Teacher: Marianna ColtenWeek 0f: Nov. 12-16 Course: Spanish 2APeriod: 5th

Unit/ Lesson/Learning Targets
(related to KCAS/CC 4.1): / Briefly outline daily lesson activities/agenda:
Unit/Lesson: Review of Spanish I. Reasons for studying Spanish/ greetings/introductions/sound system/countries and capitals, cognates. interrogatives.
Vocab: alphabet, greetings, cognates,interrogatives,countries & capitals, interrogatives, descriptive adjectives.
I can give 3 good reasons for studying Spanish.
I can recite/sing the alphabet (sounds)..
I can greet 3 people and ask how they are/tell how I am, find out where they are from
I can describe myself to others.
I can name/locate 9 Spanish speaking countries. / BR: Intro.Write Como eres? Que te gusta? Warm-up: TPR Body Parts
Go over classroom rules/expectationsun/classroom functional phrases & questions.
  1. CL Round Robin: List reasons for studying Spanish. 60 sec. /marker boards. Share results 1per group. Write down list in notes individually
  2. Intro. Alphabet song class call back/practice in groups/ write 10 letters that you hear given.
  3. Copy vocab./greetings in notes. Model intro. Conversation/ partner practice. Como te llamas? Como estas? De donde eres? Como eres?
  4. Present 9 countries SA with map/teache song for SA
Exit slip- say one greeting to teacher, write 3 reasons, and 3 countries.
Homework: Practice alphabet, greetings, fill in SA map. Review vocab.for greetings/intro./countries & capitals of SA – fill out map.
Unit/Lesson:Review Spanish I. Reasons for studying Spanish/ greetings/introductions/sound system/countries and capitals, cognates, interrogativos, descriptive adj.
Vocab.: alphabet, greetings, interrogatives,countries & capitals, cognates, family.
I can greet 4 people and ask how they ar/tell how I am.
I can ask people in my group to describe themselves, and describe 1 of them orally.
I can…write down the letter/sound of alphabet that I hear.
I can ..say/locate 13 countries of SA. / BR: Como estas hoy? De dondes eres? Donde vives? Cuantos anos tienes? Cual es tu numero de telefono?
Warm-up: TPR Body Parts.
  1. CL: Time Pair Share – If you could travel to any Spanish speaking country in SA where/why (30 sec. /partner A/ gambit Que bueno/Estupendo)
  2. CL: Round Robin – each group member describes him/herself, each member picks 1 person to describe.
  3. Practice song SA Countries class/group. Add Brazil, Surinam, Guayana. French Guayana
  4. Greet all members of your group and ask them how they are, where they are from. Formative:
Observe conversation practice.
Exit slip: Orally say 30 letters, students write them down (can use visual).
Homework: Review descriptive adj. and map of SA
Unit/Lesson:Review Spanish I. Reasons for studying Spanish/ greetings/introductions/sound system/countries and capitals, cognates, interrogativos, descriptive adj.
Vocab.: alphabet, greetings, interrogatives,countries & capitals, cognates, family.
I can greet 4 people and ask how they are/tell how I am.
I can ask people in my group to describe themselves, and describe 1 of them orally.
I can…write down the letter/sound of alphabet that I hear.
I can ..say/locate 13 countries of SA. / BR: List 9 Spanish speaking countries/capitals in SA
Warm-up: TPR Body Parts.
  1. CL: Round Robin – create a person…each person drawing a body part and describing it. When finished, give drawing a name. Group member C starts. 5 min. Share with class – B speaks.
  2. Practice descriptive adj. as a class (boletos) – pinturas de Botero.
  3. Practice alphabet in groups.
  4. Cognate search in groups. – 25 in notes.
Exit slip: circle 10 cognates in authentic text.
Observe conversation.
Homework: Quiz SA map Tuesday 11/20/12
Unit/Lesson:Review Spanish I. Reasons for studying Spanish/ greetings/introductions/sound system/countries and capitals, cognates, interrogativos, descriptive adj.
Vocab.: alphabet, greetings, interrogatives,countries & capitals, cognates, family.
I can greet 4 people and ask how they are/tell how I am.
I can ask people in my group to describe themselves, and describe 1 of them orally.
I can…write down the letter/sound of alphabet that I hear.
I can ..say/locate 13 countries of SA.
I can count/recognize numbers 0-100.
/ BR: Como es tu familia? Cuantos hermanos tienes? Como se llaman tu papa y mama? Como son? Describe un(a) hermano(a).
Warm up: Simon Dice – Body Parts.
  1. CL: Round Robin – count 0-100 by 1’s, 2’s, 5’s, and 10’s . Matematicas Mental for boletos when done.
  2. View commercial from Argentina….circle cognates, complete exercises of comp. focusing on adj. and body parts for review.
  3. Conversacion: Time Pair Share – greetings, origin,age.
  4. CL: Round Robin -Mapa practice w/blank maps SA.
Completion of worksheet.
Tarea: Study Map SA – Quiz 11/20/12
Unit/Lesson:Review Spanish I. Reasons for studying Spanish/ greetings/introductions/sound system/countries and capitals, cognates, interrogativos, descriptive adj., present tense ar/er/ir verbs.
Vocab.: alphabet, greetings, interrogatives,countries & capitals, cognates, family. Verbs ar/er/ir.
I can greet 4 people and ask how they are/tell how I am.
I can ask people in my group to describe themselves, and describe 1 of them orally.
I can…write down the letter/sound of alphabet that I hear.
I can ..say/locate 13 countries of SA. / BR: Vives en Kentucky? Hablas por telefono o facebook mas? Comes en un restaurante con frequencia? Conjugate:vivir/hablar/comer
Warm-up: Matarile w/verbs.
  1. CL: Round Robin – mapa SA
  2. CL: Round Robin – spinner w/interrogatives…students formulate questions.
  3. CL: Round Robin – Quien es? Pick a student in your group to describe orally…others guess.
  4. Go over useful classroom phrases/expressions.

Please post completed form on teacher blog for each course you teach weekly.(Updated 7/11/11)