/ University of Auckland Teaching Excellence Awards 2016
Nomination Form
Signature: / Date:

Teaching Excellence Award category applied for (please tick one category only)

Sustained Excellence in Teaching
Early Career Excellence in Teaching*
Excellence in Postgraduate Research Supervision
Innovation in Teaching
Leadership in Teaching


Date of appointment at the University of Auckland: ______

(Must be included for ALL team members)

*For the Early Career Excellence in Teaching award, the date of the first appointment to a tenurable or fixed-term academic position of 0.5 fulltime equivalence or above at Senior Tutor,Professional Teaching Fellow or Lecturer level or above:


Date of appointment to first teaching post (any tertiary institution): ______

(To assess eligibility for national Tertiary Teaching Excellence Awards)

Nomination Form (page 2 of 2)
Nominator 1
Senior member of academic staff at UoA (i.e. Associate Professor or PTF Level 4 and above)
Signature: / Date:
Nominator 2
Current or former student taught by the nominee in the last five years; OR, for the Leadership in Teaching category only, a member of academic staff at UoA (any level of seniority)
Signature: / Date:
Nominator 3
Current or former student taught by the nominee in the last five years; OR a member of academic staff at UoA (any level of seniority)
Signature: / Date:
Word count (excluding three nomination letters)
Submission Checklist

Nominations must be submitted in hard copy AND electronically.

  1. Hard Copy Submission

Provide TEN hard copies, arranged in the following order:

  1. Nomination Form
  2. One-page statements from each of the three nominators
  3. The nominee’s Teaching Portfolio

Collate each copy (containing items 1-3 above) with a single staple in the top left corner. DO NOT use spiral binding, clear files, folders or similar

Deliver your nomination (in person or by internal mail) to the following address by 5pm Friday 16 September 2016

Susan McDowell-Watts

TEAs Secretary

Office of the Vice-Chancellor

Level 1, The ClockTower

22 Princes Street

  1. Electronic Submission

Provide a PDF copy of the following documents

  1. Nomination Form (scanned is fine)
  2. One-page statements from each of the three nominators (scanned is fine)
  3. The nominee’s Teaching Portfolio

In addition, provide a MS Word copy (or equivalent)of the Teaching Portfolio only for verification of the word count. Portfolios which are in excess of the 6,000 word limit will not be accepted

Send your electronic documents by email to by 5pm Friday 16 September 2016

You will receive confirmation of receipt of your nomination once both hard copy and electronic documents are received.

[1]Current members of the teaching staff of The University of Auckland who have held either tenurable or fixed-term positions on a full-time or fractional appointment of 0.5 or greater at Senior Tutor, Professional Teaching Fellow or Lecturer level or above at The University of Auckland for at least six teaching sessions (semesters, summer school, quarters) are eligible for nomination for a Teaching Excellence Award. Two of the award categories have additional criteria:

  • The Award for Sustained Excellence in Teaching requires the nominee to show sustained excellence over a minimum period of six years, some of which time may have been spent in another tertiary education institution.
  • The Award for Early Career Excellence in Teaching requires the nominee to be within six years of the first appointment to a tenurable or fixed-term academic position of 0.5 fulltime equivalence or above at Senior Tutor, Professional Teaching Fellow or Lecturer level or above at the time of application, of which at least three years must have been at The University of Auckland.

Teaching teams may be nominated in appropriate categories. All members of such teams must meet the eligibility criteria. Nominees may apply in one category only. Previous award winners will be ineligible for re-nomination in the same category for six years. Members of the Awards Subcommittee will not be eligible for nomination in that year.

- University of Auckland Teaching Excellence Awards Procedures and Guidelines

April 2008(reviewed June 2016)