Georgia’s Pre-K Program

Teacher: Pre-k Teacher Week of:9/19 – 9/23 Topic: Healthy Habits Weekly Lesson Plan Template #3

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Insert (times) to correspond with the daily schedule. / Date: / Date: / Date: / Date: / Date:
Monday / Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday / Friday
(10:15-10:30) / Large Group
Opening Activity / Activity: Calendar, Days in School
Fingerplay-Wash, Wash, Wash Your Hands
GELDS: CD-MA3.4a, CD-MA2.4b, / Activity: Calendar, Days in School
Fingerplay-Healthy Army
GELDS: CD-MA3.4a, CD-MA2.4b, / Activity: Calendar, Days in School
Fingerplay-Wash, Wash, Wash Your Hands
GELDS: CD-MA3.4a, CD-MA2.4b, / Activity: Calendar, Days in School
Fingerplay-Healthy Army
GELDS: CD-MA3.4a, CD-MA2.4b, / Activity: Calendar, Days in School
Create Chart: Healthy Habits
GELDS: CD-MA3.4a, CD-MA2.4b,
Story / Book: Ah-Choo
(Using good manners)
GELDS: PDM1.4e / Book: Mrs. Wishy Washy
(picture walk before reading)
GELDS: CLL5.4a / Book: Magic School Bus Inside Ralphie (new vocab)
GELDS: CLL4.4d / Book: (M)Felix Feels Better
(pose questions during story)
GELDS: CLL4.4b / Book: Germs Make Me Sick
(how to stay healthy)
Phonological Awareness / Activity: Guess sounds in room
GELDS: CLL6.4a / Activity:Listen/identify environmental sounds
GELDS: CLL6.4a / Activity: Sound pattern and repeat
GELDS: CLL6.4a / Activity: Erase a Rhyme
GELDS: CLL6.4b / Activity: Create a list of silly words rhyming with germ
Music with Movement / Title:(M)March Around the Alphabet
GELDS: CLL7.4a / Title: Dance line/ Limbo
GELDS: CD-CR1.4a / Title:(P)Freeze Dance with streamers – Jazz music
GELDS: CD-CR1.4a / Title: Going on a Bear Hunt
GELDS: CD-CR1.4a / Title: Mother Gooney Bird
Other Instructional Activities / Activity: Read (P)Clean and Dirty: rub lotion mixed with glitter on hands to show germs. Shake handsto see how germs spread. Wash with 1 minute timer
GELDS: PDM1.4e / Activity: Toy animals from story roll in mud/washed with toothbrushes in clean water (sharing animals)
GELDS: APL3.4c, PDM1.4e / Activity: Divide into two groups: create collage of healthy foods/tasting party of various fruits
GELDS: APL3.4c, PDM2.4b / Activity: Chart Ways Your parents takes care of your when you’re sick
GELDS:CD-SS1.4a / Activity: In house field trip: Health Department guest – hand washing/ germs
GELDS: PDM1.4e, CC-SS4.4b
(1:45-2:15) / Story / Book:Those Dirty Nasty Disgusting but Invisible Germs
(new voc for word wall)
GELDS:CLL4.4d / Book:I Hate to Take a Bath
(chart our favorite bath toy)
Count/who takes bath vs. shower)
GELDS:CLL9.4a, CD-MA4.4b / Book:My Doctor My Friend
(during story pause and let students tell what will happen next in story)
GELDS:CLL5.4c / Book:A Bad Case of the Stripes
(review events of story)
GELDS:CLL5.4c / Book:Curious George Goes to the Hospital
(11:30-12:00) / Large Group Literacy / Activity: Chart things that you can do to keep germs away
GELDS: APL2.4a, APL3.4c / Activity: Read Germs, Germs, Germs. Children draw germs and give them a silly name. Hang germ pictures in the science area
GELDS: CD-CR2.4a, CLL4.4a / Activity: Chart things that happen at the doctor
GELDS: APL2.4a, APL3.4c / Activity: Group reading of finger plays written on chart-children use pointer
GELDS: CLL8.4c / Activity:A Bad Case of the Stripes/ retell using stick puppets.
(2:15-2:30) / Closing Activity / Activity:Germ Germ, Whose Got the Germ? (Doggy Doggy)
GELDS: APL3.4c / Activity: Introduce the Doctor’s Office Prop Box-demonstrate how to use the various items
GELDS: CLL4.4d / Activity:Germ Germ, Whose Got the Germ? (Doggy Doggy)
GELDS: APL3.4c / Activity: Read Germs Are Not for Sharing/use spray bottle to simulate a sneeze and talk about how to cover sneeze with elbow or tissue
GELDS: PDM1.4e / Activity: Children share what they know about how to stay healthy
GELDS: CLL2.4b, CLL4.4c
Materials and/or activity choices for outdoor play: (P)Germ and White Blood Cell hats for game of tag, beach balls, bubbles
Planning for Additional Instructional Activities (story times, music/movement, transitions, large group meetings, etc)
This space is provided for optional use to document additional instructional activities planned throughout the week.
Time / Monday / Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday / Friday
(8:45 Optional teacher led activity during Center Time) / Activity: (P)Explore class pet frog. Record observations by same and different from plastic frog
GELDS: CD-SC3.4a / Activity: Make a 3 D germ in art center
GELDS: CD-CR2.4a / Activity:
GELDS: / Activity:
GELDS: / Activity:
(12:30-12:45) / Activity: Guess That Instrument
GELDS: CLL6.4a / Activity: If All The Raindrops Where Lemon Drops and Gum Drops
GELDS: CD-CR3.4a / Activity: (N)Rhythm Sticks, copy patterns, child led
GELDS: CD-MA4.4c / Activity: Guess That Instrument
GELDS: CLL6.4a / Activity: Going On A Bear Hunt
() / Activity:
GELDS: / Activity:
GELDS: / Activity:
GELDS: / Activity:
GELDS: / Activity:
Refer to daily schedule for center time, clean up time, breakfast, lunch, snack, rest time, outdoor play times and activities such as art, music and PE.

*Small Group Instruction: See small group lesson plan page for the current week.

*Documentation of plans for collection of assessment will be reflected on lesson plan or optional Planning for Assessment Template.

Plans for Assessment is reflected throughout lesson plan by the inserted codes: (M) Matrix, (P) Photo, (N) Note, (WS) Work Sample.

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