Begum, Richard Meredith, Mumtaz Butt, Liz Shields and Vanessa – School Nurse. This process has already started. There will be meetings regarding action plans for certain pupils. RC is analysing attendance on a weekly basis. We are benchmarking our school alongside our local neighbours who are in a similar situation to our school. We currently have 46% PMLD children who are more vulnerable to illness.
Attendance is to be tackled as we could be deemed as outstanding but then reduced to good or be changed from good to RI in light of the attendance issue. All staff are trying to encourage parents to send pupils in wherever possible and explaining to parents that we are trying to improve our attendance throughout school.
School will help where they can with taxis etc to hospital.
RC explained there is a ‘Y’ code on Sims which we did not know previously as it is hidden. This discounts the absence eg cleaning day/snow day. School will now use this code if and when the need arises in the future.
4 / No other matters arising
5 / Pupil Progess
Data was positive. PSD is 55%. Autistic pupils struggle but there are plans in place to improve this. LN & RC identified areas to improve ie lunchtime clubs. High achievers are to do extra maths lessons. There are six clubs in place to help improve the PSD average. Our data is currently outstanding. In 2 weeks time we will trawl our data and rag it and will look at the predicted grades and we will look at them and rag green/yellow. RC expects less green this year as we are going to challenge the pupils progress.
6 / Quality of Teaching
40% outstanding teaching. Hope to improve this this year. Observations taking place this week to review. We currently have 1 NQT who is already showing excellent teaching already. We also have 1 NQT who is on long term sick where HR are involved and Occupational Health. We have 1 UQT and they may not be counted in the data. We have 1 live teacher advert.
7 / Policy Review
None to review
8 / Any Other Business
To consider whether it is fruitful to invite Ferzana Hussain as she can not manage to attend within the school day. May invite Cathy Alred – new staff Governor. This decision will be taken at the Full Governing Body meeting on 17.10.16.
Next meeting invite Clare B to discuss PSHCE & RSE and invite Emma H to discuss Curriculum update.
JC confirmed that she had visited Class 3 and Class 8 last term.
LN confirmed that we are to re assign Governors to classes.
9 / Date of Next Meeting
18.11.16 @ 2.00pm
Dated: 15.11.16