SPANISH 101X-UX1-ONLINE: Elementary Spanish I
CRN 35858Spring 2018
Instructor: Daniel Darrow
Teaching assistant/tutor: TBA (if available)
Office: Gruening 606C
Phone: 474-7980
Office hours: Monday, Wednesday and Friday 2:00-3:00 pm AKST or by appointment. Email during these office hours and I will go to Google Hangouts or Bb Collaborate to work with you.
¡Bienvenidos a la clase de español 101!This course is designed for students who have never had previous instruction in Spanish (or minimum instruction) and the first course in a two-part sequence of courses designed to develop basic communication skills in the Spanish language (SPAN 101 and 102).
Essentially, we will focus on: basic vocabulary and grammar, speaking and pronunciation, listening and reading practice, and confidence-building in the use of Spanish in everyday situations using a variety of classroom tools and practices. This course will prepare you for Spanish 102 and further study of the Spanish language and prepare you for the rich cultures of the Spanish-speaking world, including the Hispanic/Latino communities in the United States. If you have had Spanish in high school or college, are a native speaker or heritage speaker, you need to speak to me as soon as possible to discuss other options in Spanish (CLEP, more advanced classes, etc.).
- Build a solid foundation of Spanish grammar/vocabulary for real communicative purposes (approximately 1,000 words)
- Provide the opportunity for students to interact and use Spanish with other students and native speakers
- Improve listening, speaking, writing and reading skills
After successfully completing this course, students will be able to…
- describe their daily lives in Spanish using the present tense
- sustain a basic conversation in Spanish about a variety of topics
- read short texts and write short paragraphs in Spanish
- connect language skills and concepts to other disciplines
- understand the nature of language and culture and compare one’s own culture to that of the Spanish-speaking world
Required text/materials:
Portales: Spanish online, Blanco and Donley, (2015).
Supersite Plus code from Vista Higher Learning
ISBN: 978-1-68004-195-8 (digital format includes Portales code and e-Companion)OR
ISBN: 978-1-68004-196-5 (loose leaf format includes Portales code). These codes are good for 24 months (SPAN 101 and 102).
- Setting up your VHL Central Websamhere:
- Setup tutorial:
- Entire student guide in PDF:
Other course materials: Blackboard access (grades can be seenin Portales, but are only showing your WEBSAM and chapter exam grades). Your real grades are better reflected in Bb. You should use various online Spanish-English dictionaries (wordreference, google, etc.) and a spiral-style notebook (for note-taking).
Internet access is essential. If you do not have good internet connection at home, you will need to use the various facilities UAF offers for computer/internet access (Language Lab, the Nook, Rasmussen Library, etc.). If you are not from the Fairbanks area, you will need to find a place with fast, reliable internet. You will need to be familiar with Blackboardand the Vista Supersite. Although not necessary at the 100 level, it would be beneficial to learn how to type Spanish accents, tildes and punctuation. Supersite uses “buttons” to make these characters, but instructions for Word can be made available to you on request.
You will need acomputer, laptop, tablet or other device to connect to the internet and do assignments and a microphone and webcam (if not already a part of your computer) for this course.
If you come across technical difficulties, please do the following:
- Switch internet browsers
- Ask other students in the Blackboard Student Forum (someone may have had the same problem)
- Update your Flash player.
- Contact UAF’s eLearning and Distance Education (for Bb, Google, OIT issues)
- Contact Vista Higher Learning Support:
- Contact me (email, phone, hangouts…).
This course is delivered completely online. THIS IS NOT A “SELF-PACED” COURSE. There are strict deadlines so that students can finish before the semester end and receive a grade/credit for the course. Successful students in online courses are highly motivated, can adhere to a strict schedule, are independent, and technologically savvy. Here are two useful links from Duquesne University and Modesto Jr. College that goes into more depth with online learning:
These are theprimary components of this online course…
A. Independent/online activities
There are numerous online activities per chapter that need to be completed independently and on-time. Some assigned activities require group work (partner chats). Some of these online activities are for credit/no credit, graded, and for enhancement of concepts learned during the course. Each chapter has a series of quizzes (vocabulary and grammar), videos and slideshows for clarification and each lesson (chapter) culminates in a chapter exam. All aspects of language learning is placed on the student’s shoulders, but tutoring and online help (with other students and my office hours) are available to you if questions arise or clarification is needed.
B. Virtual Classroom / communicative activities
You are encouraged to attend a virtual class conducted in Blackboard Collaborate once a week. I will set aside time the first week of school for virtual class. This time/day may or may not be changed based on the needs of the class. You need to decide if this meeting time works for you or not and adhere to it throughout the semester. If you cannot attend virtual class, you must do each week’s communicative activity and post/embed your video responses in a Flipgrid folder I provide for each assignment. There will be approximately 15 of these activities. (If you attend virtual class and do the activities assigned, you do not have to make these up or post Flipgrid as I will take attendance). During these virtual classes, you will put to the test what you learned independently. We will do a variety of activities in the virtual classroom: pronunciation, vocabulary and grammar; learn culture and region specific language use; practice oral quizzes/exams; and simply converse and playgames to prepare you for real-world Spanish. If you cannot make a virtual classroom session, there are a few options you must take in order to get credit for that class…
- Do an activity in Flipgrid. These assignments are posted weekly in your Blackboard page. Each week’s Flipgrid assignment is due every Sunday by 11:59 pm AKST.
- Attend a tutoring session for that week.
- Spanish Language Lab tutoring schedule will be posted soon in Bb.
- Online tutoring with Language Me Online. Mari Carmen García of Langauge Me Online is offering my students a discount for language tutoring and homework help. If you are serious about learning Spanish, this is a great option and highly encouraged.
- Spanish club or conversation hour. Spanish club meets once a month for cultural activities/conversation and conversation hour meets weekly in Arctic Java on campus (times TBD). If you are available for these times I will count them towards your virtual class, but the tutor must notify me of your presence.
- Other ideas: talk with family members, co-workers, pen pals, etc. Email me to coordinate details and schedule.
C. Spanish Language Forum
I will create a spacein Blackboard (in the student forum) where students can interact with each other for homework help, technical questions, add fun videos, jokes, etc. and have a safe, secure place to try the language.
We will use the following resources to measure the expected learning outcomes:
A. Communicative Activities(20%) This is an important aspect of this course. It’s where you put your independent learning into real-world/real-time practice. Students who actively participate in the virtual classes and engage with other students in the communicative activities that follow the class tend to do better in learning the language.
VIRTUAL CLASS: you are encouraged to attend one virtual class once per week (1 hour per class).During virtual class, I will guide you on some of the more difficult grammatical aspects of the chapter with a 10-min lecture. After the lecture, we break into groups and do communicative activities in pairs, small groups or as a whole class (if few in number). We may change this day/time to best fit the majority of students. During the first week of instruction, everyone must complete the Flipgrid activity for credit (introductions). Virtual classes begin the second week of instruction.
VIRTUAL CLASS MAKE-UP: if you cannot attend the virtual class because of your busy schedule, it will not be counted against you as long as you make up each week’s communicative activities.
These activities can include: individual communicative responses to prompts, partner activities with classmates, partner activities with Spanish speaking family members, partner activities with a “pen pal / foreign national from Spanish-speaking country,” or attendance in the online Spanish Club hosted by my teaching assistant. At a minimum you must do one of the following:
- Record your responses in video to the prompts provided in Flipgrid (posted for each week).
- Attend a Spanish Club (or Spanish event on campus)
- Attend a tutoring hour face to face or online (with tutor’s signature/comments including Language Me Online)
- Due date for your recorded responses are Sunday’s at 2359 AKST.
B. Chapter exams (25%) This is an in-depth assessment of your independent learning.
There is a test after chapters 1-7, as well as a cumulative final exam after chapter 7. You must complete the chapter exam before moving on to the next chapter. Chapter exams due dates are included with your weekly WEBSAM assignments in Portales (due Thursday’s or Sunday’s). They will typically be assigned every two weeks.
C. WEBSAMs(25%) This is one of the most important facets in your grades. The class is based heavily on independent learning and periodic “spot checks” on my part (through quizzes, exams, and communicative activities).
Your written homework assignments will be done online through the Portales website: WEBSAMs: These activities include multiple choice, fill-in-the-blanks, T/F, sentence writing and some listening activities. You will be allowed 5 attempts to complete most of these activities. Accent marks will not be required (but highly encouraged to use). There will be numerous activities assigned each week. Due dates are THURSDAY’S and SUNDAY’S at 11:59 pm AKST. Time management skills are essential in this course and WEBSAMS will be the bulk of your work.
D. Weekly quizzes(15%)This is my weekly “spot check” of your Spanish learning.
Quizzes will be assignedeach week in the content folder of Blackboard. Quizzes will test your vocabulary and grammar you learned during the course of your studies. Quizzes cannot be made up and will disappear after the due date (Sunday’s at 2359 AKST). Find your weekly quizzes in Blackboard!!!
E.Final exam (15%)The final exam is cumulative and will be found in a special folder under Contents in Blackboard.
The final exam is cumulative and includes a recorded oral component. The oral component of the final exam will be given during Final exams week. You will need to sign up for a time slot when it becomes available. Your exam will be open notes and there will be a strict time-limit. Details of this process will be found in Blackboard when the final exam date approaches.
Components of the final grade and weight by percentage
Communicative Activity (virtual class or make-up) / 20%Websam’s (Portales learning/work) / 25%
Chapter exams (in Portales) / 25%
Weekly quizzes (Bb) / 15%
Final exam (Bb) / 15%
(% of grade earned according to the
weighted categories)
Late work policy
WEBSAM assignments are due each Thursday and Sunday at 11:59 pm AKST. LATE HOMEWORK IS NOT ACCEPTED. If you have an emergency or circumstance preventing your completion of the assignments, you need to notify me as soon as possible and before the deadline. Pay attention to your time zone! All times I list are in Alaska Standard Time (AKST). I keep a world time zone on my Google Calendar for when I have meetings with students across the states or colleagues abroad. Click here to see ways to add time zones to your Google Calendar (I use #2…below).
Pacing expectations
There are two days during the week that are allotted for virtual classroom. Once you have made the decision of which class to attend, you are expected to be online during that time and participate in the activities assigned. You are also responsible for all online learning assigned through Portales. There will be two due dates for these assignments every week. This is to ensure you will complete all objectives by the end of the semester and be prepared for the next course in sequence. Although actual hours spent each week will vary between individuals, students should expect to spend an average of 10-15hours per week.
Academic integrity
As described by UAF, scholastic dishonesty constitutes a violation of the university rules and regulations and is punishable according to the procedures outlined by UAF. Scholastic dishonesty includes, but is not limited to, cheating on an exam, plagiarism, and collusion. Cheating includes providing answers to or taking answers from another student. Plagiarism includes use of another author’s words or arguments without attribution. Collusion includes unauthorized collaboration with another person in preparing written work for fulfillment of any course requirement. Scholastic dishonesty is punishable by removal from the course and a grade of “F.” For more information go to Student Code of Conduct: ( 09/academics/regs3.html#Student_Conduct)
Faculty Senate Meeting #171:
C-shall be the minimum acceptable grade that undergraduate students may receive for courses to count toward the major or minor degree requirements, or as a prerequisite for another course.
WEBSAMs, chapter exams and some communication assignments are submitted online through Portales and Blackboard. Various activities associated with the virtual classroom will be done during class time…that is, if you come to virtual class, you will get credit for the activities associated with that class. If you do not attend class, you must do the make-up assignment(s) to get credit for that class. (See course policies above).
SETTING UP YOUR VHL CENTRAL WEBSAM ACCOUNT: Complete instructions for setting up your Supersite Plus account can be found at
You can get a good snapshot of your grade through the Vista gradebook; however, other factors such as communicative activities, quizzes and the final exam will not be be availablein Portales. Blackboard will be the place to go to check your actual grade. I strive to keep all scores up to date in Bb (weekly).
Language Lab. Gruening 609, open 8am-5pm. There are computers with internet for foreign language students. In addition there are language-specific tutors who can help you with your work, or act as conversation partners (hours found on the lab door). You can use the computers in the language lab and receive help from student tutors with your assignments. This lab is a good resource especially if you are experiencing computer problems at home.
Student support services. UAF is committed to equal opportunity for all students. Students who are the first in their families to attempt a four-year college degree, or students whose incomes are low, have opportunities for tutorial and other forms of support from the office of Student Support Services.Please make an appointment with Student Support Services at 474-2644.
UAF makes appropriate accommodations for individuals with disabilities who have been documented by the Office of Disability Services (203 Whitaker Building, 474-7043). Students with learning or other disabilities who may need classroom accommodations are encouraged to make an appointment to obtain the appropriate documentation if they do not have it. Please meet with me during office hours so that I can collaborate with the Office of Disability Services to provide the appropriate accommodations and support to assist you in meeting the goals of the course. . Students must submit the appropriate Disability Services form to the instructor in order for him to make accommodations.
For more information, please visit
Tentative Schedule
Due dates / Lección / Learning topics / Focus1/21/2018 / Intro / Introductions, syllabus quiz, Flipgrid, survey, set up Portales. / Get ready.
1/25 / 1 / #s 0-30; nouns and articles / Hola, ¿quétal?
1/28 / 1 / SER and telling time
2/1 / 1 / Cultura: USA/Canada; self-check; review
2/4 / 1-2 / LESSON 1 TEST; vocabulary lección 2 / La universidad
2/8 / 2 / AR Verbs
2/11 / 2 / Questions in Spanish, ESTAR
2/15 / 2 / #s 31 and higher
2/18 / 2-3 / Cultura: Spain; self-check; LESSON 2 TEST / La familia
2/22 / 3 / Lección 3 vocabulary, possessiveadjectives
2/25 / 3 / Descriptive adjectives, ER and IR verbs
3/1 / 3 / TENER and VENIR, self-check
3/4 / 3-4 / Cultura: Ecuador, LESSON 3 TEST / Los pasatiempos
3/8 / 4 / Lección 4 vocabulary; IR (to go)
3/11 / 4 / Irregular yo forms
3/15 / 4 / Stem changing verbs
3/18 / 4-5 / Cultura: México; Lección 5 vocabulary; / Las vacaciones
3/22 / 4-5 / LESSON 4 TEST,ESTAR with conditions
3/25 / 5 / Present progressive verbs
3/29 / 5 / Direct Object pronouns
4/1 / 5 / Cultura: Puerto Rico;
4/5 / 5-6 / Lección 6 vocabulary; Indirect OBJ pronouns, LESSON 5 TEST / De compras
4/8 / 6 / Preterite tense
4/12 / 6 / Demonstrative nouns and adjectives;
4/15 / 6-7 / Cultura: Cuba;
4/19 / 7 / LESSON 6 TEST,Lección 7 vocbaulary; cultura, pronunciation / La rutinadiaria
4/22 / 7 / Reflexive verbs
4/26 / 7 / Indefinite/negative words, preterite SER and IR
4/29 / 7 / Verbslike GUSTAR, Panorama: Perú,
5/1-5/5 / ALL / FINALS WEEK. Final exams due by May 5th 2359 AKST
*Due dates are good. Lesson/learning topics may changeas needed.