Teacher Website Training
Jan. 2, 2017
Heather Barnado – Trainer
- Logging in (if you have a webpage already set up)
- Go to the district webpage:
- Choose your school under “Select a school” top left corner
- Username______
- Password______
- Once you’re logged in, you should see your name at the top right hand corner
- Logging in (if you DO NOT have a webpage already set up)
- Go to the district webpage:
- Choose BES under “Select a school” top left corner
- Username: training
- Password: training
- Once you’re logged in, you should see “training” at the top right hand corner
- Webpage tabs
- Go to “Departments”
- Find your webpage OR
- Click on “practice website #1”
- Suggested tabs for awebpage
- Calendar
- Newsletter
- Syllabus – grade level can work on one and we can upload it
- Contact me
- Links
- About me
- Student spotlight
- Photo gallery – make sure all students have signed the media release form before posting their pictures
- Changing the theme
- Go to “Advanced Options”
- Choose “Page theme”
- Adding events to calendar
- Your upcoming events is linked to the BES calendar so will not have to update it
- Go to the “Calendar” page
- Double click on a date
- Type in the event
- Click “create event”
- Switching to “Design” Mode
- In “Design Mode” the “light” will be green” and you will see red boxes around each of one of the content spaces. There are also black boxes with four icons, a pencil, a clock, a minus, and an x. The pencil means “edit”, the clock means “history of that page”, the minus means to “minimize” and the x means to “delete”
- Drop and Drag content – like the Shutterfly websites
- Adding content to pages
- Go to “Design Mode” (green light should be “on”)
- Scroll over the red outlined box you want to add content to
- Click on the “pencil” icon
- Type in your content
- You can also “cut and paste” pictures, quotes, etc. to put into the content boxes
- Click “Publish”
- Adding pictures
- Go to “Design Mode” (green light should be “on”)
- Scroll over the red outlined box you want to add content to
- Click on the “pencil” icon
- “Cut and paste” pictures, quotes, etc. to put into the content boxes
- Click “Publish”
- Page Layout
- Go to “Page Options”
- Choose page layout
- Choose a layout
- You will see the columns with the information you have put it
- Use the “arrows” to move the content to the column you want it
- Posting a document PDF file (newsletters)
- Go to Word
- Type your document
- Save as a “PDF” file
- Go to “Design Mode”
- Click on the “pencil” in one of your content boxes
- Go to the “document manager” icon
- For “new documents” you have to “upload” it from your machine first
- Then you can “upload” and “insert” into your content space onto the webpage
- You’ll need to enter the “tooltip” which is just the name or an abbreviated name for the document
- Once downloaded, you will see a “hyperlink” to that document on your webpage
- You can make the “hyperlink” larger, change the color, etc.
- Hit “publish”
- Adding Links
- Go to the “useful links” page
- Click “add new item”
- Click “link”
- Cut and paste the url address of the link you want in the “web address URL” box
- Name the link under “link name”
- Click “add link”
- Publish vs. Save Draft
- The difference is that “publish” will display it on your website immediately.
- Safe draft means you’ve saved it but it is not public on your website, so if you are working on something and have to stop, you can “save it” without losing it and go back to it later. Then when you are ready, you can publish it to make it seen.
- Image manager and Document manager
The question arose about why could we see everyone’s documents, pics, etc. When an image or document is uploaded, everyone has access to it. I created a folder for my teachers to store their images and documents. You can create your own folder to store your documents and images, also. I have created a folder under the document manager for you to use today called “training”.
- To upload an image to image manager
- Go to the “image manager” icon (looks like a mountain and a sun)
- Click on the “training” folder
- You will see some images that I have uploaded there
***To upload NEW pics to your own folder:
- Click the green + “upload” button
- Click “select”
- Choose a picture (should be a JPEG file)
- Click “open”
- Click “upload”
- Rename the image – right click on the file name
- Type in a new name for the pic
- To delete a pic, right click and click “delete”
- Click “ok” to delete
- To upload a document to document manager
- Go to the “document manager” icon (looks like a piece of paper with a paper clip and a big red A on it)
- To upload NEW documents to your folder
- Click the green + “upload” button
- Click “select”
- Choose a document (should be a PDF file)
- Click “open”
- Click “upload”
- No need to rename the document
- To delete a pic, right click and click “delete”
- Click “ok” to delete
- To insert either an image or a document onto your webpage:
- choose the image or document like above
- click “insert” at bottom right hand corner
- Enter a “tooltip” name (just name it what the document it)
- Click “publish”
- A document will look like a hyperlink PDF file
An image will appear and you can resize to adjust to the content space
- Links
- Go to the “useful links” page on your webpage
- Click “add new item”
- Click “link”
- Cut and paste the url address of the link you want in the “web address URL” box
- Name the link under “link name”
- Click “add link”
- Adding a links “folder”(If you want to categorize your website links)
- Go to the “useful links” page on your webpage
- Click “add new item”
- Click “folder”
- Name the folder (ex. Math games)
- Click “create folder”
- Add links to the folder (see IV.)
- When adding to the folder, go to the folder first, then add links to the folder
**To delete a link or folder:
- Go to the “useful links” page
- Click on the white box on the left hand side in front of the link/folder
- Go to “actions” at bottom left hand corner
- Choose “delete selected”
- Photo Gallery
- Go to the “photo gallery” on your webpage
- Click the green + button “add album”
- “Name” the album
- Click “create”
- Click the green + button “Add image”
- Click “browse” for image 1 – 5
- Choose image
- Click “upload image”
- To delete an album, go to photo gallery, click on the red X beside the album you want to delete