Welcome to Marine Science!

Teacher: Ms. Woodard

Website: mswoodard.com

Phone: (772) 468-5888, ext 4909


Course Description: Marine science is the study of the ocean. Marine science includes a variety of sciences including: geology, chemistry, physics, meteorology, ecology, and biology. You will study the ocean through a mixture of research and hands-on activities.

Tips for Success:

  • Check my website for important dates and lecture notes on a regular basis!
  • Check skyward for missed work and messages on a regular basis!
  • Sign up for my “Remind” texts!
  • Turn in ALL work, a zero hurts your grade more than partial credit!
  • Pre-plan for field trips, there is limited space and time to pay!

Remind: is a private, secure app used to send out text reminders without actually seeing cell phone numbers. Students may also text for help during designated after school office hours.

How to Sign Up for Ms. Woodard’s “Text” Reminders:

  • Using whatever cell phone you want me to send reminders to, text: @fpcmar to the # 81010
  • You will get a confirmation text saying you’ve been added to the FPC Marine Science Group once you enter your name
  • Office Hours for Text Chat Help: 2:00 – 8:00 PM M –F
  • If you choose to start a chat, your texts are private and only seen by me!
  • You may also leave the group at any time using the code @LEAVE

Required Materials:

  1. Pencil or Pen
  2. Paper
  3. 3-Ring Binder OR3-Ring folder*

Recommended Materials:

  1. Highlighter
  2. Colored pencils/Markers

*Binder OR Folder:You are expected to keep all notes and worksheets organized in your binder or

folder, and it will be checked periodically for a classwork grade.

Grading: The grading scale for Fort Pierce Central High School is:

A is 100% to 90% / D is 69% to 60%
B is 89% to 80% / F is 59% or lower
C is 79% to 70% / I is incomplete

Grading will be based on a weighted point system. All assignments will fall under one of two categories:

  1. 50%Assessments: including but not limited to: Tests, Quizzes, Major Projects, and Science Fair.
  2. 50%Class Work: including but not limited to: In-Class Assignments, Notes, Homework, Labs, and Mini Projects.

*Honors: Honors students will be required to complete either a science fair project or participate in the Ocean Bowl competitive event during the 1st semester, and write a research paper 2nd semester.

Classwork: A combination of individual, partner, and small group activities will be regular routines during class. These will be done with a variety of worksheets, labs, activities, and articles.

Homework: Majority of homework will be to finish anything not completed in class. Occasionally an at home project will be assigned.

Projects: You should expect several projects each quarter. Most projects will be completed in class; however, some will be assigned as homework. Some examples of projects may be similar to design a poster or brochure, and build a model or diorama.

Reports: You should expect to write a lab report and/or research paper each semester. Each report will follow a specific format and a rubric will be provided.

Quizzes: Short vocabulary quizzes will be given on a regular basis as bellringers after each new lesson.

Tests: Will be given at the end of each unit and will assess one or more chapters. They will consist of a variety of questions (ex: multiple-choice, fill-in-the-blank, and short answer). You will also have a cumulative midterm for semester 1 and cumulative final exam for semester 2.

Absences and Makeup Work: If you are absent, it is your responsibility to check the “What Did You Miss?” board and see me to get the material that you need. There will be notes available on my website, as well as any handouts that I can upload. You have 2 days for each day that you are absent to complete all makeup work as per the St. Lucie County absence policy.

Late Work: Late classwork will be worth 50 %after the due date. Projects and reports will be accepted with 10% off each class day that it is late.

Extra Credit: There will be opportunities to earn extra credit throughout each quarter. However, DO NOT ask for extra credit if you haven’t turned in all regular credit assignments!

Field Trips: There will be multiple opportunities for field experiences during the year. They will vary from aquariums to water activities such as kayaking and snorkeling. Field trips will require permission from a parent/guardian, as well as each teacher for a passing grade check.A couple of the water field experiences will require closed-toe water shoes to protect your feet (~$10 at Wal-Mart).

Classroom Rules:

1. Be respectful (to all people and property)

2. Be prepared (bring all required materials and assignments)

3. Be honest (submit only your own work; plagiarism will not be tolerated)

4. Follow directions (the 1st time asked)


1. Verbal warning with a BIR (Behavioral Incident Report) recorded in Skyward

2. Letter, e-mail, or phone call home, with a Referral recorded in Skyward and/or Parent conference

** If a student is verbally abusive or physically abusive to another student or the teacher that student will immediately be sent to the dean for discipline.

***In addition to the classroom rules, all school and district rules must be followed at all times.