Biology Syllabus

Teacher: Mrs. Bertelsen Office Hours: Before or after school by appointment

E-mail: Twitter: @MrsB_Biology

Class Website:

Classroom:Rm 49

Description of the course:

This course is designed to teach students how to implement the scientific process for solving questions about biology-related phenomena. We will look at cellular structure and processes, biotechnology, protein synthesis, genetics, evolution, and ecology.

Objectives for this course:

Biology is the study of living organisms. Biology is designed to introduce students to the process of science and focuses on giving students opportunities to apply their learning. Throughout the course students will form testable hypotheses on the various subjects in biology and testing those hypotheses through experiments. Students will also practice collecting, organizing, and communicating their findings effectively. This course prepares students for standardized teststhey will take during the junior year at GHS.

Classroom Expectations:

These are my expectations of you as a biology student and as a student at Geneseo High School:

  1. Respect: All students, teachers, and staff will treat one another with kindness and respect. All books, belongings, and equipment of others and of the classroom will be treated with respect and care.
  2. Responsibility: All students are responsible for themselves, for their work, and for their belongings. Be on time to class everyday, have all assignments turned in on time, and be prepared by having all materials with you for the class, and by completing "bell work" tasks as soon as you arrive in the room. It is your responsibility to be in your desk or on your way to your desk when the bell rings if you do not want to be marked tardy.
  3. Safety: All students will follow the safety rules discussed by the teacher.

Materials Needed for the Course:

  • small binder – either 1″ or 1.5″ 3 ring binder or folder – you just need to have a way to organize your materials so you can find them when you need them!
  • paper for notes to be placed in binder or a small notebook which fits in your binder
  • pens – black or blue ink NO RED!!
  • pencils
  • calculator – There is not a lot of math in Biology, but we will use it during our genetics unit.
  • you will need to cover your textbook once you have received it

Grading Scale, as approved by the Geneseo School District School Board:

A = 93-100% B = 85-92% C = 77-84%D = 69-76%F = 0-68%

Skyward grading program automatically rounds.

Assessment Percentages:

Homework and Class work: 15% of overall grade

Laboratories: 25% of overall grade

Quizzes: 20% of overall grade

Summative Assessments (Tests): 40% of overall grade

Late Work:

Late work is to be avoided, as is incomplete work. These are both detrimental to students' term grades and students' understanding and application of course content. I will accept late work up to one day late for a 50% credit reduction. Late means it was not turned in when I collected it.

Make-up Work and Assessment Remediation:

Make up work: (See handbook policy for make-up periods for all absence reasons)Students are expected to see the teacher before a planned absence for work if possible, or immediately upon their return from an unplanned absence. Students may also contact the teacher by email during an absence. Time periods for make-up work will follow the GHS handbook for all absence codes, and students should clarify with the teacher deadlines for all make-up work, especially if extenuating circumstances are present.

Remediation: After major summative assessments (tests), students will be given the opportunity to remediate/re-take the assessment. However, remediation is not to be abused, it is a system of relearning material that was not fully understood the first time. Students will be given 2 remediation opportunities per semester (ideally 1 per quarter). This includes unit assessments only, not mid-term or final exam semester assessments. In order to remediate an assessment, a sheet must be filled out including why the student feels he or she did poorly on the assessment, what steps the student will take to re-prepare for this assessment, attendance at a teacher-scheduled relearning session, and a parent signature is required.

Summative Assessments:

The objective of this course is to develop these problem-solving skills in the students and to teach them how to properly document and communicate their findings. For this purpose, summative assessments may come in forms that are not simple multiple-choice tests. These assessment methods will include projects, research papers, and other content application opportunities for students to demonstrate the extent of their learning.


If you are confused by material, then please see me for help as soon as possible. It is my responsibility to do everything I can to help you be successful. If you do not want to say anything in class, then please email me and we can work together to come up with a plan to help you be successful.

Tentative Course Schedule:

Quarter 1: August to October

-Unit 1: Intro to Biology and the Scientific Process

-Unit 2: The Molecules of Life

Quarter 2: October to December

-Unit 3: Cell Biology

-Unit 4: Cellular Respiration and Photosynthesis

-Unit 5: DNA, RNA, and Protein Synthesis

***Semester 1 Final Exam

Quarter 3: January to March

-Unit 6: Genetics Fundamentals

-Unit 7: Human Genetics

-Unit 8: Evolution, Populations, and Speciation

Quarter 4: March to May/June

-Unit 9: Classification and Speciation

-Unit 10: Ecology

-Unit 11: Populations and Communities

***Semester 2 Final Exam